Motherhood and transformation
Sailing into the uncharted territory of new motherhood presents many new challenges. You have to face the enormous learning curve of figuring out how to care for a tiny, helpless human being, all while revamping your own identity and surviving on practically nonexistent amounts of sleep. It’s clearly a recipe for disaster, but somehow we moms make it through. But not without some stretch marks -- both literally and figuratively.
Balancing self and family
The early years of parenting are intense. Babies require huge amounts of attention and our lives naturally bend to provide what they need. But as the years go on and our babies become toddlers, preschoolers and then elementary school students -- we begin to get glimpses of a life that includes a little more focus on our adult selves again. However, finding the balance between “me” time and “kid” time isn’t easy and it can be one of the most guilt-producing aspects of motherhood. Need a little help finding the right balance between self and family? We’ve got some tips to help you keep all the balls in the air.
Mommies need "me" time
The messy realities of modern motherhood are many, and fitting in “me” time isn’t always easy. But it’s made so much more difficult when you live in a state of guilt every time you go to the gym, get your hair done or spend a night out with the girls. If you accept that time for yourself is essential to your well-being, you can relax and let go of the guilt. Instead of waiting to sneak in a little “me” time once you’ve reached the end of your rope, get out your day-planner and put it on the calendar. Think about what helps you recharge your batteries. Zumba class? A weekly massage? A monthly trip to the spa? Do the things that make you happy and you will have more to give to your family in the long run.
Take care of yourself
It’s natural for moms to put their children’s needs before their own, but over time, you can find yourself running thin. Don’t wait until you are catching every virus that passes by. Be proactive and take care of yourself. This might include things like:
- Checking with your insurance provider to see what kind of wellness programs are available.
- Joining a gym with childcare so you can work out regularly. 24 Hour Fitness and Lifetime Fitness are national clubs that offer terrific childcare that kids enjoy.
- Hiring help for childcare or household chores. It’s okay to admit that you can’t do it all. Need a good reference for a babysitter, nanny or day care? is an excellent resource you can depend on.
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Profile: I parent my own way and I’m proud!
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