You have to start keeping track of the number of times Amanda Bynes gets in trouble in her car, because otherwise you might think you're reading the same story over and over. But this one is brand new, we promise.
Just days after the actress was charged for two hit-and-runs, she was pulled over, again! The Los Angeles Police even caught the traffic stop on video, according to E! News. She was reportedly driving without her headlights on. For most people, this wouldn't be a huge deal, but for Bynes, it just adds to the list.
Not only is she now answering to her two hit-and-run cases, but the actress will also be in court next week for an April DUI charge where she refused to take a breathalyzer test. Since Bynes has been charged, but not convicted, for the hit-and-runs, it has not been confirmed that she has had her license taken away. But according to E! News, if it hasn't already happened, it is imminent.
"The DMV would not confirm the report and Bynes' lawyer, Richard Hutton, declined to comment on her license status," said E! News. "However, Hutton did tell E! News that Bynes would not appear in court next Wednesday to answer to the DUI charge, which springs from a April 6 incident involving Bynes temporarily parking her BMW into a Sheriff's patrol car."
TMZ said that after the traffic stop last night, Bynes was given a warning and allowed to drive off. But according to law, the refusal to take a breathalyzer during her DUI stop should have resulted in an automatic one-year suspension of her license.
So why was Bynes let go? It's possible her license was reinstated or even that the officer never ran her license . Or there could be a number of other reasons for not being cited. Bynes didn't comment on Sunday night's traffic stop.