This project is as easy as it gets. All you need to do is print this calendar , place it in a frame and grab a dry erase marker! Really, it's that easy. Now choosing lunch items for your kids is less of a chore and battle and more fun!
What you'll need:
- 8 x 11-inch frame
- Printable calendar
- Dry erase marker
- Eraser
- Full-size magnet sheets
Step 1: Print calendar
Simply print this calendar in color from your nearby printer.
If you want to make this a magnetic calendar, simply print it on a full-size magnet sheet.
Step 2: Place calendar in frame
Remove the glass front of the frame and slide the calendar in.
If you need to, cut out the white edges from your print so it fits perfectly in the frame.
Slide the glass over it so you can easily write on it.
If you go the magnetic route, leave the glass off the frame so you can attach magnets.
Step 3: Write your lunch choices
Simply have your kids write out what they want for lunch, and you're done!
Easy as that! If you chose to use magnets, simply type up the lunch choices on colored boxes and then print out on a full-size magnet sheet. Cut into squares, and you're done!
Watch: How to make your own chalkboard paint
Learn how to make your own chalkboard paint.
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