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Judge awards Miss Universe $5 mil from former contestant

Former Miss Pennsylvania spoke out over the summer about her feelings of contest rigging, but a judge today said she had it out for the organization.

Sheena Monnin

Donald Trump won a big battle today when a court awarded his Miss Universe organization $5 million from a former contestant. For someone like Trump, $5 mil is no big deal, but there are some things more important than money. The win comes from a lawsuit stemming from a former contestant saying his pageants were rigged.

Miss Pennsylvania, Sheena Monnin, issued her complaint over the summer, saying that, "It's obviously rigged so the girl that they want can shine; they kept several beautiful girls out for that reason."

"According to retired U.S. District Court Magistrate Judge Theodore Katz's decision, the pageant organization has met its burden in proving defamation after Monnin defaulted by failing to respond properly," said The Hollywood Reporter.

Just a day after complaining about the pageant, Monnin resigned her title as Miss Pennsylvania.

"In good conscience I can no longer be affiliated in any way with an organization I consider to be fraudulent, lacking in morals, inconsistent, and in many ways trashy," she said through Facebook.

The Miss Universe organization had to meet the burden to prove that Monnin acted with malice in order to win the suit. The judge believes that they did.

"Monnin claimed the Pageant was rigged within minutes of being passed over as one of the sixteen semifinalists, and before she had any purported factual basis for her allegation of rigging," said the judge, according to TheHollywood Reporter."Moreover, there can be no doubt that she was subjectively aware of the falsity of her statements, as she fabricated the story about being told the names of the five semifinalists."

The judge event went a step further, saying that Monnin must be a "disgruntled contestant" and he knew she "strongly disagreed with the Pageant's decision to allow transgender contestants to compete," said The Hollywood Reporter.

The $5 million was estimated by the number the pageant fees they lost in advertising, sponsors and potential contestants. Monnin hasn’t yet responded to the judgment.

Photo courtesy Judy Eddy/WENN.com

Discovery Channel suddenly cancels its 2 gun-related shows

While the network officially announced the cancellations Tuesday, they said neither show actually had a future planned. But the timing may be important.

Ted Nugent

Ted Nugent’s one-hour special and/or series Gun Country will not be returning to the Discovery Channel. But what is not clear is the "why". Nugent had claimed from the beginning the show was a series, although Discovery never called it that.

"Nugent and his allies at the National Rifle Association repeatedly claimed that his hour-long Discovery Channel special was actually a planned 'series,'" said RawStory.com. "The Detroit native and longtime southern rocker even told Armed America Radio listeners in October to "expect that there will be at least a dozen shows a year." The channel’s spokesperson confirmed that this was never actually in the works.

Nugent endorsed Mitt Romney for president and has spoken vocally about being against President Barack Obama.

"I’ll tell you this right now, if Barack Obama becomes the president in November again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year," he said back in April, according to Raw Story.

After the tragedy in Connecticut on Friday, the spokesperson said Nugent, and the show, will not be returning to the Discovery Channel.

And the network, while never actually saying it, hinted that the cancellation may have been due to the recent shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown.

The timing of the announcement also points to the shooting having something to do with the cancellation. Even if they never had plans to work with Nugent again, the fact that they released the statement just days after the shooting may mean that the two are linked.

The network decided to cancel their other gun-related show as well.

"American Guns concluded earlier this year," the network said in a statement to RawStory.com. "Discovery Channel chose not to renew the series and has no plans to air repeats of the show."

Nugent has not yet publicly commented on the news.

Photo courtesy Sam Wilson / WENN

Jessica Chastain on her role in Zero Dark Thirty: "I just lost it "

Jessica Chastain has quickly become a seasoned actress in Hollywood, but she has never faced a challenge like her character in her new film.

Jessica Chastain

Jessica Chastain has made her mark in Hollywood in a very short amount of time. Since playing Celia in the 2011 film The Help, the actress has starred in nine different projects. One of those projects is the film Zero Dark Thirty, a film based on the search for, and eventual killing of, Osama bin Laden. Chastain plays a CIA officer involved in the search.

"While [screenwriter Mark] Boal acknowledges Maya was dramatized for the sake of a film built around one character," said The Huffington Post, "Chastain believes the film is '100 percent accurate' in depicting the operative's large role in tracking down bin Laden."

But the film proved to be one of the hardest of Chastain’s career. She told The Huffington Post that part of that had to do with evolving over a 10-year period, and another part is the subject matter itself. But the actress said playing such a focused, non-emotional woman was hard for her.

For one week of filming, the cast and crew flew to Jordan to film the "brutal interrogation scenes" in a Jordanian prison and it was hard for the emotional actress.

"There was a 10 minute break while I cried," she told The Huffington Post. "I had to go hide behind a building. I just lost it and started crying. I know I'm playing this woman who's supposed to be — it's her job — to be unemotional, but I still feel things. And I wasn't going to be able to do the scene again without letting out, without having a good cry."

The film was directed by Kathryn Bigelow, who also directed The Hurt Locker, and from the beginning she knew Chastain was right for the part.

"We moved heaven and earth for this woman," Bigelow told The Huffington Post. "This is a fairly complex piece and required somebody with great verbal agility. But as importantly, the precision of her carefully calibrated and nuanced performance, I've seen in her other work but never to the extent I've seen in this."

Chastain is staying busy with her numerous roles, but wouldn’t change it for anything. She said she worked hard to get where she is and is enjoying every minute of it.

"A year and a half ago, I didn't know my life was going to be like this," she said.

Zero Dark Thirty opens Dec. 19.

Photo courtesy Brian To/WENN.com

Hugh Jackman opens up about miscarriage, choosing to adopt

The actor seems to have it all, but when it came to having children, he and his wife struggled.

Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman has been opening up a lot lately. Last week he shared some secrets of his childhood with Scott Pelley on 60 Minutes, and Tuesday he shared his thoughts on parenthood with Katie Couric . Jackman spoke with Couric about the difficulties of having a baby with his wife Deborra-Lee Furness.

"Until you go through it, you realize it’s not talked about a lot. By the way to be clear, Deb and I always wanted to adopt," he said, according to The Huffington Post. "So that was always in our plan. We didn’t know where in the process that would happen but biologically obviously we tried and it was not happening for us and it is a difficult time."

He also shared how many people don’t realize one of the biggest problems hopeful future-parents go through.

"We did IVF and Deb had a couple of miscarriages," he continued. "I’ll never forget it… the miscarriage thing… it happens to one in three pregnancies. But it’s very very rarely talked about. It’s almost secretive, so I hope Deb doesn’t mind me bringing it up now."

But he feels that sharing what they went through will help other couples hoping to conceive.

"It’s a good thing to talk about it. It’s more common and it is tough," he told Couric. "There’s a grieving that you have to go through."

But Jackman wants everyone to know that it worked out for the couple in the end. They ended up adopting two children, Oscar, 12 and Ava, 7, and are happy parents.

"The moment Oscar was born, all the heartache just melted away," he added, according to The Huffington Post. "Many of you are parents, you guys know you can’t prepare for that moment. Nothing can prepare you... you can’t even explain how incredible it is and that avalanche of emotion that comes and how it opens up your heart, how it frustrates you, how it angers you, how everything is just all the sudden how alive you are as a parent."

Hugh Jackman stars in Les Miserables which hits theaters Dec. 25.

Photo courtesy FayesVision/WENN.com

Ke$ha: "I did NOT want to sing those lyrics"

After news of Ke$ha's single being pulled by multiple radio stations, she responded Tuesday night via Twitter.


Ke$ha has found herself in the middle of a controversy for a reason no one could have predicted. Her song "Die Young" has been pulled from some radio stations because some people are relating it to the school shooting in Sandy Hook on Dec. 14.

"After the news came out that several radio stations have dropped Ke$ha’s recent single 'Die Young' from rotation in light of last Friday’s school shooting in Newtown, Conn., the pop singer has responded," said TheHollywood Reporter. "Ke$ha, whose single dropped from No. 1 to 2 on the Pop Songs chart this week with a decrease of 11 percent in plays, expressed her own grievances with the track on Tuesday evening via Twitter."

"I understand,” Ke$ha tweeted, according to multiple sources, including The Hollywood Reporter and TMZ . "I had my very own issue with 'die young' for this reason. I did NOT want to sing those lyrics and I was FORCED TO."

She also tweeted, "I'm so so so sorry for anyone who has been effected by this tragedy. and I understand why my song is now inappropriate. words cannot express."

But Ke$ha is listed as a co-writer on the song — a song she seemed to be proud of back in September.

"It’s a celebration song, which I’m obviously known for writing those," she told Carson Daly, "but this one, the concept of it was to live each and every single day like it’s your last and to always remain having a youthful spirit no matter how old I get."

And the lyrics of the song back her up. The song is clearly a party song but does not seem appropriate to many people.

"I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums / Oh, what a shame that you came here with someone / So while you're here in my arms / Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young," Ke$ha sings in the chorus.

Photo courtesy FayesVision/WENN.com

Celebrity "swatter" arrested... and he's a kid

Numerous celebrities have been victims of prank 911 calls recently, and it looks like many of them came from one person, but he will stay anonymous because of his age.

Ashton Kutcher

A new era of celebrity stalking has started and this one has a funny name. Police say they have made an arrest in the case of a "swatter" who targeted celebrities such as Justin Bieber and Ashton Kutcher. Just to be clear, "swatting" is when someone makes a prank call sending police or SWAT teams to someone’s home. But police aren’t releasing many details on the arrest.

"Authorities would say only that the suspect was arrested Dec. 10 at his parents' Southern California home," said the LA Times. "They would not release additional details about his identity, exact age or background. The LAPD, which investigated the case with the Long Beach Police Department and FBI, cautioned that the investigation was ongoing."

Police said that they believe the boy played the prank on both Kutcher and Bieber, as well as others. But one recent victim of "swatting", Miley Cyrus, does not appear to be on the suspect’s list.

"We take these incidents very seriously because of the tremendous potential for something tragic to occur," LAPD Cmdr Andrew Smith told the LA Times. "We are working with the city attorney's office to see if the parents of this boy can be held financially responsible for the cost of the police response."

Bieber’s incident happened on Oct. 10 when the suspect allegedly called police reporting gunfire in the home.

"Unaware it was Bieber's residence, deputies arrived in force," said the LA Times. "They searched Bieber's residence and interviewed people on the property who told them no call had been made to authorities and that the pop star was away on tour at the time of the incident. They determined the incident was a hoax."

Kutcher’s incident happened just one week before that. According to the LA Times, a woman called police saying there was a man with a gun inside her home. When police arrived, they held Kutcher’s staff at gunpoint before determining that incident was a hoax.

Cmdr Smith said they have "strong evidence" against the boy, but it’s possible, that because of his age, we will never learn his identity.

Photo courtesy Nikki Nelson / WENN.com

A very Chicago Fire Christmas

Chicago Fire is always pretty steamy. But this week it gets downright hot!

Chicago Fire Jesse Spencer

Did you know that winter is one of the worst times for house fires? It's true. Between space heaters, heated mattress pads and blankets, fireplaces, people who use their oven as a heater and the use of old, frayed-wired Christmas lights, the holiday season is usual a fiery one.

It's no different in Chicago, either. If anything, it's worse. Lake-effect snow can keep the Windy City f-f-f-freezing!

Luckily, when you're watching Chicago Fire, the last thing you'll feel is the cold. Wednesday's episode will be no different, even for the Christmas episode.

When a nasty Christmas-related fire runs rampant through a home, the guys of Chicago Firehouse 51 must charge in to the rescue. But, boy, does that come back to haunt them. Later in the episode, Casey and his crew will be accused of looting the scene. Because nothing says Christmas like, "Here, little Timmy! I stole this melted Tickle Me Elmo from yesterday's fire!"

How will the gang get themselves out of this mess? No telling.

Chicago Fire Taylor Kinney

Further complications and situations arise during the holidays with Firehouse 51, as well. Casey and Dawson have a quasi-dinner date over a possibly home-cooked meal and NBC says they may even kiss! Then, while Severide might be getting some lovin' from one of his favorite ladies, another will finally have enough. It looks like Shay found Severide's stash. Uh-oh!

We'll still see plenty of Christmas cheer and tradition throughout the episode, though, no worries. And just in case that isn't enough, we found this adorable interview with Jesse Spencer on what Christmas is like back home in Australia.

Image courtesy of NBC

How to handle mom drama during the holidays

Your daughter has been begging to see Grandma and wants to know not if — but when — she’s coming over for the holidays. But you and your mother haven’t exactly been getting along and the idea of setting a place for her at the holiday dinner table makes you more than a little anxious. So how should you handle your drama with your mom without hurting your kids?

When Mom and Grandma don't get along

Your daughter has been begging to see Grandma and wants to know not if — but when — she’s coming over for the holidays.

But you and your mother haven’t exactly been getting along and the idea of setting a place for her at the holiday dinner table makes you more than a little anxious. So how should you handle your drama with your mom without hurting your kids?

Parenting is all about those three Ss: Sacrifices, selflessness and sucking it up. So, you can probably see where we're going with this. You and your mom are most likely going to have to put your differences aside during the holidays. But before you start imagining a scenario where you're singing "Kumbayah" by the fire, relax, because you don't necessarily need to be present when she spends time with your child.

It's so not about you... especially during the holidays

"Holidays are a time where nerves are frayed and cracks in relationships are more evident than ever," says life coach Shari Goldsmith. "So here's the deal: Is it unhealthy for your daughter to spend time with your mother? If the answer is no, then the change has to all come from you. This is one of those things that you are going to have to search deep down in your soul and find the patience to make this happen."

Keep your kids connected with their grandparents>>

Your child's memories are important

Remember that thing about "sucking it up" that you read earlier? Now's the time to do it.

"The holidays should not be about you and things that are irritating about your parents. It should be about a time where family can be together for a time and cultivate good memories," stresses David Simonsen, M.S. LMF.

"I think a parent should do two things. First, I think the parent should put their children first and think about the memories of the holiday. This would mean making things right with the grandparentseven if they don't want to. Secondly, if a parent can't make things right, I think you still invite the grandparents over and bite your tongue," adds Simonsen.

There is a teaching moment

Biting your tongue — especially when it's your mom doing all the talking — can be easier said than done. But if you can, this can be a chance to teach your child something important.

Dr. Ramani Durvasula says, "It is also a wonderful way to model good behavior to your own kids — even if it feels hard especially if your parent is lobbing criticism your way — teach your child about grace, manners and decorum by treating your own mother well and not taking the bait when offered. Your drama with your mom is not your child's problem — so take the high road and don't make it his or her problem."

More tips for a stress-free holiday

Top ways to have a drama-free holiday
Prep yourself for the stress of the season
Holiday-stress? 10 Ways to relax and enjoy the season

Salmon quiche

Fried onions add a ton of flavor to this unique quiche. Serve it as an appetizer or a main course!

Salmon quiche

The dark, chilly winter months often cause us to reach for rich, filling comfort foods. This quiche is exactly what the doctor ordered with a creamy salmon filling and crunchy, salty French fried onions. Feel free to substitute your favorite homemade pie or tart dough for the store-bought version used in this recipe.

Salmon quiche recipe


  • 1 unbaked pie crust
  • 1 can red sockeye salmon
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup half-and-half
  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons yellow mustard
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • Fresh ground pepper
  • 1 can French fried onions, roughly chopped


  1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
  2. Place dough in a 9-inch pie dish or tart pan. Flute the edges and use a fork to prick numerous holes in the bottom. Line the pan will aluminum foil and fill with dried beans. Bake for 10 minutes, carefully remove the foil and bake for another 5 minutes or until the dough is baked through. Set aside and increase the oven temperature to 400 degrees F.
  3. Drain salmon, removing as much liquid as possible. Pick through the meat and remove any small bones. Mash with a fork and set aside.
  4. In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs and half-and-half. Add the mayonnaise, mustard, lemon juice, a dash of pepper and the salmon. Mix until the ingredients are evenly combined.
  5. Divide the fried onions in half. Crumble half of the onions evenly over the bottom of the baked pie shell. Pour the filling into the pan and top with the remaining onions.
  6. Bake in the center rack for 15 minutes, then turn down the oven temperature to 325 degrees F. Bake for another 30 minutes, checking periodically to make sure the onions are browning evenly.
  7. Allow quiche to cool slightly before serving.

More quiche recipes

Mediterranean quiche
Zucchini quiche
Eggland's Best savory Greek quiche

Christina Milian dishes on Chris Brown's dating life

Who's dating Chris Brown this week? According to singer Christina Milian, it's Karrueche Tran, not Rihanna.


The ongoing love triangle of Chris Brown, Rihanna and Karrueche Tran just got a whole lot messier thanks to singer Christina Milian. On Friday, the 23-year-old appeared on The Wendy Williams Show and revealed the inside scoop on Brown's love life.

Milian told Wendy Williams, "You know what, from what I've always known, she's his girlfriend."

How is that even possible when Rihanna and Brown have been posting suggestive Twitpics of each other over the last month? Brown and Tran had even announced their breakup in October.

Milian continued to reveal, "And that's where it lies for me. I see everything in the media. I really don't get into the detail of it, but I think everybody has their own life and how they deal with things. They have the right to handle it how they want. I think they make a great couple."

Is the public then being led to believe Brown and Rihanna are together for publicity only? It sure makes for a great story and the media covers every minute of their tweets and photos.

However, there have been rumors of Brown and Tran being spotted together around the same time naked photos of Brown and Rihanna were tweeted on their respective accounts. So, did Tran emerge victorious in this round?

It appears so, as RiRi tweeted on Dec. 18, "Being single sucks. The only thing I get to do anymore is whatever the f--k I want to do."

Perhaps that's the final word on Brown for now? The "Diamonds" singer and her on-again, off-again boyfriend have a tumultuous history, including a felony assault charge in 2009. That incident sparked years of controversy surrounding the "With You" singer and whether he should be forgiven by the public.

The abuse didn't seem to end the relationship despite a five-year restraining order to stay away from Rihanna. That order has since been lifted and the duo seems to have an emotional connection that runs deep.

As RiRi told Oprah about her current friendship with Brown in an August interview on Oprah's Next Chapter, “It’s awkward. It’s awkward because I still love him… My stomach drops and I have to maintain this poker face and not let it get to the outer part of me. I have to maintain that and suppress it.”

It remains to be seen if Brown will turn up in Barbados at Rihanna's Christmas festivities, but for now, it looks like Tran is his girlfriend of the week.

Image courtesy of FayesVision/WENN.com

Denise Richards is the best ex-wife ever

Denise Richards explains why she took in Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller's sons while his ex-wife was in rehab.

DeniseRichardsCharlieSheenDenise Richards must be gunning for saint of the year. Not only does the actress put up with ex-husband Charlie Sheen's shenanigans, but she also takes care of his other ex-wife's kids. Denise took in Brooke Mueller and Sheen's twin sons, Bob and Max, while Mueller went into rehab for the 19th time last week.

In an interview on Wednesday on Access Hollywood Live, Richards explained why she pitches in. "They're our family and they're Sam and Lola's brothers and I can't imagine growing up without my sister, so anytime she needs help, I'm there for the boys. [My kids] are the best big sisters to [the boys] and they love them."

Richards was married to Sheen for four years and she had two daughters with him, Sam, now 8, and Lola, now 7. She also adopted a daughter, Eloise, 18 months, as a single mother.

When the Wild Things star has all of the kids in tow, her household is quite busy.

She told host Billy Bush and guest-host Vinny Guadagnino, "This is not the first time I've had all five, they're Sam and Lola's brothers. It was a full house, lots of love and life. Brooke knows anytime, and Charlie, that any time they need help with the boys, that I'm there."

That's quite a healthy attitude from the mother of three who has endured public criticism from Sheen in the past. It's quite clear she's putting her family ahead of any strife with the Anger Management star.

She continued, "I know it doesn't seem normal, but it is our normal. They're little kids and I love children, and like I said, it's our daughter's brothers, so I can't say no."

Richards also emphasized that the 3-year-old twins are now home with their mother who is out of rehab.

Hopefully, Santa — or at least Charlie Sheen — is buying her a really nice Christmas gift. She deserves it.

Image courtesy of PNP/WENN.com

Easy last-minute side dishes for Christmas dinner

It happens every year. After a carefully planned Christmas dinner is already in the works, you find out there's a last-minute guest. This year, just keep a few staples on hand to add some extra food to the table when necessary.
Roasted vegetables

It happens every year. After a carefully planned Christmas dinner is already in the works, you find out there's a last-minute guest. This year, just keep a few staples on hand to add some extra food to the table when necessary.

When nuked frozen veggies just won't do

Did your neighbor down the street decide to take you up on that Christmas dinner invite at the last minute? Don't sweat it. With these easy tips , you'll be prepared for any last-minute guests. Any ingredients you have to buy can always be used later!

Roast some veggies

Sure, it's not exactly a traditional Christmas side, but just having some fresh veggies on hand can save you from those soggy microwaved versions with equal simplicity. Just buy some fresh Brussels sprouts, carrots or potatoes and have them in the veggie drawer on standby.

When you get the call for extra guests, just clean, trim and chop them into bite-size pieces , drop them into a large freezer bag or mixing bowl and toss in a few tablespoons of olive oil, some salt and a bit of pepper . Spread it out onto a baking sheet and pop it into a 400 degree F oven for 30 or 45 minutes or until they begin to turn dark brown in places. You can reduce the heat if they don't feel soft enough, or you're worried about burning. When they're done, you may need to add more salt, but do so as soon as they come out of the oven.

Salad saves the day

Salads aren't often a part of holiday meals because there are so many seasonal favorites everyone wants, but a salad can save you in a pinch. And don't feel trapped by a traditional garden salad, either. Salads starring spinach or fruits are just as easy to make and a bit fancier as part of your overall spread.

Festive noodles

Unless you have an Italian heritage, you probably don't associate noodles with Christmas, but that doesn't make them a no-no. Keep a bag or two of tricolor pasta on hand. If you need a bit more food, just boil the noodles up according to the package directions, using chicken, beef or vegetable stock instead of water. As an added bonus, this is often a popular side for the kiddos who aren't quite sure how they feel about those orange things you keep telling them are potatoes.

From the SheKnows archive

Our food writers have concocted a variety of easy and great-tasting sides over the years. Check out these easy ideas.

roasted carrots

3 New vegetable side dishes

Back in November, we recommended three extremely easy side dishes for Thanksgiving. But these spicy glazed baby carrots, roasted green beans and Brussels sprouts with pancetta are just as tasty at Christmas.

Get the recipes>>

Gourmet mashed potatos

Scene-stealing side dishes

A couple of years ago, we recommended dressed-up versions of our favorite holiday sides. These mashed potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, candied carrots and sweet potato pie are even better than the usual recipes you see, but are easy enough to let even a novice home cook get creative.

Get the recipes>>

More Christmas cooking tips

Time-saving cooking tips for holiday feasts
Hints for stress-free Christmas cooking
Keeping Christmas cleanup simple

Happy birthday, Christina Aguilera: The pop icon turns 32!

Christina Aguilera turns 32 years old Wednesday, Dec. 18, and the pop icon couldn't be more excited about the years to come.

Christina Aguilera turns 32 today Dec. 18.

American pop icon Christina Aguilera celebrates her birthday, turning 32 years old on Wednesday, Dec. 18. Aguilera's birthday comes on the heels of The Voice finale: Floridian Cassadee Pope was crowned the winner of The Voice on Tuesday. Both Aguilera and fellow judge Cee Lo Green are taking some time off from the show. Us Weekly reports that Shakira and Usher will fill in for Aguilera and Green during their hiatus.

The Voice's spectacular season finale and new winner>>

No word yet on what Christina's birthday plans involve, but we suspect that boyfriend Matthew Rutler will likely help Aguilera celebrate. Rutler and Aguilera began dating in 2010 after her split from music producer Jordan Bratman. .

Aguilera seems very comfortable in her own skin as she moves into her 30s. "I am enjoying being a woman now. Every year I think, this is going to be a great year, a new chapter. And it is," said Christina to ABC News back in October. "I enjoyed being young but I would never relive my teens. Those are hard years for everyone."

Xtina's fellow Voice judge says to lay off her weight>>

Christina told Marie Claire in February 2012 that she feels settled. "I've been through my nights, I've been through my lows; I've been through the gamut of all things in this business," said Aguilera. "Being too thin. Being bigger … it's noise I block out automatically. I love my body. My boyfriend loves my body. My son is healthy and happy, so that's all that matters to me."

Christina Aguilera tweeted love to her fans to thank them for the many birthday wishes. "Thank you #Fighters for the many sweet birthday messages today! Let There Be Love to you all! XoXtina."

Happy birthday, Christina!

Photo courtesy of WENN.com

Mark Wahlberg's muscle-bound in Pain & Gain trailer

Mark Wahlberg flexes his muscles in Michael Bay's Pain & Gain. The Oscar-nominated actor headlines the new film, alongside Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. There are tank tops, spandex and barbells galore.

Mark Wahlberg

In Hollywood, being in shape is mandatory. Actors go above and beyond to look great 24/7. Earlier this year, Mark Wahlberg took his dedication to a whole new level. The actor shot Michael Bay's latest film, Pain & Gain, and put on an obscene amount of muscle.

The film takes place in the world of fitness. Wahlberg and his pals, played by Anthony Mackie and Dwayne Johnson, are bodybuilder types. Johnson, a professional wrestler, is always in fighting shape. But Wahlberg and Mackie really had to pack on the pounds.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson back toWrestlemania>>

Pain & Gain is based on a true story about three personal trainers from Miami. It's set in the mid-1990s and follows them as they get caught in a heist gone wrong. They desperately want to live the American dream, but go about it the wrong way. It's unfortunate for them, but good entertainment for us.

Mark Wahlberg confirmed as next Transformers star>>

Supposedly this film got Wahlberg interested in Transformers 4. After having such a great time working with Bay, he decided to do it again. Production on the robot sequel is slated to begin next May. To date, Transformers is one of the highest-grossing franchises of all-time.

Pain & Gain is set to hit theaters April 26. The film co-stars Ed Harris, Tony Shalhoub, Rob Corddry, Rebel Wilson and Bar Paly.

What do you think of the film's first trailer?

Photo credit:  WENN

Celebrities respond to national gun control debate

Celebrities respond to the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre with demands for stricter gun regulation.

Celebrities respond to Sandy Hook massacre, demand gun control

A recent CNN poll released this afternoon shows the public may be shifting in the direction of stricter gun regulations. The dramatic change in public opinion comes less than a week after the horrific massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, at Sandy Hook Elementary School, in which 20 children were gunned down with what police suspect were semi-automatic weapons.

According to CNN, "46 percent of people questioned in the poll say that government and society can take action to prevent future gun violence. That's up 13 percentage points from January 2011 following a shooting incident in Tucson, Arizona, that left six dead." CNN continued, "52 percent say they favor major restrictions on guns or making all guns illegal. That's a five point rise from a CNN survey conducted in early August, following the mass shooting in July at a movie theater in suburban Denver, Colorado, that left 12 dead."

Celebrities have not been shy about voicing their opinions regarding gun control in the days following the Newtown, Connecticut shootings.

Dax Shepard tweeted, "I love guns. I have several, but I would gladly get rid of them if it would help prevent anything like this from happening again."

Outspoken political activist and A-lister Susan Sarandon tweeted, "How much more suffering & loss will it take before we better regulate the sale of arms in our country? Let @NRA know how you feel."

Comedian Sarah Silverman echoed Sarandon's thoughts with her tweet, "Band-Aids-on-Band-Aids @ NRA people want MORE access to guns to combat all the people w access to guns."

Kourtney Kardashian was shocked and horrified and tweeted that something had to change. "If this tragedy doesn't change something in this country regarding guns…I just want to scream and cry. Deeply saddened. Praying."

Rashida Jones tweeted, "Gun control is our only road to freedom. Freedom from the fear of senselessly losing children. I'm so saddened. WE NEED LAWS NOW…Gun lovers are the first to reins [sic] you this should be a 'day of mourning'. How about we mourn & make it harder to get guns on the same day?….Thanks, gun lovers, for all your hateful tweets. Good reminder of another endemic nat'l issue: a lack of humanity, civility, & accountability."

Photo courtesy of WENN.com


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Jason Schwartzman to appear on Parks and Recreation

Jason Schwartzman has done almost everything, but this time he is playing a business owner who, along with Leslie Knope, is fighting for his business.

Jason Schwartzman

The many, many celebrity guest stars on Parks and Recreation this season will now add Jason Schwartzman to the list.

Schwartzman may be best known for his parts on Bored to Death, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Marie Antoinette, as well as being a Wes Anderson regular. He was also formerly in the band Phantom Planet and currently plays with Coconut Records.

“Schwartzman will play Dennis Lerpiss, the owner of Pawnee VideoDome,” according to the Huffington Post. “The video store is the only independent movie rental joint in Pawnee and it has fallen on hard times. Enter Leslie Knope.”

According to the website, the episode will follow the story of Lerpiss as he and Knope attempt to get VideoDome designated as a historical landmark.

The episode is set to air in 2013. This season of the show has had luck getting some high-profile names to guest-star.

“Recent guest stars on the show include Vice President Joe Biden and Senators John McCain, Barbara Boxer and Olympia Snowe. Newt Gingrich is also set to appear in a forthcoming episode,” according to Rolling Stone magazine.

Newt Gingrich’s appearance wasn’t planned, though. The Huffington Post reports that he only appeared after running into the crew because he was eating at a restaurant where they were filming for the day.

Megan Mullally, Lucy Lawless and Christie Brinkley are also appearing in the season.

Schwartzman has been in the Hollywood eye since his first film Rushmore, but has been in Hollywood his whole life. He is the nephew of Francis Ford Coppola, and the cousin of Sofia Coppola, Nicolas Cage and the rest of the Coppola family. He even appeared in Sofia Coppola’s film Marie Antoinette.

The actor will next appear in Saving Mr. Banks and A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III.

Photo courtesy PNP/WENN.com

Jessica Simpson looks very slim for Weight Watchers

New photos surface of Jessica Simpson on the set of her latest Weight Watchers commercial, and the girl is looking amazing.

Jessica Simpson shows of 50 pound weight loss for Weight Watchers.

Jessica Simpson is a gorgeous girl, but she admittedly has struggled with her weight. In a new ad for Weight Watchers, the 32-year-old Simpson shows off a reported 50-pound weight loss .The ad will air on television on Christmas Day, but it's already up on Weight Watchers' YouTube channel. The ad features a candid approach, with Simpson in cowboy boots and images of an old Ford truck, as Simpson says:

"I didn't need to be perfect to get here, to lose over 50 pounds on Weight Watchers. It lets me be me, and I'm only human. I love food, I love life, I had no idea I could be in control and so free at the same time."

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Jessica Simpson recently opened up to Katie Couric in September on Katie and revealed her struggles and diet secrets. "During pregnancy, I didn't really think about it," said Simpson on her weight. "I thought my doctors were telling me that it was just a lot of water, and whenever my water broke my whole entire stomach would go down, but that did not happen. All the weight did not come out with the baby."

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Simpson continued, "I feel like what made me eat more is my hormones and breastfeeding. I've never wanted chocolate more in my life," she said. "I've had to really stay focused, focus on my diet and concentrate on what I'm putting in my body."

We think she looks great and are proud of her for sticking to her weight loss goals.

Photo courtesy of Weight Watchers

Claire Danes and Hugh Dancy welcome first child!

The actress and her husband welcomed their first child this week, at least a few weeks before he was expected.

Claire Danes

It’s been a big year for Claire Danes. And it just got a little bigger, as she gave birth to her first child, a boy, with husband Hugh Dancy.

Cyrus Michael Christopher Dancy is the child’s name, according to E! News. And according to a recent interview, the baby may have come a little early. While not giving much away about her pregnancy, a pregnant Danes told Anderson Cooper in September that the baby was due at the "beginning of next year."

Danes also told Cooper that she would not be sharing the gender of the baby either, because she and her husband spend so much of their lives in the public eye.

"It's important to keep a little something to ourselves because we're so public and stuff," she said.

She did say that she was excited to find out for herself, but the couple managed to keep the secret.

“Cyrus' arrival happened to occur just a day after Homeland enjoyed its highly rated second-season finale,” said E! News, “another explosive night of drama for Danes' troubled CIA agent Carrie Mathison and Damian Lewis' equally troubled turncoat Nicholas Brody.”

Back in September, Cooper had asked Danes what kind of parent she thought she would be. Her answer was simple: a loving mother.

“I hope a good one," she answered, according to E! News. "We're going to love this person, I know that."

Danes, 33, and Dancy, 47, were married in September 2009. According to E!, they met on the set of the 2007 film Evening, which also starred Vanessa Redgrave, Toni Collette and Natasha Richardson.

Danes and Dancy confirmed the pregnancy back in July.

Danes continues to work on Homeland, as well as starring in a new film, As Cool as I Am, set to be out in 2013. Dancy will appear on the TV show Hannibal in 2013.

Photo courtesy WENN.com/FayesVision

Beauty and the Beast taps former 'Hero' for new role

Beauty and the Beast is getting some new blood. The CW drama is stirring the pot with an alum from NBC's Heroes. Sendhil Ramamurthy will mix it up Kristin Kreuk and Jay Ryan.

Sendhil Ramamurthy

Catherine Chandler and Vincent Keller can't catch a break. We're halfway through season one, and Beauty and the Beast's star-crossed lovers are in a heap of trouble.

Thus far, their friendship has put their lives in jeopardy more than once. Now, Catherine's career is on the line. According to Zap2it, a new character's coming to shake up her personal and professional life.

Sendhil Ramamurthy has been cast as assistant district attorney Gabriel Lowen. He and Catherine will get off to a rocky start thanks to their initial meeting — in the women's locker room. What's he doing in there? You'll have to watch to find out.

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Lowen makes his presence known as he attempts to find the city's mysterious vigilante. Catherine will pull double-duty trying to keep her job and Vincent's secret. If Ramamurthy wasn't enough, Brendan Hines is also joining the show.

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TVLine reports that Hines has signed on to play a police department psychologist. He'll attempt to get into the head of a detective or two. We wonder if his arrival has anything to do with Evan ? He's been on edge ever since he was kidnapped and unknowingly saved by Vincent.

Catherine's got her work cut out for her. Hines makes his debut when the show returns in January. Meanwhile, Ramamurthy is slated to appear in Episode 15.

What do you think of the newest cast members?

Photo credit: Nikki Nelson / WENN
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