Sadly, the peaceful and pretty photos of Edward and Bella in the last installment of The Twilight Saga are a far cry from real life. Robert Pattinson is definitely getting a lot of sympathy during his Cosmopolis promotional tour this week, but Kristen Stewart is still being shunned.
What's worse? Stewart's affair partner, director Rupert Sanders, will return to direct the Snow White and the Huntsman sequel. And KStew? She won't be in the sequel. The classic sexist double standard in Hollywood and, well, pretty much every industry.
At least Jodie Foster has her back.
"We've all seen the headlines at the check-out counter. 'Kristen Stewart Caught.' We've all thumbed the glossy pages here and there. 'Kris and Rob a couple?'..... But we seldom consider the childhoods we unknowingly destroy in the process," Foster wrote in an essay for The Daily Beast on Wednesday, adding that if she was young today she wouldn't be acting.
"I would quit before I started. If I had to grow up in this media culture, I don't think I could survive it emotionally. I would only hope that someone who loved me, really loved me, would put their arm around me and lead me away to safety," Foster added.
We don't expect the talk about Stewart's affair to end any time soon, especially since she and Pattinson will be on the promotional trail for the film in the coming months. At least we can look at these photos and imagine Pattinson and Stewart during happier times — and man, we're excited for this movie.