Chalkboards are no longer just for classrooms -- they've managed to find their way into homes. These erasable surfaces are multipurpose and highly functional.
How to...create your own paint
Use them to create a grocery list, document important appointments, or give them to your kids to doodle on. Once you’ve got a board, the only thing missing is the paint!
Store-bought chalkboard paint may be affordable, but the color selection is pretty limited. This is a hands-on way to create your own paint in a color of your choosing.
What you'll need:
- 1 cup of good-quality flat-finish latex wall paint
- 2 tablespoons unsanded tile grout
- Object or surface to paint
- 150-grit sandpaper
- Mixing cup or bowl
- Paint stirrer
- Paint brush
Step 1:
Measure out 1 cup of latex paint in the color of your choice. Pour into a container and add 2 tablespoons of grout . If you’re not a fan of latex paint, acrylic has been used successfully as well.
Step 2:
Use a paint stirrer to blend the paint and grout. To break up the clumps, be sure to mix it well. The paint will begin to harden once it’s mixed, and it doesn’t store, so only use what you need.
Step 3:
Apply paint with a paintbrush to the object or surface you plan to paint on. Thoroughly coat the surface to ensure complete coverage. Put a minimum of three coats down in different directions. Let dry.
Creative ways to decorate with chalkboard paint >>
Step 4:
After the surface has dried, smooth the layers with 150-grit sandpaper. Lightly rub a piece of chalk over the entire surface in order to slate and condition it. Wipe away the residue with a barely damp sponge, and you're all finished. Your custom-color chalkboard paint is ready for use!
Watch how to decorate with chalkboard paint >>
More chalk talk
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