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Top 10 Functional Exercises for a Full-Body Workout


Functional fitness sounds like it's a trendy new workout that (falsely) promises to tone you up overnight, but don't let the alliteration in the name fool you.

Turns out, functional fitness is serious business — and has tons of benefits for your body. By performing exercises that mimic movement that you would do out in the "real world," you target multiple muscle groups and reap full-body benefits in less time.

After just a couple of sessions, you'll start to improve endurance, balance, posture, strength, coordination and agility from head to toe. And because you have to use your brain to do the moves, time goes by faster than regular workouts. Can't beat that!

Here are 10 of our favorite functional exercises to give you a full-body workout.

More: Exercising for People Who Hate Exercise

1. Medicine ball squat with overhead lift

Medicine Ball Squat

Functionality: Even though you lift your kids and groceries with your arms, your legs and back are also key players. This exercise strengthens your legs, glutes, lower back, arms and shoulders.

Exercise: Stand with your feet wide apart, holding a light medicine ball in front of you with both hands. Squat down, moving your rear back and keeping your knees over your ankles, and lower the medicine ball to the floor, keeping your head up and back straight (don't hunch). Return to the start position, and lift the medicine ball over your head. Repeat the squat, and lower ball to the ground. Perform three sets of 10 repetitions. Increase the weight of the ball as you get stronger.

Next: More functional exercises for full-body fitness

A version of this article was originally published in December 2008.


2. Stair climb with bicep curl

Stair climb

Functionality: Whether you have stairs at your house or have to climb them elsewhere, using stairs as part of your fitness program will keep your legs conditioned and toned. Partnering stair climbs with bicep curls will strengthen your arms and improve your ability to carry things up the stairs. This exercise will also boost your cardiovascular fitness.

More: 5 30-Minute Workouts That Will Make You Feel Like Wonder Woman

Exercise: Stand at the bottom of a flight of stairs, holding a 5- to 8-pound dumbbell in each hand. Climb the stairs while performing bicep curls. Walk or run down the stairs while holding the weights, but don't do curls. Repeat five to 10 times. Increase the dumbbell weight as your arms get stronger, and mix up your climbs by taking two steps at a time for a flight or two.

Next: More functional exercises for full-body fitness


3. Hip extension with reverse fly

Hip Extension with Reverse Fly

Functionality: This exercise improves your balance and coordination as well as strengthens your upper, mid and lower back, shoulders, glutes and legs.

Exercise: Stand tall, holding a 5-pound dumbbell in each hand. Extend your right leg back, and place your toe on the floor, keeping your right leg straight. Lean forward slightly at the hips. Lift your right leg behind you as you bring your chest toward the floor and lift your arms straight out, forming a T at your shoulders, squeezing your shoulder blades together and keeping your head in line with your neck. Return to the start position. Repeat 10 to 15 times for each leg. As you get stronger, increase dumbbell weight, and strap 2- to 5-pound weights on your ankles.

Next: More functional exercises for full-body fitness


4. Diagonal reach with medicine ball

Diagonal Reach with Medicine Ball

Functionality: When you reach for your boots on the top shelf of your closet, pay attention to how your body moves — one arm reaches up while the opposite leg slightly lifts to the side. This exercise works all the muscles — arms, shoulders, legs — involved in lifting something diagonally overhead as well as lowering it.

More: These Home Workout Apps Will Totally Change the Way You Exercise

Exercise: Stand tall, holding a medicine ball at your chest with both hands. Lift the medicine ball diagonally overhead to the right, straightening your arms while extending your left leg to the side, making a diagonal line from the medicine ball to your toes. Lower to the start position. Repeat 10 to 15 times for each leg. Increase the weight of the medicine ball, and strap 2- to 5-pound weights on your ankles as you get stronger.

Next: More functional exercises for full-body fitness


5. Lunge with back row

Lunge with back row

Functionality: This exercise will improve your posture by strengthening the muscles in your upper and mid back, shoulders and arms while also toning and strengthening your legs and improving your hip flexibility.

Exercise: Holding an 8-pound weight in each hand, step your right foot forward and your left foot back, keeping both heels on the floor and feet pointing straight ahead. Bend your right knee until it is over your right ankle. Lower your chest toward your thigh, bringing your arms perpendicular to the floor, keeping your back flat (don't hunch) — this is your start position.

Straighten your right leg, row your elbows back, and squeeze your shoulder blades together, keeping your torso angled slightly forward. Return to the start position. Repeat 10 to 15 times for each leg. Increase the weight of the dumbbells as you get stronger. This exercise can also be done with a resistance band looped underneath the front foot.

Next: More functional exercises for full-body fitness


6. Knee lift with lateral raise

Knee lift with lateral raise

Functionality: This exercise improves your core strength and balance as well as strengthens and tones your shoulders.

More: 10 Best Fitness YouTube Channels for When You Don’t Have Time for the Gym

Exercise: Stand tall with a 5-pound weight in each hand, arms to your sides. Lift your right knee until it reaches hip level while lifting your arms straight out to the side to form a "T" at your shoulders. Hold for two seconds, making sure your belly button is pulled back toward your spine, and then lower to the start position. Repeat 10 to 15 times for each leg. Increase the weight of the dumbbells as you get stronger.

Next: More functional exercises for full-body fitness


7. Push-up with hip extension

push up with hip extension

Functionality: This exercise strengthens your chest, shoulder and arm muscles (primarily triceps) as well as your core muscles and glutes.

Exercise: On your hands and knees, place your hands wider than shoulder distance apart. Extend your right leg straight back, and pull your belly button up toward your spine, tightening your core muscles.

Keeping your leg lifted, lower your chest to the ground until each of your elbows is at a 90-degree angle, then push up. Repeat 10 to 15 times for each leg. As you get stronger, increase the angle of your hips, increasing the distance of your knees from your hands. Eventually perform the exercise with straight legs: one leg lifted, the other positioned on your toes.

Next: More functional exercises for full-body fitness


8. Torso rotation with medicine ball

Rorso Rotation with Medicine Ball

Functionality: Strong oblique muscles are key to avoiding lower back injuries. This exercise improves the strength and coordination of all your core muscles and will improve your tone and tighten your waist.

More: 9 Tennis Ball Stretches That Fight Sore Muscles As Good As a Foam Roller

Exercise: Sit on the ground with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, holding a medicine ball at your chest with both hands. Lean your torso away from your thighs, increasing the angle at your hips and pulling your belly button in toward your spine. Maintaining your hip angle, rotate your torso to the right, moving your right elbow toward the floor behind you. Return to centre, and rotate to the left. Repeat 10 to 15 times for each side. As you get stronger, perform the rotations with straighter arms, or use a heavier medicine ball. Always keep your belly button pulled in.

Next: More functional exercises for full-body fitness


9. Supine bridge with arm extension

suprine bridge with arm extension

Functionality: This exercise tones and strengthens your arms, shoulders, back, glutes and legs, as well as targets your core muscles. It also opens up your chest and the front of your hips (muscles that get tight with long hours of sitting and using the computer).

More: 7 Couples Yoga Poses for Beginners That'll Bring You Closer Together

Exercise: Sit on the floor with your hands underneath your shoulders, knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Keeping your arms straight, use your legs to push your hips up toward the ceiling until your torso is flat like a tabletop. Lift your right arm straight up toward the ceiling, rotating your upper body so that it is supported by your left arm, keeping your hips lifted. Lower your right arm to the start position, and just slightly lower your hips, but don't let them return to the floor. Repeat with your left arm. Repeat 10 to 15 times for each side. As you get stronger, hold your arm and hips up for two seconds before slightly lowering. You can also lay a weighted ankle strap across your hips to increase the weight your legs must lift.

Next: More functional exercises for full-body fitness


10. Dynamic prone plank

Dynamic prone plank

Functionality: This dynamic exercise tones, lengthens and strengthens just about every muscle in your body. Though it is challenging, it's a perfect exercise to end with.

Exercise: Get on your hands and toes, facing the floor, keeping your head, back and legs in a straight line and your arms straight underneath your shoulders. Lift your rear toward the ceiling, pulling your belly button into your spine, forming a pike or downward dog yoga position, lengthening your arms and legs. Return to plank position, and bend your elbows against your sides, lowering your torso and legs to the floor. Keeping your lower body flat on the floor, use your arms to push your chest and head up toward the ceiling, similar to the cobra pose in yoga, stretching out the front of your body. Lower yourself, and push your body back into plank position. Repeat five to 10 times. As you get stronger, increase the number of repetitions.

These 12 Common Plants Are Actually Poisonous to Cats


When it comes to human babies, we go to great lengths to safeguard our homes, making it completely baby-proof. And we should be doing the same with our fur babies. While we cat owners do our best to hide little dangers like rubber bands and cleaning supplies, what you may not realize could be hazardous to your cat's health are the various plants you have lying around the home.

It's true: There are over 700 varieties of plants that can be harmful to your cat if ingested, including common household plants. According to Tina Wismer, veterinarian and medical director of the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, there are 12 common plants and flowers that are particularly poisonous to your cat. Wismer suggests if you suspect your cat has eaten any part of the plants listed below, whether or not it’s showing symptoms, call your vet immediately.

More: What Do Cats Actually See? We Have the Answer

1. Lilies (all varieties)

Just one bite of a leaf or the flower’s pollen could cause lethargy and vomiting within one hour of consumption. If left untreated, your cat could go into kidney failure. The pollen alone can be lethal to your feline friend.

2. Any calcium oxalate plants — including philodendrons, Chinese evergreens, Virginia creepers, spinach, agaves, tea leaves, rhubarb and taro

The poisonous part of these indoor and outdoor plants are the microscopic needle-like barbs on their stems and leaves. If bitten, they cause inflammation in the mouth and gums and result in excessive drooling and vomiting.

You can take care of the symptoms yourself by giving your cat calcium in the form of milk, yogurt, sour cream or ice cream. In rare cases, the swelling could inhibit breathing, so keep an eye on your pet for 48 hours.

3. Dracaena plants

There are about 40 varieties of this popular, leafy houseplant, including the dragon plant. If cats eat the long fronds typical of these plants, they’ll become depressed, lose their appetites and possibly even vomit blood. However, it’s usually not a fatal reaction, and symptoms tend to go away after 12 to 24 hours. Still, you should keep an eye out for worsening symptoms, and take your cat to the vet if it doesn't start to recover after 24 hours.

More: These 13 Cat Breeds Actually Behave Like Dogs

4. Autumn crocus

Eating any part of this flowery plant can cause an intense burning sensation in the mouth, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, liver damage, kidney damage and even heart arrhythmias. Get your pet to the vet immediately if you suspect he/she has snacked on it.

5. Daffodils

If you have an outdoor cat, be very wary of its tendency to get into your or your neighbor’s daffodil beds. Ingestion of any portion can cause vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, arrhythmias, convulsions and a major drop in blood pressure. Call your vet ASAP.

6. Tulips

If you have them planted outside, or in a vase inside, they’re a big no-no for cats. While not fatal, taking a bite of them (especially the bulb) can cause oral irritation, excessive drooling and nausea.

Next: Sago palm

A version of this article was originally published in June 2015.


7. Sago palm

This long-leafed, tree-like plant is extremely poisonous to cats. It used to be mainly an outdoor plant, but now it’s often found on indoor window sills. While the seeds and pods are the most poisonous, any bite can cause bloody vomiting and diarrhea, bleeding disorders, liver failure and death. This is definitely worthy of an emergency vet trip.

More: 100 Unique Cat Names That Will Absolutely Suit Your New Pet

8. Azaleas/rhododendrons

Even just a few leaves can result in oral irritation, vomiting and diarrhea. In severe cases, ingestion can cause a drop in blood pressure, coma and death, so you’ll want to at least give your vet a call if you notice symptoms.

9. Kalanchoe

Also known as the "mother-in-law plant," this common indoor plant has a bunch of small, very dense flowers and is thus super-tempting to cats. However, if a cat eats any part of it, it can cause vomiting and diarrhea. In rare cases, heart arrhythmias can occur, so while not a dire emergency, a vet appointment should be made to assess the situation.

10. Marijuana

While you might think it would be funny to get a cat high, ingestion of cannabis can cause a whole host of problems. It will affect the nervous system and your pet’s coordination, then cause vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, increased heart rate, seizures and could even put it in a coma.

If you suspect he/she ate even one bud, get him/her to your vet pronto.

11. Aloe vera

It may cure your burns, but it’ll set your cat back significantly. Symptoms of ingestion include vomiting, depression, diarrhea, seizures, change in urine color and can even cause anorexia (for real). Again, not life-threatening, but the side effects if left untreated could severely affect your pet’s quality of life, so call your vet.

12. Ivy (all forms)

This is certainly relevant if you have an outdoor cat. Symptoms of ingestion include vomiting, abdominal pain, hypersalivation and diarrhea. Not fatal but certainly distressing. Make sure your pet gets lots of fluids if it eats any of the ivy leaves especially, and keep an eye out for worsening symptoms.

More: Your Cat Sleeping in the Litter Box Could Be the Sign of a Serious Problem

What to expect from your vet

Obviously, a vet will want to know what your cat ate that made it sick. If you’re not sure, take pictures of the plants in your house and any nearby that are on this list to help your vet narrow it down. If your cat ingested a toxic plant but the symptoms are not life-threatening, she/he may suggest inducing vomit at home via charcoal tablets, so it’s a good idea to have some on hand for emergencies. However, even if you suspect a poisoning, don't just go for the charcoal without contacting your vet first.

If your cat ingests something more toxic, like lilies, your vet will most likely put it on intravenous fluids for a few days to flush out the toxins. If you don’t have a vet on hand, call the ASPCA’s 24-hour emergency poison hotline number at 1-888-426-4435 for help.

How to Stop Sweaty Hands: 5 Ways to Put an End to the Wetness


It's tough to hold someone’s hand if yours are covered in sweat — not to mention how awkward it is if you’re at an interview or meeting new people (no one likes a slippery handshake). But for those suffering from sweaty hands, it's no laughing matter.

"Technically called hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating can be an embarrassing problem," says Dr. Leslie Baumann, an internationally board-certified dermatologist in Miami, Florida. "Unless you suffer, most people don’t realize what an impact it has on a person's life... imagine avoiding shaking hands throughout the day."

Fortunately, there are definitive steps a person with super-sweaty palms can take to curtail the glisten. If you're among the clammy-clasp challenged, this is a good time to, well, take matters into your own hands.

More: What Actually Happens When You Use Hand Dryers in Public Restrooms

1. Curb your anxiety

Believe it or not, one of the top triggers for sweaty palms is worrying that you're going to have sweaty palms. "Excepting medical causes, which I believe are not that common, we can assume that almost all sweaty palms can be attributed to a form of performance anxiety,” says James I. Millhouse, Ph.D., a licensed psychotherapist and author of The Parents Manual of Sport Psychology. "Most people with this condition tend to experience a lot of anxiety with regard to imagined future events. A person needs to realize that perception is not necessarily reality. It is important to understand the difference between wanting something to be a certain way, such as a person liking them, and it being critical that this happen."

When a person who sweats excessively trips their anxiety meter, their eccrine glands will kick into overdrive and produce a sticky, non-smelly sweat on their hands and feet. From a primal standpoint, this comes from the fight-or-flight response (or a need to grip something harder... like a tree branch).

The way to combat this response? Learning to take a chill pill. "Excessive sweating comes with higher activation of the sympathetic nervous system, so relaxation procedures that decrease sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activation and conversely increase parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) activation can act to decrease sweating," says Millhouse.

Biofeedback, meditation, psychotherapy and self-hypnosis can all have a positive effect for those suffering from super-sweaty hands, triggered by stress. "Dealing with this condition psychophysiologically, as described above, is the first choice to eliminate this problem at the source and has produced dramatic results," says Millhouse.

2. Use a hand antiperspirant

In the same way that you control underarm sweat with a roll-on, those ingredients will help stop slimy hands on the spot. The only problem is that regular drugstore antiperspirants can leave a film on your hands or be irritating. Fortunately, other sweaty-hand sufferers have started to develop products that can stop the sweat without the redness or obvious coating. One to check out? Carpe Lotion — an antiperspirant hand lotion that uses a much stronger and more effective aluminum salt in its composition along with eucalyptus oil (to prevent irritation) that will keep hands sweat-free for four hours or more. To use you simply rub a pea-sized amount into palms for 10 to 15 seconds, and wait 10 minutes before whatever handholding activity you wish to undertake.

Another product to try is grip spray Awesome Chalk. Although it's marketed mainly as a fast-drying spray to use when exercising, both to get a better grip on weight and prevent blisters, you can use it outside the gym. All you do is shake the can well, hold it approximately 6 to 8 inches from your skin and spray (for roughly two to three seconds) until your hands are coated.

More: How to Get Rid of Armpit Fungus: 5 Things You Need to Know

3. Consider a prescription

While there aren't any over-the-counter meds a person can take to stop sweaty hands, there are some prescription pharmaceuticals that may help. "An easy trick to stopping sweaty palms, at least temporarily, is with a class of drugs called anticholinergics, two notable examples of which are atropine and dicyclomine," says Morton Tavel, M.D., clinical professor emeritus of medicine at Indiana University School of Medicine and author of Health Tips, Myths, and Tricks: A Physician's Advice. "They are generally used for gastrointestinal disorders such as ulcers and irritable colon, but one of their regular 'side effects' is a dry mouth usually associated with drying of sweaty palms (not usually mentioned in the drug literature). The interruption of sweating results from blockage of the part of the nervous system that enhances sweat production."

Though not suitable for persons with glaucoma, this class of drugs can offer relief for many with overactive sweat responses. As always, check with a physician to see if this is an option for you and heed any contraindication warnings. But, for those who might prefer to take a pill and forget about it, this is a potential sweat-reducing popper.

4. Consider Botox

Botox, the popular wrinkle-wrangler, has another use that many people may not be aware of: It can effectively treat hyperhidrosis. Though it's not cheap (a typical treatment requires 50-100 units at $10-$15 a unit), it can be very effective in curtailing sweaty palms.

"Botox works by temporarily disabling the sweat glands in treated areas for a drastic reduction in perspiration for up to six months," says Dr. Baumann. "A tiny needle is used to inject the Botox just under the skin’s surface to temporarily disable the sweat glands and a numbing cream is often used to keep discomfort to a minimum so there’s no downtime."

Though Botox is only FDA approved for use in the armpits, also known as axilla, it can be used off-label for the palms, feet, scalp and beyond. Similar to topical creams, there is some evidence that results may last longer with subsequent treatments. Though this isn't a pain-free option, it is frequently efficacious.

5. Keep a short-term arsenal handy

Let's face it: It's not always convenient to deal with sweaty hands in the spur of the moment. Some days, there may not be time for shots at the doc or a meditation session. When that happens, it's good to know a few workarounds.

One super-quick fix? Use hand sanitizer, says Gillian Palette, a board-certified adult nurse practitioner, who also recommends people carry paper towels, wear cotton clothing (onto which a person could quickly wipe their hands) or wear gloves with natural fibers (stay away from synthetic fabrics as they will increase sweating and irritation).

The bottom line is: There are options — because no one should have to hold back from romantically interlocking fingers with an amour because of a few drippy digits.

A version of this article was originally published in October 2015.

23 Healthy Spring Vegetable Recipes You're Guaranteed to Love


At the end of a long winter, is there anything better than the fresh taste of healthy spring veggies?

The answer, of course, is a hearty no.

Sweet peas, grassy asparagus, meaty artichokes and the first delicate strawberries — these are the flavors that let us know the cold is receding and summer days will soon be here. In the meantime, you can enjoy these fresh and tasty meals that highlight the best of what the season has to offer.

More: The Herbs That Will Elevate Your Spring Cooking

1. Strawberry-avocado salad with poppy seed dressing recipe

Strawberry salad wth poppyseed dressig

Plump, sweet strawberries are finally back in season after a long winter. Enjoy them here alongside tender baby greens and creamy avocado.

2. Spring veggie bowl with jade pearl rice, kohlrabi & coconut tahini sauce recipe

veggie kohlrabi bowl

This gorgeous dish makes good use of early spring veggies, like kohlrabi and purple broccoli, while looking just as pretty as the first blooming flowers of the season.

3. Creamy sweet potato & asparagus lasagna recipe

sweet potato lasagna

Springtime can still be chilly, but this meatless lasagna featuring asparagus and sweet potato will warm you right up.

4. Fresh fava bean & almond spread recipe

fava bean and almond spread

Fresh fava beans take a little extra work to prepare compared to their canned counterparts, but their fresh taste and creamy texture make the effort well worth your time.

5. Sun-dried tomato & feta-stuffed artichokes recipe

sundried tomato artichokes

Artichokes are finally coming into season, and there's no better way to enjoy them than stuffed with savory sun-dried tomatoes, feta, garlic and parsley.

6. Fresh pea & Greek yogurt frittata recipe

fresh pea and greek yogurt fritatta

Sweet spring peas and farm-fresh eggs combine to make a frittata that feels light but utterly satisfying.

7. Springtime crostini, 3 ways

Crostini 3 ways

Colorful crostini is the perfect way to showcase springtime stars like asparagus and strawberries.

8. Strawberry-lemonade scones recipe

Strawberry-lemonade scones recipe

Bright and sweet, these strawberry-lemonade scones welcome spring with a smile.

9. Creamy lemon-spring vegetable pasta

Creamy lemon spring vegetable pasta

Asparagus, artichokes, peas, basil and lemony pasta combined make for a hearty, spring-appropriate dish.

More: This Preserved Lemon Linguine Is the Perfect Spring Dish

10. Spring salad Niçoise

Spring salad niçoise

This light and refreshing salad highlights spring flavors like asparagus and butter lettuce. It looks almost too good to eat.

11. Cardoon risotto recipe

Cardoon risotto

Cardoon, an ancient relative of artichokes that tastes like a combination of artichoke hearts and celery, is best eaten in spring. Cardoons are gaining popularity in the U.S., and this creamy risotto makes it easy to see why.

12. Lemony cucumber-cream cheese sandwich recipe

Lemony cucumber cream cheese sandwiches

These delicate spring sandwiches, featuring cream cheese, lemon, cucumber and herbs, are the perfect teatime treat.

Next: More spring recipes

A version of this article was originally published in March 2015.


13. Green goddess pasta with asparagus & peas recipe

Green goddess pasta

Loaded with grassy asparagus and sweet peas, this springtime dish will shake off your winter blues.

14. Spicy skillet spinach-artichoke dip

Spicy skillet spinach artichoke dip

There's nothing more classic — and filling — than a spinach-artichoke dip. And this one's got a spicy kick that'll have you coming for thirds.

15. Fresh pea & ricotta tartines with spring vegetables recipe

pea and ricotta tartines

These tartines really highlight the beautiful freshness of spring vegetables accented by mild, creamy ricotta.

16. Strawberry-rhubarb bourbon cobbler with ginger-oat scones recipe

strawberry rhubarb bourbon cobbler with ginger oat scones

Strawberry and rhubarb is the most spring-y of dessert flavor combinations, and this sweet-tart cobbler makes the most of both.

17. Spring asparagus salad with couscous recipe

spring asparagus salad with couscous

Thanks to all the veggies, this dish feels light, but couscous makes it hearty enough to keep you feeling full.

18. Pan-fried morel mushrooms recipe

Pan Fried Morel Mushrooms

Morels are a springtime delicacy that should be savored. With this simple preparation, they're really allowed to shine.

19. Gluten-free fiddlehead ferns, nettle & ricotta gnudi recipe

morel and nettle gnudi

Fiddleheads are a rare treat, but you can sometimes find them at the farmers market, local roadside stands or even in your own backyard. Enjoy them here with another spring delicacy — nettles — and a delicious gluten-free gnudi.

20. One-pot spring pasta salad with dill & lemony vinaigrette

One-Pot Spring Pasta Salad with Dill + Lemony Vinaigrette

Any one-pot recipe is a winner in our book, and this spring pasta with asparagus, dill and many other fresh ingredients is no exception.

21. Morel mushroom & asparagus tart recipe

Morel mushroom and asparagus tart

Earthy morel mushrooms and grassy asparagus make this tart a seasonal standout.

22. Fiddlehead & tomato salad with pecorino recipe

fiddlehead and tomato salad with pecorino

Fiddleheads (which taste like a mix of green beans, artichokes and asparagus) make a lovely pair with acidic tomatoes and nutty pecorino in this salad.

More: The Perfect Spring Recipe for Every Zodiac Sign

23. Asparagus tacos

Asparagus tacos

Asparagus and queso fresco — among other tasty ingredients — wrapped up in a warm tortilla? Count us all the way in.

Why I’m Still Skeptical of the Diversity Movement as a Black Beauty Editor


A little over a year ago, I received an invite to the launch of Fenty Beauty, which would have Rihanna in attendance. At that point, scarcely any details had been revealed about the brand other than that the multifaceted, ultra-talented performer participated in its conception from start to launch. It’s an understatement to say I was eager to try whatever RiRi — whose track record includes too many wins to count — planned to unveil.

Drinks flowed, products were presented in impeccable fashion, and the woman of the hour moved among the crowd and chatted about Fenty the way a mother talks about her newborn. It’s a night I’ll never forget simply because it introduced me to something too many big-budget brands have failed to accomplish until now: a collection that reflects the full spectrum of consumers, from the top boss and models in the ads to the women using the products. And the best part is that we didn’t need a press release or Instagram post to spell it out for us. The proof simply existed.

Fenti Beauty

Fenti Beauty

Fenty’s inclusiveness has been fundamental from its inception. Its foundation famously comes in 40 different shades, and its marketing boasts models of all shapes and sizes. It’s obvious that Rihanna and her team made a point of ensuring that the lineup wouldn’t exclude anyone. And while I appreciated this about the brand from day one, only now am I realizing what Fenty does better than its competitors — it’s deeply authentic. When companies “walk the diversity walk,” there’s no need to call it out. Consumers spread the word about great products because they actually work for them — not because someone had to convince them that they weren’t forgotten.

Ri drove this point home (and probably boosted sales) when she responded to criticism for not including trans models in her ads: “I’ve had the pleasure of working with many gifted trans women throughout the years, but I don’t go around doing trans castings!” she wrote in the screenshot. “Just like I don’t do straight non trans women castings! I respect all women, and whether they’re trans or not is none of my business! I don’t think it’s fair that a trans woman, or man, be used as a convenient marketing tool! Too often I see companies doing this to trans and black women alike! There’s always just that one spot in the campaign for the token ‘we look mad diverse’ girl/guy! It’s sad!”

Rihanna Fenti Beauty IG

Rihanna Fenti Beauty IG

More: Fenty Beauty Reviews That Will Make You Laugh & Cry at the Same Time

When you take all this into account, it’s pretty clear Fenty’s explosive success was inevitable. And of course, as soon as Fenty consumers raved about the inclusive shade range, every other brand started pointing out theirs. Checking my inbox felt like a game of catch-up in which a never-ending stream of brands reminded me that their foundations were also in double-digit territory. (I’m not knocking Make Up For Ever for being proud of its 50 shades — but the overall sense of industry competitiveness about catering to diversity, as if a range of human skin tones is a revelation versus a centuries-old fact, is a little grating.)

This reversal in attitude and strategy is especially glaring to me since, in my five years as a beauty editor, I’ve grown accustomed to feeling left out. Even back when I worked for a Black publication, there were plenty of instances when I received tone-deaf packages filled with products that my coworkers and I couldn’t use — like BB creams, the darkest option of which was “tan” or “honey,” or sunscreen products made without zinc (which tend to show up ashy on brown skin). I’ve stopped keeping track of the times I’ve attended an event only to have a brand rep awkwardly glance in the direction of us lone Black editors in a sea of white ones while discussing how that sandpaper-hued concealer will somehow magically work on all shades of brown.

Makeup Forever shade options IG

Makeup Forever shade options IG

More: 15 Beauty Brands With Wide Foundation Ranges

Now, not only is it suddenly the standard for brands to formulate products that work for everyone — it’s actually expected that brands will be called out if they don’t (see Tarte’s Shape TapeIt Cosmetics’ Bye Bye Foundation and even Kim Kardashian West’s 3-Step Concealer Kit). We’re faced with a sudden and startling tsunami of cultural and marketing influences that aren’t just embracing people of color, they’re using us to prove how woke they are because that’s on trend right now.

I’m not complaining about being included, but I can’t help but question the motivations of profit-driven companies that only seem to notice my demographic now that not noticing it is officially a bad look. It almost feels like companies have wiretapped the private conversations I’ve had with colleagues of color and are finally adjusting their branding and formulations accordingly. Can anyone blame us for feeling whiplash?

Tarte Beauty Foundation Shades

Tarte Beauty Foundation Shades

More: The Key to Sustaining Beauty’s New Era of Inclusivity

I don’t have a solution for the current situation — and, yes, it’s an improvement from the past. But I don’t want to get too hung up on that because as far as I’m concerned, this should have been the status quo for a long time. Do we really have to applaud beauty brands for acknowledging that we (and our plainly visible skin tones and hair types and grooming needs) exist?

I appreciate people and brands that have fallen short in the past working overtime to compensate for those failings. But the circumstances now feel out of balance in a new way. I still sometimes feel like a number or a name to check off a PR list, not a living, breathing human. Other times, I feel as though I’m being reached out to solely because of my skin color. I have yet to experience a happy medium.

Fenty Beauty Duckie Thot IG post

Fenty Beauty Duckie Thot IG post

More: 7 Beauty Brands That Nailed Inclusivity in 2017

In hindsight, perhaps I could have been more vocal in the past about my gripes too, even when it felt like they fell on deaf ears. I’m guilty of sometimes falling in line with bandwagon culture, only complaining about things when others do. It’s less daunting to rally for a cause when you’re not alone. But if this new diversity movement has taught me anything, it’s that all it takes is one brave soul to challenge the status quo. More often than not, there are people on the sidelines ready and willing to join the fight.

But as someone with access and a platform, I know it’s my responsibility to go beyond that. We — especially editors of color — need to do a better job of uplifting Black-owned labels like AJ Crimson that have always put women of color first and, admittedly, still don’t get the proper shine they deserve.

I need to be brave, speak up and ensure I’m advocating for changes that go beyond the pretty ads and swatches we see on our Instagram feed. My only hope is that the key-holders of our industry are doing the same to ensure that what currently feels like a trend with questionable motivations soon becomes the thoroughly authentic status quo.

Originally posted on StyleCaster.

Why Insomnia Is More Than Not Being Able to Fall Asleep


We’ve all had those nights when “one more episode” becomes a binge-watch until dawn or nights spent tossing and turning when that midafternoon latte turns our usual 40 winks into four winks.

Everyone experiences periodic bouts of sleeplessness — which can have a whole range of causes, like hormones or illness, trouble adjusting after daylight savings time or a serious compulsion to find out how Eleven and her friends save Hawkins from yet another creature from the Upside Down — and we may joke that this makes us insomniacs. But insomnia isn’t just missing some sleep now and again; it’s a serious medical condition that can impact the quality of your life.

But what separates a delayed caffeine buzz or a love for ‘80s horror-inspired thrillers from actual clinical insomnia? Dr. Carl Bazil, director of the division of epilepsy and sleep at New York-Presbyterian and Columbia University Medical Center, tells SheKnows that “insomnia is inability to get to sleep or to stay asleep long enough to feel alert during the day. ‘Night owls’ sleep just fine so long as they are allowed to go to bed late and to sleep in late.”

Brazil adds that people with insomnia differ from garden-variety light sleepers because “light sleepers may awaken more easily with noises or other disturbances, but can get back to sleep easily and get enough sleep.”

Insomnia has a variety of underlying physical causes, such as chronic pain, allergies and sinus congestion, arthritis, asthma, hyperthyroidism, hypertension and gastrointestinal issues. Depression and anxiety can also contribute to prolonged sleeplessness. Though insomnia is a symptom of these other conditions, it’s a serious health condition in its own right. Bazil says sleeplessness can negatively impact your waking life — especially your concentration.

“Accidents are also more common when [people are] sleep-deprived,” he says. But this heavy and constant exhaustion isn’t just likely to make you rub your eyes and miss that stop sign — it can have long-term deleterious effects on other unseen aspects on your health.

“If [lack of sleep is] chronic… it increases risk of infection, decreases immune function and may be related to other health problems,” Bazil says. Insomnia can put you on a hamster wheel of unhealthiness — lack of sleep can make you sick, and sickness can keep you from sleeping.

Sometimes, taking a natural supplement like melatonin or drinking a cup of chamomile tea is enough to punch your ticket to Dreamland. However, sometimes, we need a little medical intervention: “Occasional insomnia is pretty much universal, but if you always lie in bed for long periods of time (30 minutes or more), either getting to sleep at night or awakening too early, you should ask your doctor,” Bazil says. “Most general practitioners have some experience with sleep disorders, but if yours isn’t sure how to proceed, you should consider seeing a sleep specialist.”

More: Does Melatonin Really Help You Sleep?

According to the National Sleep Foundation, “researchers have begun to think about insomnia as a problem of your brain being unable to stop being awake (your brain has a sleep cycle and a wake cycle — when one is turned on the other is turned off — insomnia can be a problem with either part of this cycle: too much wake drive or too little sleep drive).”

This research is yielding interesting and potentially life-changing results. “Behavioral treatments are always important, as these can teach your brain better sleep habits,” Bazil explains. “In the short term, medications can also help with training you to sleep better but are never a long-term solution. For chronic insomnia, cognitive behavioral therapy can be very helpful and can be done online or with a live therapist.”

More: Does Lavender Really Help You Sleep Better?

Whether you find yourself constantly staring at the ceiling, counting down the last few precious moments before your alarm clock blares or have a few rough bouts of sleepless nights now and again, it’s important to be healthy and balanced — that means eating well, exercising and summoning the willpower to press pause on that Netflix queue. And if you think you are dealing with insomnia, it's probably best to see your doctor to come up with a treatment solution to fit your needs.

Beyoncé Killed It at Coachella with History-Making Performance


All hail the Queen — Bey, that is. The music icon slayed all day (or at least two hours of it) during a staggering 26-song performance at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival on Saturday, April 14. Beyoncé blew minds with five Balmain wardrobe changes, a dance-off with sister Solange, a cameo by hubby Jay-Z, and a highly anticipated reunion with Destiny’s Child bandmates Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams. Understandably, fans officially “can’t even right now.”

More: 11 Things Beyoncé's Done Since Giving Birth to Twins

That includes Adele, who posted her adorable fangirling over the performance on Instagram.

Adele Beychella 1

Adele Beychella 1

Beyoncé opened her two-hour set by asking the crowd, “Y’all ready, Coachella?” And, in all fairness, no one could have been ready for what was about to transpire. Making the performance even more spectacular was the fact that it made history. “Coachella, thank you for allowing me to be the first black woman to headline,” the singer said before launching into “Run the World (Girls).”

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It’s hard to even hit all the highlights of the performance — which, by and large, was a dynamic tribute to black culture. There was the energizing performance of “Crazy in Love,” backed by a New Orleans-style brass marching band.

Beyonce Coachella 1

Beyonce Coachella 1

There was also the stirring rendition of “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” which is often referred to as the black national anthem. Naturally, Beyoncé sampled from her beloved Lemonade album for several songs. Jay-Z joined Beyonce for “Déjà vu,” and Solange took the stage to do yet another thing the sisters do best: dance. And, much to the delight of fans, Rowland and Williams made a Destiny’s Child reunion a reality by belting out the band’s '90s hits “Lose My Mind,” “Say My Name,” and “Soldier” alongside Beyoncé.

Beyonce Coachella 2

Beyonce Coachella 2

The electric set also included contortionists, Malcolm X quotes, “Bug A Boo” Greek-pledge male dancers, baton twirling, and a tribute to Nina Simone. How could such genius come from one woman? Well, Beyoncé explained the show had been unfolding in her brain for the past year.

“I was supposed to perform at Coachella before, but I ended up getting pregnant,” she told the crowd. “So I had time to dream and dream and dream with two beautiful souls in my belly, and I dreamed up this performance.”

More: Beyoncé Is Not Down with a Beer Company Using Her for Inspiration

Damn, B! The only things I dreamed about when I was pregnant were ice cream and dating Luke Perry (don’t ask). I’m inclined to agree with DJ Khaled, who suggested on Instagram, “After tonight, Coachella gotta rename Coachella the Beychella. New name alert: Beychella!”

Beyonce Coachella 3

Beyonce Coachella 3

Carrie Underwood Posts First Full Closeup of Her Face Since Fall, & It's Gorg


It's been five months since Carrie Underwood fell at her Nashville home, sustaining a facial injury that required 40 to 50 stitches. In that time, the country superstar has been guarded with information other than to say she's "not quite looking the same." But with the 53rd Academy of Country Music Awards looming, Underwood is finally feeling confident enough to share a close-up of her full face. Not surprisingly, she's just as gorgeous as ever!

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Underwood posted the photo to Instagram on Saturday, April 14, ahead of her first return to the public spotlight, saying, "Had a great rehearsal for the @acmawards! Can’t wait until tomorrow night! #CryPretty #ACMAwards."

Carrie Underwood Closeup

Carrie Underwood Closeup

The stage lights cast a bit of a bokeh effect, making it possible for a faint scar to be hiding somewhere beneath the glow. However, if there is one, you can't tell it by us. Underwood looks stunning, per the norm. And, to be clear, the same would be true even if her scar was evident — when you have a heart as pretty as Underwood's, it shines through.

More: Carrie Underwood Shares Her First Post-Fall Selfie, & It's for a Good Cause

It's nice to know, though, that the singer is feeling good in her own skin again. In an update shared with fans on her website on Apr. 10, Underwood confirmed, "First off, physically, I’m doing pretty darn good these days! My wrist is almost back to normal, about 90% there…and the docs say that last 10% will come in time. And my face has been healing pretty nicely as well. I definitely feel more like myself than I have in a while."

She also explained that despite the scare (and at times uncertainty), she's grateful for the experience. It gave her a chance to spend plenty of quality time with son, Isaiah, and husband Mike Fisher — who's been going through big changes of his own.

"Sometimes I think things happen in order to make us slow down. It also means I’ve been home to support my favorite hockey player coming out of retirement! I hope you’re all ready for more silly posts of me at Preds’ playoff games! One more run for the Cup! Go Preds!" Underwood wrote and, rest assured, we are ready. The country superstar's unabashed support of her hockey-playing husband makes the sport fun for everyone.

More: Carrie Underwood's Emotional Letter to Fans Gives New Information About Her Fall

We're looking forward to that almost as much as we are to Underwood's performance at Sunday's ACMs, where she is up for Female Vocalist of the Year and Vocal Event of the Year (for "Fighter" with Keith Urban). Underwood will presumably perform her new single, "Cry Pretty," which she penned with "the Love Junkies" — Hillary Lindsey, Liz Rose and Lori McKenna.

"The title refers to when emotions take over and you just can't hold them back," she shared in her letter to fans. "It really speaks to a lot of things that have happened in the past year and I hope when you hear it you can relate those feelings to those times in your life. It's emotional. It's real. And it ROCKS!"

Oh yeah, we're calling it now: Underwood's ACMs set is gonna be a total tearjerker.

Khloé Kardashian Fans Are Trolling Tristan Thompson in the Most Hilarious Way


Tristan Thompson is learning the hard way that karma can be a... well, you know how the saying goes. Since news broke that the NBA star allegedly cheated on pregnant girlfriend Khloé Kardashian, Koko's fans have taken matters into their own hands by throwing major shade at Thompson. And, y'all, some of their sick burns are downright hilarious.

More: Khloé Kardashian & Tristan Thompson Welcome Baby Girl

Kardashian's supporters are exacting their revenge in the comment feed of a picture that Thompson posted on Instagram last week. Instead of personal insults, though, the fans are sticking to wishes of comically horrible karmic retribution.

Perhaps it's because everyone feels duped by the Cleveland Cavaliers player. Granted, the allegations of infidelity are just that at this point — unconfirmed allegations — but the video evidence is damning enough to make people super-salty.

More: 30 Days of Khloé Kardashian's Pregnancy Fashion

So salty, in fact, that they just can't resist trolling him. Here's an abbreviated sampling of some of the best disses doled out so far.

"I hope everytime you walk in a crowd someone steps on the back of your foot." — @wakeupbishop

"I hope every time you grab a shopping cart, you get one with the wiggly wheel." — @katlovesbalayage

"I hope you always have gunk in the corners of your eyes no matter how many times u wash your face." —@cheeki02

"I hope that every time you ask alexa to play a song, it's a sample." — @nataliesturm_

"I hope you buy 10 dogs and none of them love you." — @redy2rumble

"I hope you have something in your teeth every time you meet a new person and no one has the guts to tell you." — @itsdaisyliketheflower

"I hope you get a few paper cuts without knowing and then put on hand sanitizer." — @audreyisdunn

"I hope every time you pour a bowl of cereal that you're out of milk." — @maddy_dadddy

"I hope u crave chick fil a on a Sunday." — @jewls.ie

"I hope you leave your to-go box on the restaurant table." — kastenbrafford

"I hope every time you're done washing dishes someone brings you one more bowl." — @ramosww509

"I hope Gordon Ramsey puts pieces of bread to your face and calls you an idiot sandwich." — @bellawilliiams

"I hope none of your pistachios have an opening." — @ramosww509

"I hope you stub your baby toe every time you walk." — @_.jonsie._

"I hope you always accidentally step in something wet when you are wearing socks." — @rachel_spayd

"I hope your daughter grows up and dunks on you." — @jade.peiton

"I hope every time you're eating near other people, they uncontrollably scrape their fork on their plate and don't stop." — @dedchic

"I hope every time you go to McDonald's they forget to give you a straw." — @maddyymurr

"I hope you step on a mountain of LEGO's." — @breanna.gaffney

"I hope when the waiter tells you to enjoy your meal you say 'thanks you too.'" — @lindsthacker

Seriously, I could go on with this for hours. But, instead, I'll just leave this here.

Tristan Thompson Trolls

Tristan Thompson Trolls

Happy scrolling!

John Cena & Nikki Bella Officially Called Off Their Engagement, & We're Not OK


Is 2018 cursed? It seems like couples we love can't stop splitting up, making doleful public statements about parting ways and subsequently derailing their respective fan bases for a couple of days as they process the news. This is exactly the spot we find ourselves in yet again after the announcement that John Cena and Nikki Bella have split up after six years together, which included a one-year engagement.

More: 36 Hollywood Couples Who've Called It Quits in 2018

The wrestling stars announced their split in a joint statement and also confirmed the split to Us Weekly via a rep. The former couple's statement is short and sweet, reading, "While this decision was a difficult one, we continue to have a great deal of love and respect for one another. We ask that you respect our privacy during this time in our lives."

The rep's confirmation echoes this sentiment, although there's a little less warmth to it: "After much contemplation and six years of being together Nikki Bella and John Cena announced today their decision to separate as a couple."

Nikki Bella Split Instagram

Nikki Bella Split Instagram

Bella put up both statements on her Instagram on Sunday night while Cena posted a meme of Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons saying, "Worst day ever," on his Instagram. Neither Bella nor Cena has released any further statement or posted anything on their social media accounts indicating a reason for the split.

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As with most celebrity splits that come out of nowhere, you can't help but feel there must be more to the story. Bella and Cena have been reticent to explain what split them up, and while there's no reason to presume there's something sinister here (gosh, let's hope not), their split feels very sudden all the same.

Up until the weekend of April 14, the pair has given the world the impression they were still very much in love. Bella was Cena's date to the world premiere of his latest film, Blockers, in Los Angeles on April 3. Also, while Cena was never one to post a ton of personal photos on his Instagram, Bella was posting photos of them looking very lovey-dovey and as recently as April 9 was publicly gushing about being engaged to Cena — she posted a stop-motion video recreation of Cena's proposal at WrestleMania 33 in April 2017, writing in the caption, "Omg love this! lol I can’t believe this was last year at WrestleMania! What a moment, still get chills and tears every time. Honestly feel like the luckiest girl in the world."

John Cena Nikki Bella Proposal Instagram

John Cena Nikki Bella Proposal Instagram

Bella and Cena were a couple from 2012 to 2018. The pair has been as dedicated to their work as they were to one another. Cena has been transitioning more and more into acting while Bella remains focused on her wrestling career. That said, Cena admitted in a March 2018 interview that he and Bella did work on their relationship each and every day.

As he told Us Weekly, "Relationships are hard. Don’t ever think that love is easy. Love is beautiful, but we’ve had to come to the realization after being together for five years that love is not easy. We work every day on us. We have our problems just like everybody else. Some of our problems are very public, some of them aren’t. But we work every day on us. Anytime I get upset, I always just realize that I can’t live without her and I love her and that’s why I cave in on a lot of stuff."

More: Nikki Bella Is Refreshingly Candid About the Sacrifices She Made for Love

There's no word yet on how Cena and Bella will handle this split — will they stay out of the public eye or continue to work? Either way, it's safe to say fans of the couple will definitely need some time to process.

Yes, Your Period Messes With Your Digestive System — Here’s Why


Periods are typically not a great experience in general, but add in the additional insult of gastric distress, and it's a whole new level of discomfort. It turns out there is a physiological reason your period jacks up your gut, and it has to do with — you guessed it — hormones.

Your hormones & your bowels

For starters, let's take a look at your menstrual cycle, which starts on day one of your period and ends the day before your next period begins. This delicate dance is brought to you by various hormones that are produced in assorted body parts: your hypothalamus and pituitary (both located in your brain) and your ovaries. The hormones involved include progesterone, estrogen and testosterone (yes, really) that impact the timing of ovulation and in the case of no fertilization menstruation.

More: Is Acupressure a Solution for Period Pain?

Progesterone production specifically increases in the latter half of your menstrual cycle (in other words, around two weeks before your period starts) and drops off right before your period begins. The whole idea is that progesterone helps your body ready itself for a fertilized egg, and when it doesn't happen, the drop in this hormone helps signal the start of your period.

In some cases, this can mean you're already having pooping issues well before your period starts according to Dr. G. Thomas Ruiz, an OB-GYN at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California. "The hormones of the menstrual cycle, specifically progesterone, are thought to be associated with constipation," he tells SheKnows. "Progesterone causes slowing of intestinal motility, which causes constipation."

Period poops are a thing

So, before you start spotting on cycle-day one, you may already be having some issues getting things going in the poop department. However, you may soon have a different sort of problem, and this is not always a super-fun thing. Affectionately known as the "period poops," some of us are lucky enough to have frequent bowel movements (or, worse yet, rampant diarrhea) while we're also bleeding from the vagina (this is not a fun combo, BTW).

MoreAre Painful Periods Hereditary?

Dr. Sheryl A. Ross, an OB-GYN, tells SheKnows this type of gastrointestinal havoc is not uncommon during our menstrual cycle, particularly during the first three days of our period. The culprit is prostaglandins, which are chemicals released during menses. Prostaglandins are not only responsible for menstrual cramping, but they can also (unfortunately) affect your bowels, relaxing them and causing diarrhea.

There are other ways your period can affect your bowels as well. For those who have endometriosis, bowel movements can be terribly painful (even excruciating) in those who have endometriosis implants on the large bowel. Also, Dr. Mark Trolice, a reproductive endocrinology and infertility specialist at Fertility CARE — The IVF Center and associate professor of OB-GYN at the University of Central Florida College of Medicine, tells SheKnows that people who have irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease can note an increase of their symptoms during menses.

Can this stop being a thing?

Since this gastric disaster is caused by natural fluctuations in your body's hormones, is there anything you can even do to make your bowels happy? Maybe, says Ross. She suggests eating a healthy, fiber-rich and colorful diet; exercising regularly; and avoiding caffeine, sugar, salt, dairy, spicy foods and alcohol. She also recommends taking a probiotic to help balance out your gut biome, which can help improve any gastrointestinal symptoms.

So, yes, your digestive system is naturally affected by your menstrual cycle, but rest assured it's not abnormal and you're definitely not alone. But as always, consult a physician if you have symptoms that worry you, and don't forget the fiber.

A Doctor Explains Everything a Beginner Should Know About Facial Peels


Unless you’re already familiar with them, chemical peels sound terrifying. Peeling skin is generally annoying to deal with, and as far as we’re concerned, the word "chemical" translates to pain. Assumptions aside, they’re actually one of the most popular ways to score the glasslike, glowing skin of your dreams. Peels are associated with a handful of beauty benefits: evening out your skin tone (buh-bye, dark spots!), smoothing texture and diminishing acne. In short, they give your skin a fresh start.

The only caveat is that getting a peel definitely requires a trip to the dermatologist, where an expert can recommend the best option for you. You can DIY with an at-home version, but it won’t give you the same results as a more potent professional one.

To get the scoop on the procedure, we chatted with Dr. Jeffrey Hsu, assistant professor of dermatology at the University of Illinois. Here’s what you need to know before your search for skin nirvana begins.

The basics

In the most basic terms, a chemical peel utilizes acids to shed layers of the skin and infuse it with ingredients that diminish lines, build collagen and improve tone and texture and significantly improves pigmentation. And it can be used to treat a wide range of skin conditions.

“Depending on the peeling agents used, they either dissolve bonds between cells to allow them to shed or they increase cell turnover rates to bring fresh cells to the surface more quickly,” says Hsu.

Anyone can get a chemical peel unless a doctor has diagnosed you with a medical condition that specifically prohibits chemical peels. If your skin is highly irritated or sunburned, you shouldn’t get one either.

Hsu recommends PCA Skin’s Sensi Peel as a great gentle option for those who fit the previous descriptions.

The types

As with most beauty products and treatments, you have options when it comes to choosing a chemical peel.

Superficial peels or light chemical peels: The gentlest option includes a low concentration of TCA, glycolic and AHA (alpha hydroxy) acids, salicylic acid peels and Jessner’s peels (equal parts salicylic acid, lactic acid and resorcinol, an antiseptic exfoliant).

“Superficial peels can unclog pores, help with blackheads and fade post-pimple discoloration. These peels are a very light exfoliation with little to no downtime and only minimal skin shedding. This ‘lunchtime peel’ is a type of peel that is good for maintenance [and] fading mild hyperpigmentation, for skin brightening and tightening and for fine lines,” says Hsu.

Medium-depth chemical peels: This type of peel ups the percentages of AHA, salicylic and TCA and requires longer downtime. Your skin will also peel more dramatically and visibly.

“This type of peel is used to break up more stubborn pigment deeper in the skin, photo aging, fine lines and wrinkles, scarring and uneven skin tones,” says Hsu.

Deep chemical peels: This type of peel is normally a phenol chemical and is quite useful for more severe wrinkles, loss of elasticity, deep scars and aging skin.

“This type of peel is normally done under sedation and involves up to two weeks of downtime and is typically only performed once or twice in a lifetime.”

The side effects

Although some may experience mild redness, a chemical peel should leave your skin with a healthy glow immediately after. And if you don’t want to leave the doctor's office with a bare face, makeup can be applied within 30 minutes or so. After a few days, you may spot some peeling, which can vary from minor flaking to extreme sheeting.

“Everyone’s skin is different, so the amount of peeling will be different,” says Hsu. “The amount of peeling is not reflective of the condition of the skin or the outcome of the treatment. You don’t have to see visible exfoliation to see improvement in the skin.”

The licensed professional should also apply sunscreen immediately after the treatment along with an emollient. It goes without saying that it’s important to steer clear of irritating ingredients or products for several days too.

“PCA Skin has a post-procedure-solutions kit that has products to properly hydrate and care for skin following professional treatments such as a chemical peel. One of the reasons I like this kit is because it provides all the products you need so it’s not a guessing game for patients on what they can and can’t use,” adds Hsu.

The at-home version

If you can’t afford a chemical peel or simply don’t want to be in a doctor’s office, the safest at-home version would be an enzyme mask (anything with papaya is top-notch) such as PCA Skin’s Purifying Mask or a charcoal mask for detoxification.

Just remember that the chemical peels we previously described should always be left in the hands of licensed and trained professionals.

Originally posted on StyleCaster.

Check Your Fridge: More Than 200 Million Eggs Have Been Recalled


If you live in Colorado, Florida, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia or West Virginia, check your eggs, stat — they could be contaminated with salmonella.

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According to a federal Food and Drug Administration report on Friday, Rose Acre Farms of Seymour, Indiana, has recalled more than 200 million eggs. This recall follows an outbreak of salmonella that was traced to one of the company's farms in North Carolina. Since the outbreak, 22 illnesses were reported.

According to the FDA, healthy individuals infected with salmonella can experience fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

The New York Times reports that the FDA learned about the outbreaks in multiple states last month and worked with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as state authorities to trace the source of the illness. This led them to the egg farm in North Carolina, which produces 2.3 million eggs a day according to the FDA.

The affected eggs are sold under multiple brand names, the FDA reported, including Coburn Farms, Country Daybreak, Food Lion, Glenview, Great Value, Nelms and Sunshine Farms. The recalled eggs were also sold to restaurants.

The FDA urges consumers to check their purchases and avoid eating eggs that might be contaminated. When checking your egg carton, look for the label with the plant number P-1065 with packing dates ranging from 011 through 102 (which means Jan. 11 through April 12). For a full list, you can visit FDA's website.

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If you have purchased eggs affected by the recall, the FDA recommends you return them to the place of purchase for a full refund. And if you have questions, you may contact the company at (855) 215-5730 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern Standard time.

Rose Acre Farms released a statement in response to the recall, saying, "The Hyde County farm has never before experienced a recall or serious safety violation." It continues to say that the recall "was conducted in full cooperation with the FDA."

Miranda Lambert Is Broken-Hearted, & She's Not Afraid to Admit It


When it comes to country music stars, there's no one quite like Miranda Lambert, and she has the awards to prove it. At this year's Academy of Country Music Awards, held Sunday, April 15 in Las Vegas, Lambert took home awards in two of the three categories for which she was nominated: Female Vocalist of the Year and Song of the Year. In total, that brings her to a whopping 27 ACM Awards over the course of her career, and she deserves every one of those trophies, especially because her music is so, so honest.

More: Miranda Lambert & Anderson East Break Up, for Real This Time (Maybe)

That is especially true of the song "Tin Man," the song that got her the nomination and eventual win for Song of the Year. During her acceptance speech for Song of the Year, Lambert dedicated the win to her fans. "Thank you guys so much for sharing my broken heart with me," she told the audience. Her speech may have been short, but it's still so meaningful. It was a poignant line, especially considering Lambert has gone through some major personal humps in recent years, most recently, her split from her boyfriend of two years, musician Anderson East. The fact that Lambert has felt comfortable enough to share her broken heart with fans creates such a special kind of connection.

ACM Twitter - Miranda Lambert

ACM Twitter - Miranda Lambert

"Tin Man," released in 2017 as a single off her most recent album, The Weight of These Wings, is a devastating ballad about loss. It's a letter to the Wizard of Oz character in which Lambert implores him to consider how lucky he is to not have a heart. "Hey there, Mr. Tin Man," she sings, "I'm glad we talked this out/You can take mine if you want it/It's in pieces now/By the way there, Mr. Tin Man/If you don't mind the scars/You give me your armor/And you can have my heart." Talk about a tearjerker of a song.

More: Miranda Lambert & Anderson East Are Finished After 2 Years Together

About "Tin Man," Lambert told iHeartRadio, "'Tin Man,' I guess [was] going through a lot of times where I felt pretty empty — I understood a whole new meaning. I mean, how many times have we seen The Wizard of Oz? Something that everyone knows what the Tin Man represents: cold, and empty, and loneliness, and heartless. And it just opened my eyes to it even more, going through pain myself."

That pain Lambert speaks of is likely a reference to her divorce from first husband Blake Shelton — a heartbreak fans have witnessed Lambert process and then channel into song. In the three years since her divorce, Shelton has begun a relationship with fellow Voice coach Gwen Stefani — both of them were in the audience Sunday night.

More: 36 Hollywood Couples Who've Called It Quits in 2018

As for how she feels about splitting from East, fans are a little less informed. There's no doubt she's still processing it and will likely put those feelings into a whole new slew of songs.

John Stamos & Caitlin McHugh Welcome a Baby Boy


Uncle Jesse has leveled up — to fatherhood. Full House actor John Stamos and his wife, model Caitlin McHugh, have welcomed their first child, a son.

On Sunday evening, Stamos posted a swoonworthy black-and-white Instagram photo with the explanation behind his new son's name.

Stamos post

Stamos post

Stamos wrote, "From now on, the best part of me will always be my wife and my son. Welcome Billy Stamos (named after my father)  #NotJustanUncleAnymore#Overjoyed." Oh, John. My crush on you started decades ago when you were Blackie on General Hospital. How do you expect me to get over you when you post things like that?

More: John Stamos Will Finally Be a Dad — & He's Rehearsed, Don't Worry

McHugh — who's appeared in The Vampire Diaries and in Switched at Birth — got engaged to Stamos at Disneyland in October. She and Stamos married in a private ceremony on Feb. 3. She's obviously as smitten with Stamos as he is with her judging from her Valentine's Day Instagram post of the pair kissing.

Caitlin Vday

Caitlin Vday

More: John Stamos & Caitlin McHugh Didn't Let a Robbery Ruin Their Wedding

But I know I'm not the only one still nursing a crush on Stamos. One little girl named Iris recently grabbed the actor's attention — and his heart — when her mom, Rachael Houston, posted an Instagram video of her daughter sobbing because she wanted Uncle Jesse from Fuller House to come over.

Stamos Iris

Stamos Iris

"I want Uncle Jesse," Iris bawled.

"From the show?" her mom inquires gently.

"Yeah," Iris manages to say in between gulping sobs.

We are all Iris. The best part? Stamos FaceTimed with his tiniest, most fervent fan for 15 minutes. I mean, John, you're killing us — and you've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are going to be the best dad ever.

Stamos Facetime

Stamos Facetime

Major congrats to Stamos and McHugh — and Iris for scoring the FaceTime of the century.

The Best & Worst Places for Allergy Sufferers to Live


Spring is here, and with it comes longer days and higher pollen counts. As my fellow allergy sufferers know all too well, where there is pollen, there is sniffing, sneezing and watery eyes. With nasal allergies affecting more than 50 million people in the United States, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, it is important to know what you’re dealing with when it comes to potential allergens. No surprise, it all starts with where you live.

Luckily, the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America creates an annual report that ranks the 100 largest cities in the continental United States to help those with allergies recognize, prevent and manage symptoms. The report is based on three major categories: pollen scores, the number of allergy medicines each patient uses and the number of allergists per patient. Each city received a total score out of 100, and the average score of all the cities was 57.54.

Check out this map to see the 10 best and worst U.S. cities for seasonal allergies and what their total score is. If you don’t see your hometown on the map, visit pollen.com for a day-to-day look at pollen counts across the United States and to see the current forecast in your city.

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Why Period-Shaming Is an Environmental Issue & What You Can Do About It


For roughly half the population, menstruating can be everything from a hassle to uncomfortable to excruciatingly painful. It's annoying enough that we have to deal with all that — not to mention period stigma — but we also should consider how to dispose of our menstrual products in an environmentally conscious way.

As it turns out, the shame surrounding periods and the related products also has an impact on the environment. A new survey conducted by the period underwear brand Thinx found that while 97 percent of menstruators are concerned about the environment, 85 percent of us dispose of tampons by flushing them down the toilet to avoid being seen throwing them into the garbage.

The average menstruator uses between 11 and 30 pads and/or tampons during an average cycle. Over the years, that can really add up — specifically, to between 5,000 and 14,000 pads/tampons in one person's lifetime. And that's not even taking into account the materials used for packaging and shipping.

Although most people know not to flush pads, a lot were actually taught they should flush tampons. In a way, it makes sense: If it doesn't go in the garbage can, it doesn't end up in a landfill, right? Nope, not at all. When you flush a tampon, first it goes into the sewer or septic system, which was not designed to process cotton tampons, let alone applicators (even if they're labeled "flushable"). It has the potential to clog up the machinery in the wastewater treatment plant, which then has to be fixed, having the tampons removed and moved to a landfill. Long story short: Either way, the products will end up in a landfill, but by putting them in the trash, you're at least eliminating a few costly steps.

More: How the U.S. Differs From the Rest of the World When It Comes to Periods

Having an eco-friendly period

The good news is our period product options are constantly expanding, so we're no longer limited to the same-old brands of pads and tampons and have a whole range of other products to consider. For example, if you still want to go the tampon route, check out applicator-free, biodegradable organic tampons from Cora, Lola or Aunt Flow (which also makes organic, biodegradable pads). Yes, these products are still disposable, but at least they will take less time to break down, ultimately taking up less real estate in landfills.

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For others, reusable period products are the way to go, significantly decreasing the environmental impact but cutting down on waste. For example, there are a range of menstrual cups available from DivaCup, Lunette and EvaCup; the Flex's menstrual disc (perfect for period sex); and reusable pads from GladRags and Lunapads, among others. Period underwear is another environmentally friendly contender, with options from Maia, Pyramid Seven (which makes boxer briefs) and yes, Thinx.

It's also important to remember that not everyone can afford reusable menstrual products, and for a lot of menstruators in developing areas, getting access to a clean toilet is hard enough, let alone having to deal with the extra steps of cleaning the period products. So, while these are great options for some, it's not a realistic choice for everyone.

The bottom line is that we need to start thinking more seriously about our period products, both in terms of what they're made of and how we dispose of them and stop letting let stigma get in the way of a healthy period and Earth.

Gwyneth Paltrow's Engagement Party Was So Fancy & Formal


Imagine it: a world where we could all have Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Aniston, Kate Hudson and Julia Roberts at our engagement parties. Pretty incredible, right? I mean, I would totally request that Julia Roberts sing "Kiss" à la Pretty Woman, but she could be fully dressed this time. Very kind of me, I know.

But we can't all be Gwyneth Paltrow, who celebrated her engagement to writer, director and producer Brad Falchuk (whose most notable projects are Glee, American Horror Story, Nip/Tuck and Scream Queens) on Saturday. Here's what we know about the shindig.


Everything went down at the iconic Los Angeles Theatre — a historic movie palace that seats 2,000 guests (there couldn't have been 2,000 guests in attendance, could there?). The theater was constructed in 1930 –1931 and is... So. Freaking. Fancy. A crystal fountain and grand staircase welcomes guests as they enter the gold-adorned theater. Now closed to the public, the historic Los Angeles building is used in many TV shows and movies, including New York, New York, Man on the Moon, Charlie's Angels, Mad Men and more.

The theater marquee read, "BF loves GP" according to Us Weekly.

Los Angeles Theatre

Los Angeles Theatre

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It was black-tie event and it happened right after Paltrow's bachelorette party in Cabo San Lucas, where Paltrow partied with A-list friends, including Stella McCartney.

Gwyneth Paltrow shares photo from Bachelorette party

Gwyneth Paltrow shares photo from Bachelorette party

The timing of everything is leading some, including Harpers Bazaar, to speculate this wasn't an engagement party — it was their actual secret wedding. But from what we can see, Paltrow's not in white. Sure, she could have changed into the burgundy gown after saying her I do's, but we'd expect Paltrow to wear an array of white dresses on her big day, so we're not on board with the "secret wedding" speculation.

Gwyneth Paltrow Engagement Party Instagram

Gwyneth Paltrow Engagement Party Instagram

More: Gwyneth Paltrow Confirmed Her Engagement in the Most Gwyneth Paltrow Way


Of course, the biggest names in Hollywood showed up to celebrate Paltrow and Falchuk's love. Us Weekly reported that in addition to Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, Kate Hudson and Julia Roberts guests included Blythe Danner (Paltrow's mom), Steven Spielberg (her godfather), Demi Moore, Chelsea Handler, Matthew Morrison, Rob Lowe and his wife Sheryl Berkoff and Cameron Diaz and hubby Benji Madden.

Now we're dying to know if Robert Downey Jr. made an appearance because, come on — Pepper Potts and Tony Stark are so meant to be! But alas, we don't know if he made it (or was even invited).

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A bit more about their love story

Paltrow met Falchuk on the set of Glee in 2014 when she guest-starred as laid-back substitute teacher Holly Holliday. Falchuk cocreated the show with Ryan Murphy and Ian Brennan. Paltrow and Falchuk started seeing each other after she "consciously uncoupled" from ex-husband Chris Martin; the couple finalized their divorce in 2016, the same year Paltrow announced she was taking a break from acting to focus on her lifestyle website and magazine Goop.

Paltrow and Falchuk announced their engagement in January 2018.

Looks Like LeAnn Rimes & Brandi Glanville Are Friends Now


If you think it's impossible for there to be moments of peace during a feud — even a very public one — then allow us to direct your attention to Brandi Glanville's Instagram feed. Over the weekend of April 14, Glanville shared a selfie with country music star LeAnn Rimes. The two women share custody of Glanville's kids, who she had with former husband, actor Eddie Cibrian (Rimes is Cibrian's current wife). The selfie may come as a surprise to those who have followed Glanville and Rimes' acrimonious relationship over the years, which has involved the women making some pretty shady jabs at one another. Have they finally put their differences behind them with one sweet selfie?

More: The End of Brandi Glanville & LeAnn Rimes' Feud Was Huge for Their Kids

Glanville took to her Instagram recently and posted what looks to be a very happy, calm photo of her and Rimes complete with a jokey hashtag. "Peace in #calabasturd hanging for Jakes bday," Glanville wrote in the caption. The mention of peace is noteworthy coming from Glanville. This could be a new phase for the women, who seem to be putting to rest the bad memories that have accrued since 2009 (which began with Glanville filing for divorce from Cibrian after discovering he was having an affair with Rimes).

Brandi Glanville shares selfie with LeAnn Rimes

Brandi Glanville shares selfie with LeAnn Rimes

To get a sense of just how bad things once were between Glanville and Rimes, let's revisit a recent incident. In June 2017, Glanville tweeted that Rimes was allegedly stalking her boyfriend Donald Friese. Cibrian made a response statement to E! News, calling Glanville's claims false: "LeAnn is a fantastic stepmom to the boys and is always gracious to their mother. Having to put up with Brandi's made up drama all the time is extremely frustrating. After eight years we should have one priority, making sure two incredible kids are loved and remain happy and healthy."

More: LeAnn Rimes Gets Honest About Having Children With Eddie Cibrian

Glanville's selfie with Rimes implies a welcome fresh start. Since the women are both parents to Glanville and Cibrian's sons, getting along will certainly help the family achieve harmony. As recently as 2015, Rimes indicated how happy she is with her current family life while chatting with InTouch. "Life is fine just as it is. We have lots of love at home," she commented, adding, "I'm just really enjoying our blended family at the moment."

LeAnn Rimes shares photo from stepson's birthday

LeAnn Rimes shares photo from stepson's birthday

Rimes also shared a photo of herself with Jake for his birthday on her Instagram, writing, "I am so blessed to be his stepmom."

We're happy to see Glanville and Rimes finally getting along so that they can focus on bringing up happy kids in stable households — a goal that's definitely worth burying the hatchet for.

5 Affordable, Beautiful Yoga Retreats You'll Want to Book This Summer


The irony of Westernized yoga is how damn expensive practicing has become. From the attire to the cost of weekly classes — you basically have to be in diamonds and furs to be considered a legit yogi in the United States.

Thankfully, if you're looking to get away for a while and immerse your mind and body in a life-changing, relaxing experience, there are some yoga retreats out there that will leave you feeling enriched — but won't leave you penniless after you attend.

If you're looking for bliss on a budget, check out these experiences.

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Kripalu Center For Yoga & Health

kripalucenter IG post

kripalucenter IG post

Located in the Berkshires of western Massachusetts on the well-manicured grounds of a former Jesuit seminary, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health attracts novice yogis and instructors alike and offers respite from the hustle and bustle of urban life. On a Kripalu R&R retreat — which includes a private room, shared room or the dormitory option, and three all-natural buffet-style meals per day (breakfast is silent) — guests can participate in several yoga and movement classes a day, attend wellness workshops and get healing arts treatments for an additional fee.

Prices vary depending on when you go and what type of room you choose, with weekend rates ranging from $199 – $702.

The Garden

The 18th-century Hudson Valley garden villa in upstate New York is an idyllic setting for a weekend yoga retreat. Through a balance of yoga, nutrition and a simple, natural setting, guests of The Garden can achieve sattva — a Sanskrit word describing a state of harmony, balance, joy and intelligence that radiates from the inside out.

All weekend retreats include four yoga classes, all meals, a hands-on cooking class and nutritional talk and plenty of time to relax and rest. You can also choose to take a walk, hike, visit a museum or the town of Beacon, take in a massage or a private yoga class, according to their website.

The weekend base rate is $575 per person (weekends run from Friday at 4 p.m. to Sunday at 3 p.m.).

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The Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, truly offers an unmatched experience. Big Sur's beauty is breathtaking, and the institute regularly hosts workshops given by remarkable instructors (Margot Anand and Jim Benson have a workshop going from April 29 to May 4, for instance).

The best part? Esalen's getaways aren't over-the-top expensive. Workshop tuition includes accommodations, meals, movement program and use of facilities and starts at $420 for the whole weekend or $900 for a seven-day workshop. Granted, that price is for their sleeping bag accommodations, but there are other options if that sounds a little too rustic for you.

Retreat in the Pines

Retreat in the Pines

Retreat in the Pines

Downward Dog deep in the heart of East Texas at Retreat in the Pines, a pristine pine cabin tucked away on a quiet country road just outside Mineola — a two-hour drive from the Dallas-Fort Worth area and four hours from Austin and Houston. At the Pines’ retreats, women from all walks of life enjoy shared accommodations, a beautiful yoga studio, a meditation deck and yoga programs for all levels. Rates are $399 per person for the all-inclusive weekend retreat.

"Take a break from reality, and enjoy yoga, wine, laughter and free time to relax. Ideal for girlfriend getaways, mother-daughter escapes and women looking for a solo adventure," the website states.

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Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat

sivanandabahamas IG post

sivanandabahamas IG post

If you're really looking to get away, practice in paradise at the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat in Paradise Island, Bahamas. Located just across the bay from Nassau, the retreat’s lodging ranges from modest cabins to beachfront suites surrounded by the natural beauty of a tropical garden, crystal-clear water and pure white sands.

The retreat wants you to immerse yourself in the yogic lifestyle and increase your vitality and positivity through daily practice, a healthy vegetarian diet, silent meditation sessions and uplifting teachings.

Rates for the workshop start as low as $20 a day (in the summer), and that includes your meals, yoga classes, daily workshops and satsangs as well as access to their beautiful beach and the ashram grounds and amenities. Lodging can be as low as $69 a night if you're down to camp on the beach. The most expensive part of your treat to this island retreat will be airfare, but if you book in advance you might be able to get a good deal.

A version of this article was originally published in February 2013.

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