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David Beckham Is Confused by Lego Disney Castle Instructions


Lesson of the day: Soccer legends can be thwarted by the simple Lego too.

More: David Beckham Gets Super-Sweet Birthday Messages From His Whole Family Online

We are all David Beckham as he tries to make sense of the 490 pages of plans for a 4,080-piece castle he's building (presumably for his daughter Harper, who has very good reason to have castle-fever, and not for himself).

The soccer star posted an extremely adorable picture of himself with the Lego set spread out over two pool chairs (uh, David? Maybe not the best place to start the project). He looks deeply baffled — and we can't help but love him for his daddy confusion.

Beckham Lego

Beckham Lego

More: David Beckham Defends Tea Party at Buckingham Palace With Daughter Harper

Fans clearly loved the post, ribbing Beckham and praising him. One wrote, "My 9 year old is currently on packet 6 - how are you getting on?" Another gushed, "OMG, So sweet, your wife is one lucky woman. Your daughter will love this picture when she is all grown up."

We hope he lets us in on the finished project — whenever that may be. And we hope he wears protective footwear on his famous feet. Those Legos are no joke, especially in the middle of the night when you're shuffling to the bathroom. Be careful, David Beckham.

More: Dad Bores Baby to Sleep Talking About Work

Harper, you are one lucky little girl to have a dad who would take on a 4,080-piece castle for you (and even take you to a real one first).

Harper B

Harper B

Here's What It's Like to Breastfeed Around the World


According to the most current study, the number of women who choose to breastfeed in the United States continues to rise, with 77 percent of new moms reporting they at least breastfed their babies for the first few months of their life, if not for a year — or years. Even with the strides Americans have made over the decades to encourage moms to use their naturally occurring milk to provide nourishment to their infants, there is still a shocking amount of stigma tied to breastfeeding. Not only is this practice one that can be difficult for both Mom and Baby to navigate, but parents also have to deal with naysayers who believe mothers should avoid breastfeeding in public (even when their little one is screaming and hungry). However, in other parts of the world, breastfeeding traditions vary widely, with some countries going above and beyond.


Though still considered a developing country, Mongolia, which is bordered by Russia and China, has worked tirelessly to encourage early adoption of breastfeeding. There, 65 percent of women breastfeed exclusively for six months, with some continuing the practice up until their child is around the age of 2. This number may be attributed to the public attitude toward breastfeeding: Feeding a baby in public is celebrated rather than frowned upon.

One Canadian mother even wrote about her experience on IncultureParent, explaining how strangers would smile and express their approval when she was breastfeeding while visiting. Not only did taxi drivers give her a thumbs up, local grandmothers congratulated her.

Mongolians embrace public breastfeeding. In one mom’s account of her experience living in Mongolia, she shares how strangers would praise her public breastfeeding efforts. It’s also not unheard of for women to share their breast milk with more than their children. In fact, many adults claim to enjoy the flavor and texture and might even have a glass with their breakfast. In some poor neighborhoods, breast milk can be traded for necessities like bread and eggs.


Today, Brazil’s infant mortality rate is around 16 deaths per 1,000, but that wasn’t always the case. In 1985 it was super-high, at 63.2 per 1,000, and in 1990, 58 per 1,000. This vast improvement is often attributed to public awareness campaigns and marketing efforts that promoted the benefits of breastfeeding. If you visit Brazil today, you’ll likely see women breastfeeding their babies and children nearly everywhere without any fear or hesitation.

And though formula-feeding moms should never feel shame for their decision (or for having no other option if they couldn’t breastfeed), Brazil banned advertisements that promote formula feeding. And if businesses are rude to women trying to feed their children, they’ll face fines.

All this work has made Brazil a leader in the world market for very open, welcoming, inclusive views of breastfeeding. There are only 292 human milk banks in the world — and Brazil runs and operates 220 of them. Called The Brazilian Network of Human Milk Banks, women can donate their unused breast milk to help hungry orphans, the poor or those who can’t produce milk, feeding millions of babies across their homeland.


It was only last year that Japan reported more than 50 percent of women in their country breastfeed exclusively for the first three months of their child’s life. This is the highest that percentage has been since 1985 and is widely due to education and the nation’s work to spread awareness.

As a place where tradition reigns supreme, there are many ideologies and viewpoints surrounding the practice of breastfeeding. One of these rituals is the act of a breast massage technique developed by a midwife named Sotomi Oketani as a way to ease into milk production. But it wasn’t just about getting the party started, but ending it too, as Oketani also suggested women transform their breasts to be off-putting to their babies. How so? By painting odd faces or colorful shapes to scare their children. The idea is that once your kiddo is confused, you can explain you no longer have milk, and instead, encourage them to eat their formula or solid foods, depending on their age.


According to La Leche League International, a nonprofit advocacy group that aims to raise awareness and acceptance of breastfeeding, the introduction of bottles in the 1970s changed the Italian culture dramatically. Though as a practice, breastfeeding isn’t shunned in Italy (the Catholic church even promotes it), only 19 percent of women continue to breastfeed past 4 to 6 months even though 85 percent breastfeed at birth.

Even at hospitals, pacifiers, formula and glucose are encouraged right from the get-go. How come? The verdict might still be out, but according to a recent study out of Makerere Medical School in Uganda, it is estimated that both age and employment status contribute to breastfeeding. Those women who must return to work turn to bottles, while those who are unemployed might not be able to afford formula. For those new mamas who do decide to breastfeed, it’s widely accepted to breastfeed anywhere — public transportation, gardens, restaurants — even if they don’t continue to feed for extended months.


In 2013, WHO introduced the Regulation of Marketing Breastmilk Substitutes, encouraging countries to join together to regulate commercials, advertisement and other media that promoted formula- or bottle-feeding. One of the first countries to sign on the dotted line? Peru! In this South American country, breastfeeding rates are super-high: 97 percent breastfeed at birth, 69 percent breastfeed up to 5 months and of those mothers, 95 percent breastfeed around 20 months. Publicly feeding children is a no-brainer, as it’s common to see exposed breast nearly everywhere without anyone giving a second glance.

Salma Hayek Cooks for Ryan Reynolds & His Daughter Ines


One of our favorite things here? Finding out that our favorite celebrity parents are buds in real life — and don't mind a little babysitting of each other's kids.

Turns out Salma Hayek was recently invited to dinner by her Hitman's Bodyguard co-star Ryan Reynolds and his wife, Blake Lively. Hayek hung out in the kitchen with Reynolds and his younger daughter, Ines, 10 months. The whole scene was so warm and sweet, we wish we could hang out and have potlucks with all of them too. (We'd totally let Hayek, Reynolds or Lively hold our babies.)

Hayek cooking

Hayek cooking

More: Salma Hayek Breastfeeds Hungry Child in Africa

Hayek posted a shot of the domestic scene on her Instagram feed. The shot shows her at the stove, holding Ines on her hip (the cuteness, gahhhh) and beaming.

Hayek — mother to daughter Valentina and stepmother to three — is obviously in her happy place when kids are involved. She jokingly captioned her pic, "When your friends invite you for dinner and you end up doing all the work."

(It's pretty obvious from her expression that she didn't mind one bit.)

More: Here's What It's Like to Breastfeed Around the World

Hayek wrote the caption in Spanish as well, with hashtags #hitmansbodyguard #ryanreynolds #tbt.

Reynolds is in the corner of the shot, clapping his hands and grinning. Hey, what's not to smile about when Salma Hayek is whipping up something on the stove and entertaining your kid?

More: Dad Bores His Baby to Sleep Talking About Work

The co-stars obviously bonded on the set of Hitman's Bodyguard, an action-adventure film in theaters now. Coolest dinner party/playdate ever — we hope there will be more soon. Better yet, how about a cooking show?

Your Everything Guide to Eggs


Does this sound familiar? On your weekly shopping trips, you just pick up a carton, check for cracks (or forget to and regret it later) and keep shopping. While you dote over your latest cult-favorite hot sauce finds and experience a slight feeling of superiority weighing your fresh organic green beans as someone with *gasp!* canned green beans in their cart passes, your decision about which carton to buy is based on quantity, egg carton type or maybe even which color you think looks nicest or is the healthier option.

But the humble egg is much more interesting than all that, and there are a lot of misconceptions about it, as I was reminded not long ago by my partner, who'd somehow made it into adulthood with a very serious misconception about what an egg even is.

Eggs are not (necessarily) baby chickens

In foul-based sex-education news, eggs are not (necessarily) baby chickens. The spit-take-inducing assertion to the contrary by my partner is apparently a common one. He literally thought the refrigeration process or some kind of "processing" stopped the chick from growing so we could eat it.

Hens (female chickens) lay eggs whether or not those eggs have been fertilized. No contact with a rooster (male chicken) = no fertilized eggs. Anyone who's collected eggs to sell for food (be they small local farmers or corporate poultry farms) has likely been as careful as possible about preventing any bom-chicken-wah-wah between hens and roosters unless they're intentionally breeding more chicks.

How do they know, like, for sure, they aren't baby chicks?

Hey, roosters are a randy bunch, and no amount of humanly possible rooster-hen chaperoning can 100 percent guarantee the little scamps didn't sneak into the hen house for a nooner at some point unless you literally don't own roosters.

That's why they scan the eggs before selling them to the public. In the old days, they'd hold them up to a candle, where they could tell if it was a fertilized egg because it would be opaque. These days, they have more modern (and much faster) techniques, at least for larger farmers or factories.

Is either method perfect? Actually, they damn near are. I've calculated that I've eaten or cracked open well over 200,000 eggs in my lifetime (probably double that or more) — including the "farm-fresh" eggs from my great-grandmother's backyard coop and commercial. And in that time, I've come across only one egg that had an actual developing chick inside.

If farmers do find a fertilized one, they can save those to breed more chickens. I mean, if you can determine the sex of a newborn chick, surely you can tell if an egg is fertilized. Yep, turns out the latter is actually easier than the former.

Note that seeing a small dot of blood in the yolk doesn't mean it was fertilized either. That dot of blood is caused by a vessel rupturing while the yolk was forming. It's OK for that to weird you out anyway, though.

Why are some eggs different colors, like blue- or green-speckled and brown?

Contrary to a misconception I've heard, white eggs are not bleached or processed to rid them of color. The color of the shells is determined by the breed of the chicken.

The brown & green-speckled eggs are healthier, right?

It's not like the wheat vs. white debate in bread. The color of the egg doesn't affect the nutrition at all. The way the chicken and its egg are cared for does. If you like the brown or green-speckled ones (those were always my favorite when I was a kid), more power to you. But don't pay extra because you think it's healthier or "organic." (That said, only a monster buys anything but white eggs for dyeing during Easter.)

More: Your Everything Guide to Dyeing Easter Eggs the Old-School Cool Way

Are farm-fresh eggs healthier?

Not necessarily. They're certainly fresher. It takes time to pasteurize, box and ship, meaning those eggs were laid about three days ago by the time they show up in your grocer's refrigerator section (but they'll be placed in the back to allow older eggs to be purchased first). Farm-fresh eggs are typically sold direct-to-consumer at farmers markets and the like, and since they don't have the means to store that many eggs long-term, they're probably only a few days old if they weren't collected just that morning.

That said, farm-fresh eggs are raised by smaller farmers who likely don't use the "industrialized" money-saving feeding tactics, so they may be lower in cholesterol and saturated fat and higher in beta carotene, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A, E and D. The chickens who lay them also may receive more individualized care (including veterinary) because they aren't just a number to their owners — they're less expendable.

Speaking of nutrition…

It's true that the egg whites are lower in calories than yolks and are fat-free, but much has been made of the cholesterol in yolks. Shouldn't you avoid that? Only if your doctor tells you to so long as you're eating them in moderation.

According to A Healthier Michigan, while it's true that "egg yolks carry the cholesterol, the fat and saturated fat of the egg […] what is often overlooked are the many nutrients that come with that, such as the fat-soluble vitamins, essential fatty acids and other nutrients. One egg yolk has around 55 calories, 4.5 grams of total fat and 1.6 grams of saturated fat, 210 mg of cholesterol, 8 mg of sodium, and 2.7 grams of protein." The organization also lays out the 24 other vital nutrients eggs and egg whites alike contain to varying degrees, making eggs a little superfood quasar if eaten in moderation.

But what about salmonella?

The risk of contracting salmonella is actually exceedingly low, though it always pays to be safe since it's such a potentially dangerous bacteria. In the U.S., commercial eggs have typically been pasteurized, which is intended to reduce that risk among others.

In reality, the egg-pasteurization process is meant to protect you from eggs that aren't cooked to full temperature, as in mayo, hollandaise sauces and even sunny-side up. In fact, the biggest risk of sickness from raw cookie dough is actually the flour, not the raw eggs.

Note, however, that farm-fresh eggs may not be as susceptible to things like salmonella if they haven't yet been washed. When eggs are laid, there's a protective layer called the bloom that prevents bacteria from attacking the egg.

But even with farm-fresh eggs, you need to make sure the shells are properly cleaned before using them. And afterward, you can even pasteurize them yourself — quite easily in my experience with sous vide equipment (Amazon, $89).

It's also worth noting that you shouldn't eat any egg that's already cracked, as bacteria may have spread into the egg itself. Much of it would be killed during cooking, but why take the chance?

What do all the commercial egg labels mean, anyway?

Grade A, cage-free, free-range… what does that all mean? Overall, it could mean anything unless you research it. The USDA has standards, but those thresholds may not be what you'd want them to be. If you're looking for true free-range or cage-free chicken eggs, make sure you know how the manufacturer actually produces their eggs, including how the raise their hens (cage-free doesn't mean cruelty-free).

Eggs spoil really fast, right?

Not as fast as you think. Commercial eggs take a few days to get to stores and are good for sale for up to 30 days after. When you get them home from the store, sure, they've only got a couple of weeks left on their expiration date since they obviously try to sell the older unsold eggs first. But when properly refrigerated, commercial eggs actually last up to five weeks according to the FDA — the reason you think it's a week or two is because the dates on the eggs you buy are based on the actual FDA requirements, but they may have been the supermarket for three weeks by the time you get them. After all, they're a staple, so it pays to have them on hand, right? If you want them to last longer, pull a my-mom — reach for the back of the shelf instead of grabbing what's in front.

More: How to Know if You Can Still Use The Old Eggs in Your Fridge

But if you raise your own chickens, all you have to do is keep the eggs unwashed until you're ready to use them since the protective bloom hasn't been removed, and you can keep them on the counter for up to a month. That said, if your refrigerate them, they'll be good up to six months. Just make sure you use a pencil or crayon to write the date they were laid on them.

Let's talk flavor

Flavor is subjective, of course. That said… hands down farm-fresh eggs are better in my experience. Supposedly, their flavor is "the same," according to a not-so-scientific study by a Washington Post writer with a handful of supposed "experts." They were just chefs and foodies — not necessarily anyone who was an egg specialist — an egg sommelier, if you will. But, you know, what evs.

The farm-fresh seem to have more texture and umami to me — more oomph if you will. They also have more golden yolks (rather than yellow) and may have a stiffer white and more robust shell.

But it's obviously your call so long as you know everything you need to know about the incredible, edible and apparently incredibly deceptive egg.

Why It Matters That Taylor Swift Showed Up to Her Groping Trial


Taylor Swift isn't necessarily a feminist icon, but she absolutely deserves credit for showing up and testifying in court against the man who allegedly groped her in an incident she described as “horrifying and shocking,” according to CNN.

This all stems from a 2013 incident in which Swift accused David Mueller — then a radio DJ for KYGO, a country music radio station in Denver, Colorado — of inappropriately touching her backstage at a concert in Denver. Mueller was subsequently fired and sued Swift and her mother over false allegations. In turn, Swift filed a countersuit accusing Mueller of reaching up her dress and grabbing her butt as they posed for a photo.

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In court yesterday, Swift stated that she had no reaction regarding Mueller’s termination over the incident, adding: “I'm not going to allow you or your client to make me feel in any way that this is my fault, because it isn't.”

She’s right. It’s not.

That Swift — a hugely popular singer and celebrity — took time out of her schedule to travel to Denver and testify in person sends a clear message about how traumatic being groped can be despite the fact that it’s something that’s consistently dismissed as “part of being a woman” and something we should just “get over.”

But Swift’s not having it. CNN reported that her lawsuit clearly states that her active participation in the trial aims to "serve as an example to other women who may resist publicly reliving similar outrageous and humiliating acts."

I can relate to Swift’s testimony. A few years ago, I was sexually assaulted on the subway and went through the infuriating and humiliating process of reporting the incident to the NYPD. Unlike Swift, I was grabbed in the front and had to answer specific questions about whether the guy managed to get any fingers inside my vagina or if he just had to settle for a handful of vulva. Either way — front or back — this is never acceptable.

More: Reminder: Vagina Is Not a Dirty Word

It took me three days to make the trip to my local police precinct to report the assault, and even though I knew there was little to no chance of actually catching the guy, the guilt and shame I felt over what happened prompted me to speak up, if for no other reason than to prevent it from happening to other people.

The prevailing attitude of the multiple NYPD officers and detectives I dealt with was that this sort of thing happens all the time and is just part of normal, everyday life in the city — especially for women. Basically, “Sure, it’s not ideal, but it’s something that comes with the territory of existing while in possession of female body parts.” But it doesn’t have to, and like Swift, we shouldn’t just accept this type of sexual assault as normal behavior.

Also, the fact that Swift made it clear that the groping was “very intentional” is significant, because it’s so easy to dismiss ass-grabs as accidental, blaming it on close quarters. Sure, sometimes that can be the case, but trust me — you know when it’s intentional. Someone doesn’t “accidentally” cup his hand around your crotch or butt and squeeze; that’s done with purpose.

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Mueller claimed that the alleged grope was actually “jostling” for a photo — something Swift squarely rejected. Again, we know the difference between jostling and a deliberate grab.

As someone who has been through this, I am grateful to Swift for speaking out about this. Touching people without their consent is never OK — regardless of what they’re wearing, how famous they are, how closely you were posed for a photo or any other condition.

We live in a country where a man openly bragged about groping women and was still elected president, which has made this type of blatant misogyny mainstream. That is just one of many examples of how women’s bodies are viewed as public property, but does not mean this behavior is ever acceptable.

Taylor: We may not always see eye to eye, but what happened to you was truly awful and definitely was not in any way your fault. I’m sorry, I believe you, and I thank you for speaking out about this.

It's Still Summer, & Yet Another Pumpkin Item Has Been Spotted on Shelves


We’re seeing an earlier-than-expected influx of fall’s seasonal pumpkin product, and we’re all about it.

Yesterday, Starbucks announced that their legendary infamous Pumpkin Spice Lattes are now available in the grocery aisle, and today, new White Pumpkin Pie M&M's have been spotted on shelves.

pumpkin pie

pumpkin pie

These new pumpkin pie M&M's, which will be called White Pumpkin Pie Candies Harvest Blend, are the line’s first pumpkin pie variety; however, in the past, there were Pumpkin Spice Latte and Pecan Pie limited-edition varieties.

More: 17 Pumpkin cocktails that prove drinking squash is way better than eating it

This announcement comes the same day as Halo Top launching their first seasonal flavor, Pumpkin Pie ice cream. We’re already picturing the match-made-in-heaven sundae that ice cream topped with the new M&M's could be. Perhaps even pair it with the new rendition of the Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte and make a float out of fit? You can never have too much of a good thing!

Carrie Underwood Is a Cosplay Mom, & It's Cool


Carrie Underwood isn't like a regular mom. She's a cool mom.

Cool mom GIF
Image: Giphy

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And that means that bedtime at her house isn't like regular bedtime — it's cool bedtime. The whole family gets involved and there are costumes and superheroes, and Underwood is really slaying the mom game right now, you know?

She posted a few photos on Instagram showing her, husband Mike Fisher and their son, Isaiah, getting ready for bed by wearing costumes from the Disney series PJ Masks, which is about kids who live regular lives during the day, then put on their "PJ Masks" and fight crime after bedtime. And according to Underwood's caption, cosplay is just a regular part of the routine, right in there with brushing and flossing.

More: Carrie Underwood, Kristen Bell and More Celeb Mom Photos of the Week

Carrie Underwood posts pics of PJ Masks bedtime routine

Carrie Underwood posts pics of PJ Masks bedtime routine

"Just a typical Thursday night at the Fisher house...featuring Catboy, Gekko and Owlette! It's time to be a hero! #PJMasks," she wrote.

It's all pretty dang adorable, and little Isaiah looks like he's having a blast. What's even better is that Underwood and Fisher look like they're having a blast, too. PJ Masks may be a pretty popular kids' show, but it is dull if you're an adult, and the fact that they're getting so into this just to make sure their kid has a good time is so sweet and adorable.

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But then, Underwood is flawless at pretty much everything she does, so it's not really surprising that she's #ParentingGoals even for something as simple as a bedtime routine.

The Shocking Details You Never Knew About Princess Diana's Life as Royalty


The life of Diana, Princess of Wales should have been charmed — but as we know, it definitely did not turn out that way. While little new information about the most famous woman of her generation was revealed in ABC's two-night special The Story of Diana, it was a devastating primer on getting into bed with the devil — and in this case, the devil was the British press.

As Diana evolved from a shy kindergarten teacher to the wife of a future king. From a newlywed to a deeply unhappy wife, she eventually learned how to use the incessant intrusion of the press to her advantage. Or at least, what she thought was her advantage.

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In Part 1, which aired Wednesday night, Diana is seen absolutely incandescent with anger at the intrusion of photographers into a ski vacation with Princes William and Harry — so angry that she confronts them and tells them to leave her alone. However, as her marriage goes south and she realizes all she will have left is her public image, she quickly learns how to manipulate that same enemy to her greater good.

When Diana fears the public will turn against her in the wake of the so-called "Squidgygate tapes" — a private phone call with a then-lover leaked to the press — she contacted writer Andrew Morton to secretly supply him with damning information against Charles and the royal family for his book Diana: Her True Story.

As we now know, Morton would smuggle questions to Diana at Kensington Palace, and she would smuggle her taped responses back to him, describing her battle with bulimia, her husband's affair with Camilla Parker-Bowles and what she saw as her extreme mistreatment at the hands of the royal family.

It worked. The public sided with Diana. But the thirst for more and more information and the development of the 24-hour news cycle made the press frenzy around her even worse.

More: Charles and Diana's Relationship Was Riddled With Infidelity and Jealously

Charles tried to rehab his image by participating in a documentary-style TV show about his life, but in it he admitted cheating on Diana. Diana took the opportunity to use the press once again, scheduling her own now-notorious Panorama interview in which she famously said, "There were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded."

The interview sealed the deal. The queen ordered Charles and Diana to divorce, and the public was definitely on Diana's side, just as she wanted.

But once you let a tiger out of its cage, you can't simply expect it to step back in again. Without royal protection once she and Charles split, Diana was unable to go to the gym without someone selling photos of her lifting weights or walk down the street to do some shopping without being mobbed by popping flashbulbs. She had invited them into her life on her terms, but once the door was open, she was never again able to close it.

Some believe her real attraction to Dodi Fayed was that he could be her Aristotle Onassis. Jackie Kennedy wed the Greek magnate because his wealth could protect her and her children. The Fayed family could provide Diana the private jets and bodyguards that had been taken away from her when she divorced Charles.

But sadly, they would have just six weeks together before a final tussle with the press would result in their deaths and that of Henri Paul, their driver. As they were chased by no fewer than seven paparazzi on motorcycles, Paul, whose autopsy showed was drunk, lost control of the vehicle and crashed into a pillar in a Paris tunnel. In the end, she could not escape the press she herself had courted for so many years.

Blake Lively & Ryan Reynolds Had the Best Dinner Party Ever


While we were all out here just living our lives, Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds were throwing the most amazing dinner party of all time. None of us were invited, obviously.

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But Salma Hayek was, because of course she was. And she was kind enough to document the magic that happens when Lively and Reynolds throw a dinner party and put it on Instagram so all of us normal people could see it.

Dinner party with Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds 1

Dinner party with Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds 1

In the photo, Hayek is balancing Lively and Reynolds' youngest daughter, Ines, on her hip while she does the cooking and Reynolds looks on from in the background, not helping at all to host the dinner party he's having at his house.

More: WTF Was Ryan Reynolds Thinking With His Birth Playlist for Blake Lively?

"When your friends invite you for dinner and you end up doing all the work," Hayek captioned the shot.

Lively isn't shown in the shot, presumably because she's the one behind the camera. Also, can we all just take a moment to admire that kitchen? I would cook so many things in the kitchen. It's so huge and nice, and look at all those matching copper appliances! Has Lively just been casually creeping on my Pinterest boards?

It's unclear why Hayek is doing the cooking, because we already know Lively is a dang champion in the kitchen. That's how she locked down Reynolds, after all, because that adage that says the way to a man's heart is through his stomach is definitely true.

More: Ryan Reynolds Gushes About Blake Lively, the World Reaches Peak Jealousy

Anyway, clearly our invites for this just got lost in the mail. We'll be at the next one, for sure.

Praise Be to the Fall Gods! Halo Top Releases Low-Cal Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream


Fall is inching closer by the minute, and you know what that means — bring on all the pumpkin. While Starbucks PSL has long reigned as the most anticipated fall-flavored treat, that honor could very well shift to a newcomer this year: Halo Top's Pumpkin Pie ice cream.

More: Your Pumpkin Pie May Not Actually Be Made of Pumpkin

Bonus? In addition to enjoying the perfect fall flavor, you don't have to feel guilty if you eat the entire pint in one sitting (you know, hypothetically speaking, of course) since that would only cost you 360 calories. If that isn't enough to make your mouth water, the fact that the ice cream is literally infused with pumpkin pie and laced with pie crust pieces should do the trick.

Now that you're fully pumped up for all of this pumpkiny goodness, you should know there are a few caveats.

First, you won't officially be able to find Halo Top's pumpkin ice cream in stores until next week. Second, and this one's admittedly a bit of a bummer, the seasonal flavor won't stick around long. According to Delish, Pumpkin Pie will only be offered through the end of November.

More: This Clever Trick Will Make Your Pumpkins Last Longer (VIDEO)

On the bright side, the buzzworthy high-protein, low-calorie ice cream company recently revealed that it is adding seven new permanent flavors to its original roster of 17. So, joining classics like Strawberry later this month will be: Candy Bar (280 calories), Chocolate Covered Banana (280 calories), Cinnamon Roll (360 calories), Mochi Green Tea (320 calories), Pancakes and Waffles (280 calories) and Rainbow Swirl (240 calories).

And while nutritionists have advised against subbing a pint of Halo Top for a meal, it's highly possible you'll see all of the brand's new flavors featured prominently on social media by CrossFitters and vloggers who praise the ice cream for its one-two punch of flavor and protein.

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In fact, in keeping with the rest of Halo Top's protein-rich flavors, Pumpkin Pie boasts a whopping 20 grams per pint. FYI, that's 13 grams more per serving than your typical slice of the real deal.

Everything You Need to Know About How the Pituitary Gland Affects Your Sex Life


You may not even know what your pituitary gland is or where it’s located, but it could be seriously affecting your sexy time. It’s the size of a pea and yet referred to by the medical community as “the master gland of the body.” According to The Pituitary Foundation, the pituitary gland helms all other hormone glands, including the thyroid, adrenals, ovaries and testicles, hence its grandeur nickname. When and if the body’s hormones are out of whack, you can bet the pituitary gland is to blame.

What is the pituitary gland & where is it located?

Behind the bridge of your nose lives a hollow space. The pituitary gland is located here and connects to the base of your brain. When it secretes various hormones, they seep into your bloodstream, carrying those messages to the rest of the body. Depending on what hormones are secreted, the messages sent to the rest of the body can vary. If the body is secreting an excess of one specific hormone, the body could receive mixed or inaccurate messages, causing issues initiated by a hormone imbalance.

What does the pituitary gland control?

Because the pituitary gland is the master secretor of all hormones, a lot can go wrong when it’s not working properly. A growth in the gland is problematic to your health, as they press on the gland, the pressure of which encourages excess hormone secretion. Too much hormone secretion can really put a damper on your sex life, depending on which hormones are released by the pressure.

More often than not, these tumors are benign, which classifies them as adenoma. According to the American Cancer Society, though these tumors are not cancerous, they can still cause a great deal of damage.

“[The pituitary gland] controls the sex organs, testicles in men and the ovaries in women, that basically result in our sexual drive, our sexual growth and development, and sexual function and reproduction,” said Dr. Lewis Blevins in an interview with UCSF Medical Center. “You can imagine that if the gland is either working excessively or not working sufficiently, you can have a lot of different problems.”

Blevins is the medical director for the California Center for Pituitary Disorders at UCSF Medical Center.

Can the pituitary gland affect my period?

According to Michelle Poe writing on Dr. Drew's website, prolactinomas are benign tumors that cause the hormone prolactin to be produced in surplus. Prolactin is responsible for regulating levels of estrogen in women and testosterone in men — also known as sex hormones. When this hormone is overly discharged, it interferes with the ovaries’ creation of estrogen, causing an irregular menstruation cycle or a completely absent period.

The issue with menstruation issues caused by a benign tumor on the pituitary gland is that they often go unresolved and misdiagnosed.

In Blevins’ interview with UCSF Medical Center, he explains, “In women, one of the more common symptoms of a pituitary tumor is abnormal menstrual periods. Unfortunately, a lot of women go to their gynecologist and say, ‘My periods are irregular,’ and the gynecologist is sitting there and saying, ‘Well, all of my patients have irregular periods,’ so they tend not to do anything about it.”

Can the pituitary gland cause infertility?

According to the University of Virginia’s School of Medicine, several pituitary issues can cause infertility. These include prolactinoma, nonsecretory tumors, LH and FSH deficiencies and more.

“Deficiency of [LH and FSH] causes loss of menstrual periods and infertility in women and causes loss of sexual function, a low blood testosterone level and infertility in men,” says the university’s website.

How do you know if you have an endocrine problem?

If you experience any of the following symptoms, it might be time to consult your doctor: unexplained weight loss or weight gain, significant menstrual changes (including total loss of period), decreased libido, increased body hair growth, mood swings, changes in acne, depression and/or anxiety.

“So for example, a woman who has irregular menses and infertility or breast milk production or one of those three, probably should have a prolactin level done,” Blevins says in an interview with UCSF Medical Center. “If the prolactin is elevated and she’s not on any medications known to do that, she could then have an MRI scan to look for evidence of a pituitary tumor in that setting.”

In the event that you feel your sex life is being hindered by any of the above symptoms, contact your doctor and bring up the possibility of a pituitary issue.

By Stephanie Osmanski

Originally published on HelloFlo.

5 Parenting Tips for Raising a Left-Handed Child


Even if you and your partner are 100 percent right-handed, your toddler might already be using her left hand more often than its counterpart. It’s estimated that only around 15 percent of people are left-handed — a fun fact your child your child can use to her benefit when she’s playing two truths and a lie — but as a little one, it may be a frustrating difference.

Ahead of International Lefthanders Day 2017 on Aug. 13, clinical psychologist and parenting expert Dr. Stephanie O’Leary shares her best advice on how to raise your little southpaw.

1. Look out for left-handed signs

Just how early is too early to try to decipher your child’s preferred hand? O’Leary says in some children, you might notice subtle signs of dominant hand choice as early as 6 months when they begin reaching for items. Which hand do they extend? Left or right? That simple tug at your necklace could give you insight. "You may be able to see one hand being used more consistently than the other. This may be an early sign of hand preference, and children who will eventually be lefties will favor their left hand," she explains.

Once they’re toddlers, they might not be able to write or say the alphabet yet, but pay attention to how they move with their limbs. O’Leary recommends parents roll a ball to their children and observe which hand they use to roll it back to you. "Children typically prefer to use the hand that is stronger and more dexterous, which oftentimes will be their dominant hand. If you consistently see your child choosing his or her left hand, that may be an early clue regarding left-handedness," she explains.

The same goes for when they begin to feed themselves. Resist the urge to place the fork in their hand for them, and instead, see which hand they naturally use.

2. Understand how lefties are different

If you’re noticing the signs and your mama Spidey-sense is ticking, you might be curious about what a left-handed status actually means for your child. Over the years, lefties have been researched extensively, and the most common findings regarding developmental differences aren’t in their cursive writing or which side of their body is stronger, but in the design of their brains. "For most people, language processing is located in the left side of the brain. However, lefties are more likely to have language centers located in the right side of the brain or spread more evenly across both sides, explains O’Leary. "Developmentally, children will go through the same stages and phases regardless of their hand preference.”

However, the difficulty for your child — and perhaps for you too — is adjusting to a world that’s biased toward right-handedness. "Depending on how this is managed, children will either learn to advocate for their needs and adapt with confidence or possibly feel marginalized if their hand dominance pattern is not respected and fostered,” warns O’Leary.

3. Accept the hand your child was dealt

O’Leary recommends resisting the urge to overthink your child's hand dominance. "The exact mechanisms by which hand dominance occurs are not fully understood,” she explains. As long as you remain positive, your child will feed off your optimistic and no-big-deal attitude. Most research suggests there are "no significant long-term implications with regard to hand preference, so your parental energy is best spent on areas of development you do have the ability to influence, such as providing appropriate play and learning opportunities," she suggests.

4. Try not to teach by modeling

Because you probably haven’t given a second thought to which hand you use to brush your teeth, open the door or pick up a tennis racquet, your natural instinct is to teach your children these motor skills by showing, instead of explaining. This might make your children feel insecure if they can’t mirror your behavior exactly, so O’Leary suggests shifting your mentality. “If your child is a lefty — and you're not — take the time to break down each step of a motor task and adjust your approach to account for your child's hand preference. This will reduce frustration for both you and your child,” she says.

5. Become & raise an advocate

Unlike parents of right-handers, you need to be acutely aware of the obstacles that could present challenges to your lefty. But instead of expressing your annoyance or complaining, O’Leary encourages parents to become an advocate for their child’s difference, and more important, empower them to speak up for themselves when they need a slight adjustment. "There are many experiences geared towards right-handed individuals, so being on the lookout for adaptations and modifications that can be made for your child is a must," she says. "This also allows your child to increase awareness of his or her needs, and eventually work toward self-advocating, where they might ask for a different desk position or pair of scissors."

These tips will help parents raise a left-handed child.
Image: Getty Images/Design: Ashley Britton/SheKnows

That One Time Bryan Cranston Got Caught Having Sex on a Train


Anyone who's been on a long train ride knows they're boring as heck. But some ways of spicing them up are probably not in your best interest.

Bryan Cranston knows this all too well. He appeared on Conan this week and told a little story about how he and his wife, Robin Dearden, celebrated their 28th wedding anniversary with a trip to Europe. They took a travel agent's (bad, in hindsight) advice about spicing up their train ride from Switzerland to Italy.

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"Imagine a flatbed train where three cars bumper-to-bumper are going on it. We were in the middle, there was a van full of kids in front of us and two couples from Italy in back of us," he explained. "And the travel agent said, 'By the way, the third tunnel is 50 minutes long. It’s tradition for honeymooners to take advantage of that time.'"

So when they hit the third tunnel, Cranston and Dearden did what honeymooners do.

"It was exciting!" he said, adding that it was "completely dark" while the train went through the tunnel.

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You can see where this is going. The tunnel wasn't as long as the travel agent had promised, and mid-deed, Cranston said he started being able to see his wife's face.

"Within seconds, [we were] out in broad daylight," he said. "The children in the front, they’re turning around and their grandmother’s like, 'No, no, no, no!' And she gives me a look like, 'You! You! How? No.' And I was like, '50 minutes! They told us 50 minutes.' And my gorgeous wife says to me those three words you always want to hear: 'Get off me.'"

More: 5 Times Bryan Cranston Showed Us He Was a Total Softy

Yeah, we probably would have said the same, TBH. Talk about awkward.

Prioritizing Your Health & Well-Being as a Single Mom Can Help Your Kids


A new study found that single moms who have a strong social network around them help close any gaps their kids may have had. Past studies had found that people who grow up in single-parent families have decreased well-being and satisfaction as adults.

According to Dr. Sakari Lemola from the University of Warwick’s Department of Psychology and Dr. David Richter from the German Institute for Economic Research, adults who were raised by a single parent for their entire childhood earn on average 30 percent less and are more likely to be unemployed. They were 9 percent less likely to be in a romantic relationship and had a smaller circle of friends.

More: Single parenting: Understand how your personality can benefit you and your child

They studied more than 24,000 adults; of them, 641 spent their entire childhood with a single parent, and 1,539 spent part of their early years with one parent. They looked at annual income, number of doctor visits, romantic relationships and overall social integration.

“Both parents still provide important resources even when children have already grown up and left their parent’s home. During young adulthood these resources may include financial support as well as access to social networks, which is important to find a good job,” Lemola said in a statement.

The newer, smaller study of single mothers by choice found that kids of single-by-choice parents do just fine for the most part and even better if the solo parent has a strong social network.

Dr. Fran Walfish, a California-based psychotherapist and author of The Self-Aware Parent, said that while children benefit from two parents, being a single parent doesn’t mean your child will be less prepared or well.

“I have seen many kids emerge out of single-parent families and thrive,” Walfish noted. “The keys to a positive outcome are a consistently warmly attuned mother who is comfortable balancing love and nurture and limits and boundaries — both at the same time,” she said. Walfish advises moms to retain a “big brother” role model who can participate in father-child activities.

More: No man required: How single parenting made me more ambitious

Another key is helping children develop a growth mindset as opposed to one that’s fixed, said Dr. Kelly Pryde, a parenting coach from Ontario.

A fixed mindset believes that things such as skills, talents and circumstances are not really changeable — they are the way they are and there is not much we can do to change them, Pryde explained. A growth mindset, on the other hand, focuses on learning and process and knows that circumstances and abilities can change with effort, problem-solving skills and feedback from others over time.

“Single parents can help their children embrace a growth mindset by emphasizing the process over current outcomes and circumstances,” she said. “Even though things may not be the way we’d like them to be right now, we can still work towards a different outcome through goal-setting, effort, problem-solving and learning from mistakes.”

“Over time, these practices can lead to greater success in all areas of life,” Pryde added.

By Kristen Fischer

Originally published on HelloFlo.

37 Instagram Accounts That'll Make You Feel Better About #MomLife


By Liz McGrory

Instagram isn't just for pretty pictures. Whether you're in need of some inspirationadvice or a few belly laughs, look no further than our favorite #MomsOfInstagram, which we've compiled below.

1. Mommy’s Inside Voice — Amie talks about the things people probably don’t want to hear and just gets real about motherhood.

2. Ms. Rachel Hollis — Rachel Hollis shares her motherhood adventures raising four children, her hip style and lots of smiles.

3. White Coat Dreams — On Lina’s Instagram page, she goes from scrubs to beautiful outfits and makes you feel like anything is possible.

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4. Working Mom Magic — Lauren is a TV producer and blogs about the magic tricks she does as a working mom.

5. From the Bottom of My Purse — Need a laugh about motherhood? Check out these memes to tickle your funny bone!

6. I Mom So Hard — The videos Kristin and Jen make will have you rolling on the floor laughing, literally.

7. Jeané Coakley — This Emmy award-winning sports anchor shares pictures of her running, working and being a mom.

8. Natalie Crawford M.D. — This infertility doctor shares inspiration, motivation and pics of her littles.

9. Leah Darrow — Leah is a Catholic speaker, a former model of America’s Next Top Model and author sharing pics of her three cute kiddos as well as her thoughts on love, beauty and faith.

10. Kari Montgomery — Kari is a teacher and a thrift shopper showing you awesome outfits and pictures of her little one and gets real about motherhood.

11. Kids are the Worst — Anna Macfarlane doesn’t really mean kids are the worst. They just drive us crazy, that’s all. Come enjoy her motherhood ride and a few laughs.

12. Thrive Momma Elaine — Elaine McGhee shares working motherhood inspiration on Instagram along with pictures of her family, work and meal-planning tips. (Plus, she writes for Fairygodboss too!)

13. Mom*Tog — For those not in the know, #MomTog is short for mom photographer. Drew Brittol posts hers and other #MomTog pics to help you take better pictures of your kids.

14. Mom Dot Me — Club Momme’s page is filled with gut-busting meme’s that are sure to crack you up.

15. So Cal Moms — This California City Moms page shares funny memes, pics families and yummy things to make with the kiddos.

16. Womenirl — Time Inc. curates Instagram pictures of mom’s keeping it real about motherhood. This page proves we are all trying to make things work as moms.

17. Everything in Place — Allison Weigensberg is a professional organizer and a mama of three. Her page makes you feel good about organizing your home, shows yummy food and styling pictures of Weigensberg.

18. MyLifeSuckers — Deva Dalporto is keeping it real on her Instagram and YouTube channel. She shares beautiful pictures of her family and a few memes that are sure to pick you up if you’re down.

19. Days of our Shitty Lives — This page will make you feel awesome about a messy home and kids that don’t want to work with you. You are sure to release housework guilt because they prove that kids are messy!

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20. Cleaning for the Sitter — These truthful mom-centric memes will make you feel like someone gets you as a mom!

21. Sarcastic Mommy — She is just that! Plus, she’s incredibly honest. Reading her Instagram will have you nodding your head in agreement.

22. Modern Mom Probs — This NYC-based Instagram account shares the problems of modern motherhood. It’s another great meme page that will put a smile on your face.

23. Appetite for Honesty — Allison Churn shares funny memes and pics of her and her family, laughing it up about motherhood.

24. HaHa's for HooHa's — Anna Lind Thomas posts funny parenting memes and truthful videos of her motherhood experiences, and you’ll love her photo explanations.

25. Modern Mommy Madness — Harmony Hobbs shares funny pics of her kids and posts memes that show the honest, insane truths about motherhood.

26. Laughing Moms — Millennial Mom’s YouTube channel is known for parody on mom issues, and their Instagram page is no different plus they are hysterical.

27. Savannah Guthrie — The Today co-host shares pictures of her #MomLife with two boys and working-mom lifestyle.

28. RelaxingMommy — Lonneke uses humor to stay relaxed and sane and shows us how on her page.

29. Close to Classy — Jorrie describes her parenting style as Roseanne-meets-Mary Poppins, and we agree!

30. Norah O’Donnell — This CBS This Morning co-host shares how she manages her life on TV and her family.

31. Millennial Mamas — A great meme page that relates to moms born in the '80s and '90s that shares humor, inspiration and mom tips.

32. Mommy Lounge — A meme page that shares humor about parenthood and pregnancy.

33. Easytoddlerhairstyles — If you’re sick of the same old ponytail, this Instagram page will inspire you to be creative with your little girl’s hair.

34. Hilarious Babies — You may feel a bit bad laughing at these pictures and videos, but it’s all in good fun!

35. Jodie Sweetin — This Full House actor shares how she manages her TV life and motherhood.

36. Honestly Mommy — Stephanie shows you her honest take on motherhood, which we all know can be a bit funny!

More: 5 Things Our Parents Felt Zero Guilt About (& Maybe They Were Right)

37. Do It on a Dime – Kathryn shares how she’s managing motherhood and an organized life on her Instagram page and YouTube channel.

Originally published on Fairygodboss.

Why Atypical Is Not the Show We Were Hoping For


Spoiler alert! This post contains spoilers for the first season of Atypical.

When we first heard that Netflix was creating a new original show that depicts the life of a teen with autism (as well as the life of his family), we were equal parts excited that a drama was taking on such a needed challenge and worried that the show wouldn't approach the topic in a thoughtful, realistic and compelling way. After watching the first season of Netflix's Atypical, which became available in full on Friday, we have mixed feelings: The creators got a lot about autism right, but the show as a whole suffers from a lack of complexity and a lack of believability that we were craving after reading about the premise.

Here's what we loved and what we loathed about Atypical.

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We love: That this show exists

We can see why this show got the green light. Following an 18-year-old with autism through the joys and challenges of his teenage life is daring, fresh and needed. In this golden age of television, it's amazing that we are seeing so much diversity, so much depth, and so much risk-taking, especially by streaming companies like Netflix and Amazon. We are getting to experience life through the eyes of so many more people, with so many different backgrounds and stories, that it's almost an embarrassment of riches. A show that introduces a main character with an increasingly common and very misunderstood disorder is extremely welcome.

We love: Starring actor Keir Gilchrist

Keir Gilchrist, a 24-year-old Canadian actor, has a long history (for such a young performer) of playing challenging roles. After parts in United States of Tara and It’s Kind of a Funny Story, Gilchrist told Entertainment Weekly that he's not interested in playing easy characters or taking easy parts, as long as the script is good. In Atypical, he shines as Sam despite a less-than-great script. Throughout the first season, Gilchrist not only captures the real struggles of being a teenage boy and being an autistic teenager, he does it so well that you feel each second of it.

With that being said, Gilchrist does not have the best lines or stories to work with. Even though you can feel the creators trying extremely hard to avoid autism stereotypes, Sam doesn't often feel like he is more than his diagnosis. Gilchrist does his best to portray a full, complicated, deeply felt person, but he's often held back by the script: saying shocking lines and talking about penguins (like some people with autism, he is an expert on certain subjects; in his case, it's Antarctica).

We love: How the show integrates autism education

Any show that focuses on a certain disorder is in danger of sounding like an after-school special: overly educational or, even worse, making the show about the disorder, not about the story and characters. Atypical does a great job of subtly educating audiences who might not know a lot about autism. Facts and figures about autism are integrated smoothly into the script, and information about living with autism is folded in without being obstructive.

More: When Kids With Autism Reach Puberty

We loathe: The treatment of Elsa (Jennifer Jason Leigh)

OK, now onto the not-so-great stuff about the show. First and foremost, we were disappointed with the treatment of Elsa, Sam's mom. While actor Jennifer Jason Leigh does a fair job in her portrayal, Elsa's storyline is far too typical for a show called Atypical. While Sam's character is treated carefully and lovingly, Elsa's quickly slides toward stereotype: a stay-at-home mom facing a midlife crisis as her son reaches adulthood, both bored and overwhelmed with her life at the same time. She's used to putting everyone else first, sacrificing her own needs, etc., etc.

As she begins an affair, rather quickly, with a local bartender, it's hard not to roll your eyes. As the affair storyline continues, somehow managing to be clichéd and unbelievable at the same time, not rolling your eyes becomes even harder. It's difficult not to think that the show's writers simply didn't put much thought into the complexity of being a mom, even though they put a lot of thought into the complexity of being a teen.

We loathe: Easy stereotyping of other characters

Elsa is not the only character on the show that feels flat. Her husband, Doug (Michael Rapaport), is as bland as his name. He likes sports and isn't quite sure how the household runs, but he has a big heart. He also doesn't have much of an emotional capacity to connect with his son, though that evolves as the season progresses (why hasn't it evolved in the first 18 years of Sam's life? We aren't sure). Doug is clueless but well-meaning — one of the oldest dad stereotypes in the book, and one we'd like to see die along with common stereotypes about autism.

Then we have Sam's friend Zahid (Nik Dodani), who is supposed to be one of the show's sources of comedy but too often borders on South Asian nerd stereotypes. Like some of Sam's moments that are overdone or trite, Zahid's stunts often left us cringing.

We loathe: Way too many clichéd storylines

For a show that is supposed to celebrate our differences, Atypical seems in so many ways to be absolutely typical, to the point of being clichéd. Perhaps this is on purpose: to show that the lives of a family affected by autism are just like anyone else's. But the outcome is that the story feels trite and the characters feel like they are acting out situations that we've seen over and over again: The dad whose son isn't the ball player he'd imagined. The mom who wants to escape her responsibilities. The teenage boy who is clueless about girls but wants badly to see boobs. Casey (played by Brigette Lundy-Paine), Sam's sister, is a bright spot of complexity, but it's not enough to save the rest of the show. The well-acted and heartfelt scenes between Casey and Sam are great, but we don't want to wade through the rest of the show to get there.

The time for a really great show starring a character who happens to be on the spectrum is surely coming closer, but this is not it.

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Kristen Bell Gets Chris Pratt & Anna Faris' Split


Of all the marriages left in Hollywood following news of Chris Pratt and Anna Faris' divorce, it's Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard that are keeping the flag of hope propped up.

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That being said, it makes sense that Bell would get asked about her thoughts on Faris and Pratt's divorce. Not only does she have inside experience on Hollywood marriages, but she's also friendly with Pratt and Faris. She acted in an episode of Everwood with Pratt and rubbed shoulders with Faris at a 2009 event, according to Huffington Post.

For Bell's part, she gets it. Splits happen. But she doesn't think it's a reason for fans to feel heartbroken.

"I think there’s a little bit of lack of acknowledgment about really loving something that was,” Bell said in an interview with E! News. "If there are two people that decide not to be together, it shouldn’t really be a heartbreak for everyone."

She added, "You should say, 'Oh, they tried. But that doesn’t discount the lovely years they had together.' If I ever get divorced, I’m still going to be like, ’Wow, I loved being married to that man.'"

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Bell gets that it's tough. She and Shepard have been open about going to couples therapy, and Bell thinks the key to success is prioritizing her marriage.

"I don’t necessarily know that it’s ‘Hollywood’ that gets in the way," Bell said when asked about the downfall of celebrity couples. "The reality is when you’re working in this industry you’re sometimes shooting a movie in China for four months. You’re away from your family for four months. I think it’s more the separation than anything that can weigh on people."

As for Pratt and Faris, they released a joint statement saying, "we still have love for each other, will always cherish our time together and continue to have the deepest respect for one another."

The two were married for eight years and have a son, Jack.

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The reason for their split has been blamed on anything and everything from religion and fame to, yes, Jennifer Lawrence. But, let's be real, the truth is probably something more closely related to Bell's outlook. For whatever the reason, it just didn't work out.

Aaron Carter Has Moved On From Chasing Hilary Duff to Chloe Grace Moretz


Aaron Carter may have just broken up from girlfriend Madison Parker this week, but he's already, well, thirsty for a certain celebrity blonde.

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It all started earlier this week when actress Chloe Grace Moretz revealed she used to have a crush on Carter when she was younger.

"When I was 4-years-old I thought Aaron Carter was so cool," Moretz said while at Variety's Power of Young Hollywood event, according to Huffington Post. "And then my friend, when we were both little babies back in Georgia, she liked Aaron Carter, too. We used to fight about who would date Aaron Carter one day. Who knows? Maybe we’ll meet."

Whelp, Carter heard the offer loud and clear and is ready to make Moretz's childhood dream come true.

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He quickly tweeted out to her.

aaron carter chloe grace moretz tweet

aaron carter chloe grace moretz tweet

Carter's date proposition to Moretz comes on the heels of an already busy month for Carter, who recently returned to the spotlight with his new EP. Not only did he breakup with his girlfriend, but he also revealed that he's attracted to both boys and girls in an emotional Twitter message to fans.

aaron carter sexuality tweet

aaron carter sexuality tweet

We'll see if Carter's date proposition for Moretz goes over better than his attempt to rekindle things with his former flame Hilary Duff. So far, Moretz hasn't responded to Carter's tweet. That we know of. There's always direct messaging to consider.

More: Hilary Duff Is Officially Creeped Out, All Thanks to Aaron Carter

Do you think Moretz should take Carter up on his date offer?

How Scotland Is Putting Women’s Reproductive Health First


Scotland understands that menstrual products are not a luxury and have now made them available for free for low-income people who menstruate.

“A pilot scheme is a welcome step in the right direction, but we must go much further to help women and girls across the country who are facing a monthly struggle to access the products they need,” explains Monica Lennon, a member of Scottish Parliament, according to The Scotsman.

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Lennon’s statement reflects on the six-month trial that Scotland is dipping its toes in the water with. The pilot program aims to provide menstrual products to low-income women in schools and women’s and homeless shelters.

But Lennon has loftier goals. She’s proposed a blanket bill that would make menstrual products free for all women.

In the United States, a menstruating person is expected to spend about $2,500 in their lifetime on menstrual products. Currently, only some cities, New York City being one of them, offer menstrual products for free in shelters and in schools.

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Representatives, including Rep. Grace Meng of New York, are fighting to create more awareness of how much financial distress purchasing these items could be for some people and has proposed legislation that would help counter the financial burden.

“Menstrual hygiene products are not ubiquitous and cheap, despite what popular culture would have us believe,” states Meng. “Although most women use these products, many struggle to afford or access these essential items. This is unacceptable.”

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Scotland’s trial program may be the first step toward countries as a whole acknowledging how important offering free to low-cost menstrual products — and other vital health solutions — is.

By Vivian Nunez

Originally published on HelloFlo.

Olivia Wilde Speaks Out Against Events in Charlottesville, VA


In light of the horrific events in Charlottesville, Virginia, celebrities have taken hard stances against the blatant tone of Nazism and white nationalism. Olivia Wilde is one of them, sharing a picture of an essay written by her mother, who is running for Congress in Virginia.

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The events in Charlottesville involve a march on the University of Virginia’s campus Friday night, ahead of a Unite the Right rally on Saturday to forward Nazi and white supremacist ideologies. A car driving into a crowd of counterprotesters and a helicopter crash resulted in a total of three deaths and over a dozen critical injuries. President Donald Trump refused to condemn the white nationalists, saying that violence and hatred are on “many sides.”

In response, Wilde shared a picture on her Instagram that read, “Let’s stand up for the targets of the hate groups who have descended on Charlottesville. This weekend, spend money at a minority-owned business. Give generously to a charity that supports immigrants or African-Americans. Encourage law enforcement to guard the rights of everyone in the streets, including the counter-protesters and the potential victims of the alt-right. What I’m seeing is unvarnished Nazism. ‘Blood and soil’ mixed with weapons is a terrible echo of the past.”

Olivia Wilde Instagram

Olivia Wilde Instagram

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Wilde’s caption for the photo reads, “Message to the people of Charlottesville, from my mother, Leslie Cockburn, who is running for Congress in VA.”

The message is not only important to continuing the fight for human rights, it is also a call for the people of Virginia to do something about their representation in Washington. A liberal woman from Virginia, especially in the aftermath of these riots and rallies, wouldn’t just make a difference for women, but it could very well shake the core of what the government and the White House stand for right now.

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Wilde’s choice to make a difference in this time of tragedy and America’s identity crisis is an example we should all look to follow.

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