Jessica Simpson says she's lost 40 pounds
Jessica Simpson is almost back to her pre-baby weight! The singer and reality star told Katie Couric that she's on the road to health, even if it's not always easy. Jessica Simpson was pretty evasive...
View Article5 Great Vegas restaurants for foodies
Las Vegas' food scene has exploded in the past few years, bringing new and exciting restaurants with celebrity chefs and innovative ingredients and menus. With all of the astounding new restaurants...
View ArticleThe Voice vs. X Factor: Which is better?
The Voice returns to TV tonight in all its swiveling red-chaired glory, and drama is already a-brewin'. Following a last-minute scheduling switch, the show will now premiere an extra night... putting...
View Article6 Cocktails for the fashionista
Low calorie and tasty, these Fashion Week-inspired drinks are sure to hit the spot for any style-savvy diva. Fashion-inspired cocktails stylish sips for fashion week Low-calorie and tasty, these...
View ArticleMan accuses Miley Cyrus of battery
A man reportedly filed a police report after an incident at a Hollywood hotel Saturday night — it involved Cyrus and her fiance, Liam Hemsworth. Miley Cyrus had quite the weekend. Sunday morning, a man...
View ArticleNick Cassevetes' incest quote: Why celebs say stupid stuff
Everybody gets word vomit occasionally. Celebrities are not immune. They somehow forget that they are in front of a microphone, or on a camera, or surrounded by people with smartphones. Here’s why...
View ArticleEmma Watson named most dangerous celebrity
Emma Watson may seem like an unlikely suspect, but her name is involved with more viruses than any other celebrity name. Why? It might be her audience. Emma Watson, the actress who played Hermione in...
View ArticleThe New Normal gets a super-sized, heartfelt preview
The New Normal is almost here! The comedy makes its big debut Tuesday night, and NBC is giving it one final push. The network has released an extended preview that gives us a closer look at this new...
View ArticleAnderson Cooper's coming out story told with a giggle
If Anderson Cooper has always been gay, what made him decide to finally "come out" this summer? With a blush and trademark giggle, the man of the hour has explained his reasoning to Anderson Live show...
View ArticleKim Kardashian's life is harder than a cancer patient's
Kim Kardashian compares her plight to that of a teenage girl with cancer. Yes, seriously. Being famous is like, almost the exact same as having cancer. Say what? Yep, that's the ridiculously...
View ArticleTony Danza faces painful lessons in his new book
Tony Danza took a different career path in 2009 when he began his first year as a teacher in Philadelphia. In his latest book, I'd Like to Apologize to Every Teacher I Ever Had, Danza takes readers...
View ArticleNicki Minaj assures Obama she was not endorsing Romney
When Minaj rapped what sounded like an endorsement for Mitt Romney last week, many were confused. But she clarified today by sending a tweet to the president. On Sept. 2, rap fans — Democrats and...
View ArticleChristian Bale is a big softie for sick kid
Christian Bale lights up the life of 4-year-old cancer patient Jayden Barber when he flies him and his mother to Disneyland for the day. Christian Bale spent time last week in Disneyland with...
View ArticleTwilight fans will be treated to marathon in November
If a new film isn't enough for Twilight fans, now they'll be able to relive the past four years — the first four films will be played at some theaters the day before. Twilight fans knew they would get...
View ArticleAmanda Bynes pulled over, again
Amanda Bynes has apparently not learned her lesson after four accidents, a DUI and two hit-and-run charges since May. So when she was caught behind the wheel last night, why was she let go with only a...
View ArticleArrow is the hand of justice in action-packed preview
October can't get here fast enough. Next month, The CW will unleash its new action-packed series, Arrow. Based on the Green Arrow comics, this modernized take is more Jason Bourne, less Superman. The...
View ArticleCarrie Ann Inaba dances out of her engagement
It was revealed today that 44-year-old popular Dancing with the Stars judge Carrie Ann Inaba called off her engagement to 40-year-old Jesse Sloan in late summer 2012. The two were trying to have a baby...
View ArticleIs Ryan Reynolds a serial husband?
A wedding is always a happy event. But for the 35-year-old actor, his wedding Sunday to actress Blake Lively is not new territory. Now that our hearts have accepted the news that Ryan Reynolds is again...
View ArticleJessica Simpson and Sheryl Crow visit Katie on her first day
On Katie's first day, she welcomed two special guests. They talked babies, relationships and life setbacks. Today felt like Katie Couric's first day of school, and she did not disappoint. Two friends...
View ArticleNew Gossip Girl preview: "Everyone gets exposed"
Someone's getting married on Gossip Girl. The latest trailer shows a top-secret wedding — and the gossip gang wasn't invited. But since when has something like no invitations stopped them from crashing...
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