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A conservative Republican re-enacts the 3rd Democratic debate


David Muir: Live, from Manchester, New Hampshire, this is the third Democratic debate. We know no one is watching because everyone is either at a holiday party or watching the new Star Wars movie, but that’s OK! We all know Hillary’s going to win anyways.

On to opening statements! We will do them alphabetically, because that was the best way we could figure out how to start with Sec. Clinton and make it seem like it was just us being random and fair. Sen. Clinton?

Hillary Clinton: Y’all know me, still the same HRC! I want be president so I can help grow the economy, and not just for those at the top! But also for those at the top because, well, that’s where I am and I want to stay far above you peasants for as long as I can. I’m way better than the Republicans because they want to get rid of your free healthcare, give guns to terrorists, and kill puppies. Thank you.

Martin O’Malley: Since the last debate we have been attacked by jihadi terrorists from ISIL, so I went to a mosque to ask ‘What’s up? Why are Muslims attacking Americans?’ The moms and dads and Boy Scouts and veterans at the mosque said “Because of billionaires with big mouths,” which I took to mean Donald Trump and definitely not the New Era hats because that wouldn’t make any sense at all.

Bernie Sanders: I’m Bernie Sanders and I’m not part of the establishment, unlike the one-percenter to my left (coughcoughHillary). Climate change is bad! Fossil fuel is bad! Quagmires and ISIS are bad! Feel the Bern!

More: A Republican's take on the 2nd Democratic debate

Muir: Thank you. Our first question is for Sen. Sanders. Talk to us about the DNC voter data thing that happened this week. Ramble if you like, and take as much time as you need.

Sanders: Firstly, this happened before where a firewall was dropped and we didn’t look at anyone else’s data and it was all fine. Secondly, this time when a firewall was dropped someone looked and it wasn’t fine. Thirdly, the guy who looked was fired. Fourthly we are investigating what happened. Fifthly, the DNC cut off all access to our own data, which wasn’t fine AT ALL. Sixthly, I want to work together with Sec. Clinton for an independent investigation. Seventhly, there were too many press releases on this, we instead should just work together.

Muir: But do you apologize?

Sanders: Eightly, yes, I apologize. I apologize to Sec. Clinton. I apologize to my supporters. And I apologize to the guy who I cut in front of yesterday at the deli. What can I say? I was hangry.

Muir: Sec. Clinton, do you accept his apology?

Clinton: Yes.

O’Malley: Why is no one apologizing to me?

Muir: Hush. No one knows why you are here. On to Sec. Clinton again: Pres. Obama said our country was safe from terrorists, then we were attacked in San Bernardino. Without criticizing our president, are there undetected threats we don’t know about?

Clinton: Nope, we are all good and safe. But I would keep us safer with my 3-part plan, which has a 3-part plan. All three parts are about sharing information, which we will get from the Internet. I don’t understand exactly how that technology works, but I trust we will get it and share it.

Muir: Share information with who?

Clinton: I don’t know, it just polled well to talk about sharing information if terror attacks were brought up.

Muir: Americans want to arm themselves to keep us safe from terror attacks. Are they wrong?

Clinton: Guns won’t make us safer. Arming more people isn’t the appropriate response to terrorism. We need coalitions. We need to be nicer to Muslims. We need Donald Trump to stop recruiting for ISIS. Did you know he’s made recruitment videos for ISIS? They are up on YouTube right now!

Muir: Sen. Sanders, do you think there is a proper time for racial profiling, given the warning signs people noticed regarding the San Bernardino shooters?

Sanders: Sure! If you see someone loading piles of guns into their house, call 9-1-1. But people aren’t worried about terrorists, they are worried about the top one percent! They are worried that rich people will earn all the money and there won’t be any left. And then the top one percent will just walk around with all of the money with them all of the time, and then how will the other 99% pay for things like the twitter and soda pop?

More: Google reveals 20 of the crazy questions America asked this year

Muir: Good points. Sec. Clinton, do you think Apple could give up their encryption keys to law enforcement, to allow for easier information sharing?

Clinton: I’m not going to answer this question directly because it could hurt me in the general election. What I will say is maybe the back door is the wrong door, and I’d like a collaborative project — wait, why are you all snickering? Why is everyone looking at me like that? Is it my burlap suit?

Sanders: (giggling) She said ‘the back door is the wrong door’, maybe that’s why Bill went to Monica!

Clinton: You agreed to never mention that, BERNIE.

Sanders: But you walked right into it!

Muir: Time for a break! We will now go to commercials, then awkwardly come back before Sec. Clinton has returned to her podium.

Muir: And we are back, without Sec. Clinton. So, Sen. Sanders, how come you supported ground troops to fight al Qaeda, but not ISIS?

Sanders: We don’t need to be the world’s police force. Muslim troops should spend their Muslim money to put their Muslim boots on the ground. Oh look, Hillary is back from the bathroom!

Clinton: Sorry. I told you last time, I come back when I want. This is the Hillary Rodham Clinton Show. Ok, on the ground troops thing, send our Special Operations guys in there. They don’t count as “ground forces” so I won’t be fibbing to Americans and we won’t be giving ISIS what they want. I know what ISIS wants. I’m living rent-free in their heads.

O’Malley: May I offer a different generation’s perspective on this? Ohhhhh, slam! Feel that burn? I’ve been waiting to toss out the elderly card, cause you are both so old and I’m young and nubile and —

Clinton: Can we go back to me please? I’ve only spoken for 57 percent of the debate time; it’s my turn.

Muir: Of course Sec. Clinton. We will ask Sen. Sanders how he will raise incomes for the middle class and you can jump in whenever.

Sanders: Easy, make everything free. Bam! Economy fixed.

O’Malley: I’ll raise the minimum wage to a living wage and then —

Clinton: MY TURN. People don’t want to feel like the game is rigged, so I will unrig it. Like I did for me, when I was able to use my First Ladiness to score a Senate seat in a state I didn’t even live in! Also, debt-free tuition and go see my website.

Muir: Will corporate America love a Pres. Hillary Clinton?

Clinton: Everybody should love me. Everybody. Kneel before Zod!

Muir: Sen. Sanders, same question.

Sanders: No, I don’t think they will. And Wall Street will love me even less. No one will love a Pres. Sanders. No one. I'm virtually unlovable.

O’Malley: Listen the economy is like an ecosystem, and the more people who participate —


Muir: Let’s move on to healthcare. Sec. Clinton, costs have gone up, deductibles have gone up. What’s broken, and how do you fix it?

Clinton: Meh, that stuff is all nothing but glitches. Mere startup challenges. It will all be fine. Really, it’s all fine except in red states where Republican governors won’t expand Medicaid. Stupid Republican governors. THEY are what’s wrong with healthcare, not the Affordable Care Act.

Sanders: We need a single-payer system. Healthcare should be free, it’s a right.

Muir: But how would you pay for it?

Sanders: Easy! Taxes. Just pay for free healthcare with more taxes. Like you pay for free college with more taxes. Pay for everything with more taxes!

O’Malley: I agree, higher education should be a right for every child and —


Muir: Who will raise taxes on the middle class?

Clinton: Not me.

Sanders: I might.

O’Malley: I probably will.

More: The first Democratic debate re-enacted by a Republican

Muir: And we are back from a break! Let’s move on to racial divide. How is everyone going to make the Black Lives Matter camp happier?

Clinton: We have systemic racism, especially in our justice system. We need to reform that justice system so we are arresting less black people. PROBLEM SOLVED.

O’Malley: We need the police to write more reports. I know how to fix this problem, we did a great job solving the issue in Baltimore.

Sanders: Listen, here is how we fix this problem: make all wages equal. Everyone earns the same wage, regardless of what their job is. Then, remove marijuana from the federal controlled substance schedule. High people are happy people. Finally, make all police officers be community police officers. Make them live in the community where they work, in a little box on the corner.

Muir: Now let’s rapid-fire our way through some random fluff topics, with a real one thrown in for good measure. Heroin?

Sanders: It’s the doctors fault for prescribing too much of it.

Clinton: (long rambling story that goes on forever with no actual point)

O’Malley: I’ve already done this! We need to have interventions for people the very first time they overdose, not the last time when they die.

Mod: Sec. Clinton, how much responsibility do you hold for the situation in Libya?

Clinton: PASS. I get a pass, right?

Muir: Sure! Instead, we will spend all of the remaining time discussing the role of Presidential spouses. This question is only to those on the stage who have been a Presidential spouse before: Is it time to change their role?

Clinton: I spent a lot of my First Lady time picking out china patterns and arranging flowers. As President, I will fix everything in the first six months, allowing me to still have time for these important matters. I don’t trust Bill to do it right, he’s not good with domestic things like interior design or fidelity.

Muir: Awesome answer. Now, to our closing statements, which will be in reverse-alphabetical order, allowing us to close with Sec. Clinton in the most fair-seeming way possible.

Sanders: On our worst day we have more to offer Americans than those crazy, right-wing extremists. We will bring about a political revolution; this country belongs to all of us and not just a handful of millionaires (coughcoughHillary).

O’Malley: We need to invest in our future, square our shoulders to the Republicans, and fight hard against the greatest threat to our nation in the past 100 years: climate change. Thank you and good night.

Clinton: Look, a whole lot of awesome things will happen if you elect a Republican, but the DNC said it’s my turn so you will be electing me instead. And every night I will think about every single child in our country. I won’t sleep, I will be so busy thinking about them and their futures. So thank you, good night, and I want to sound hip, so may the Force be with you.

Muir: Thus ends the 2015 primary debate schedule! We will see you in 2016, when the first Democratic debate will be held on a Sunday during NFL Playoffs, virtually guaranteeing a lower viewership than even tonight. Good night America!

How to make holiday traditions work for–not against–your family


Food traditions around the holidays are part of the glue that keep family and community bonded together. But when tradition stops serving you, it may be time to take a fresh look.

When I was growing up, our family holidays were very much centered on food. For four or five days before and after an actual holiday, there was continuous preparing and eating of food.

I absolutely love the indulgent atmosphere of the holidays and eating really wonderful, special foods. I noticed over time that the tradition became less and less about the special foods and more and more about the abundance of food. When the focus was placed on the amount of food instead of the quality of the food, the whole atmosphere of getting together and spending time with one another changed, too.

This is an example of tradition getting off track. Yes, we were still gathering around food and the making of food but the quality and sense of connection was reflected in the lackadaisical approach.

Signs your holiday food traditions have gone off track:

  1. Frozen and pre-made foods outweigh the homemade stuff.
  2. Quick and easy becomes your mantra.
  3. Very little thought or time goes into the menu and preparation.
  4. Very little family involvement goes into the making of the meal.
  5. You feel rushed.
  6. People eat and run.

Traditions are serving you and your family when:

  • Good feelings are cultivated.
  • Memories are created.
  • Laughter is shared.
  • Thoughtfulness is used.

My family had gotten off track and thoughtless about our food traditions. We mindlessly gathered, mindlessly prepared food and mindlessly ate it. As an adult reflecting back, I can see how this has effected not only my own sense of security and connection within my family but also my nieces and nephews. When you give little value to the food that nourishes your body, you are unconsciously under-valuing yourself and your family.

Tradition is important but thoughtfulness must be used. According to Psychology Today, the best traditions may be those we invent. Traditions are a reflection of your core values and teach the next generation. Take the time to discuss and decide what is important to your family. Is it time to tweak old traditions or create new? How do you want your holiday traditions to reflect important values to the next generation?

When it comes to eating not just around the holidays, here are a few tips to help bring the thoughtfulness back in:

  1. Don’t have time to make everyone’s favorite dish? Instead of making every favorite food every year, put the favorites on a rotation schedule, enjoying some one year and others the next.
  2. Share the load: delegate family members to make certain time-consuming dishes. That person can take the time and care needed because they don’t have the whole meal to concentrate on.
  3. Write a menu with the help of your family: choose one or two high quality, delicious appetizers; choose one main dish and three or four side dishes that can be focused on for quality and flavor; instead of a pie for each person, make one or two very special desserts.
  4. Include an outdoor activity: a long hike, pick-up football game or a holiday 5k.
  5. Do as much of the preparation together as possible.

These tips will not only bring the thoughtfulness back into the day, but will help to prevent a food hangover the next day.

Happy holidays: May your days be filled with joy, connection and great food!

8 simple ways to eliminate some stress from your life


We must learn to combat the stress so that our minds and bodies are strong enough to deal with the root cause of it. Relieving the stress we feel because of financial issues can give us the breathing space we need to start researching debt consolidation or other ways to minimize unnecessary expenses.

Ergonomics has been defined as “the science that studies human stress and strain related to activities.” Following these ergonomic tips can help to reduce stress in your work place and in your life:

1. Rest at home

Naturally, you know that you should get a good night’s sleep; however, many people who are under stress find sleep to be elusive. To give yourself the gift of a restful night:

  • Invest in a good mattress, one that is firm but allows you to comfortably change positions during the night

  • Sleep on your back with a pillow under your knees

  • Relax before bedtime with some chamomile tea, a good book or some meditation — and turn off all screens at least an hour before bedtime

2. Rest at work

Even when you get a good night’s sleep, it is important to give your body and mind a rest during the day. Take a break every hour (set an alarm to remind yourself) to do some stretches, walk around or chat with a friend.

3. Reduce clutter

Clutter has been scientifically proven to raise stress levels. So, to reduce the latter, reduce the former. Clean up your desk, your purse and your car. Declutter your computer desktop and the apps on your phone. It doesn’t have to be a big project. Invest five or ten minutes at the end of each day to decluttering your environment.

4. Create time

One great cause of stress for many people is a feeling (some would argue it's a reality) that there isn’t enough time for everything that needs to be accomplished. One way to create time is to start the day a few minutes earlier. While sleep is crucial, so is starting the day with a sense of calm and abundance of time. If it means setting the alarm for 10 minutes earlier, do it — and then go to bed 10 minutes earlier.

5. Take vacation time

Days off are for recharging, renewing and refreshing. Whether it is a weekend or a yearly break, take vacation time as an opportunity to disconnect from external elements and reconnect with your internal ones.

6. Hydrate

Water is linked to stress reduction. Scientific studies show that your cortisol hormone levels increase from being just half-a-liter dehydrated. Keep a large bottle of water on your desk to make hydration easy and keep the cortisol levels in balance. Aim for six to eight cups of straight water — not coffee or soda — each day.

7. Use ergonomic furniture

Color, design and comfort — these are all things we consider when buying furniture, but getting a mocha-colored chair or a latte-colored sofa will have no effect on your stress levels. Considering ergonomic furniture features will dramatically decrease your level of stress. Opt for chairs with adjustable heights, seat backs and arm rests, and use desks that accommodate both sitting and standing positions.

8. Be attentive to your posture

Here are some best practices to follow:

  • Your feet should sit flat on the floor
  • Your upper and lower legs should bend at the knee at a right angle
  • Your back should be upright and your neck straight
  • Your upper and lower arms should also be at right angles
  • Keep your wrists straight, with the fingers dangling down comfortably
  • Do not crane your head and shoulders forward to look at the computer screen — your neck isn’t designed to hold the weight

Reducing stress doesn’t have to be stressful

Sometimes, a list like this one may seem like eight more things you must get done. This is not one of those lists. In fact, reducing stress is so beneficial that doing it should be fun. Think of ways to make a game out of this. You could enlist the help of a de-stressing buddy and help each other along. You could gamify the list to give yourself a little reward for each of these eight items you complete successfully. Or do both — get a friend to do this with you and give each other small rewards for each success!

Karen Burke is the founder and president of Kare Products, specializing in active ergonomic solutions. She has 30 years experience in ergonomic product design and consulting.

5 Ways to be the best holiday guest ever



I am so guilty of this. I get an invite and am so excited that I’ve already begun planning and arranging my schedule to attend. Minor detail: I forgot to RSVP. It’s not the end of the world, but when it comes time for the host to plan a menu and know how much nog to buy, it’s helpful to have accurate numbers.

Don’t arrive empty handed

It’s just weird. We’re all adults here, and everyone has a few bucks they can pull together to bring a little something. Remember throwing a party is expensive, so bringing a little something with you, whether it’s food, wine or a small gift, is always appreciated. Here are a few quick ideas I pulled together to make you look like a party rock star.

  • Bring a bottle of wine with a wine cork gift tag. During the holidays, my go-to gift bottles are sparkling wine or red wine. Find a couple of wine corks and poke a hole through the top with a nail. Sign “To” and “From” on the corks with a sharpie, then string it onto a ribbon and tie it around the neck of the bottle. If you’re feeling crafty, there’s plenty of inspiration out there.
  • Bring a six-pack. If you know your host enjoys beer, grab her favorite kind or look for a festive winter brew. Dress up the box with store-bought adhesive bows all along one side of the six-pack — it’s quirky and fun and shows you spent the time to make it look nice.
  • Bring a cocktail and deliver the holiday spirit — literally. It can be tough to arrive with a bottle of liquor because who knows if the host has what’s needed to make a cocktail. Go the extra step and bring the ingredients with you. My go-to crowd-pleaser? Gin and tonic with bitters and lime. It’s a little fancier than the classic gin and tonic, with the bitters adding another flavor element.

Fancy gin and tonic recipe


  • 1-1/2 ounces gin
  • 1/2 ounce lime juice
  • 5 dashes Angostura bitters
  • Tonic water


  1. In a tall glass filled with ice, combine the gin, lime juice and bitters.
  2. Top it off with tonic water and give it a gentle stir with a straw before enjoying.
  3. Garnish with a lime wedge.

Fashionably late?

Let’s review what this actually means: It’s acceptable to arrive up to 20 minutes after the party's start time. Thirty minutes or more, and now you're just late — don’t be that person. And unless you’ve already spoken with the host beforehand, certainly don't show up early. That can throw off the host's schedule and prep completely.

Offer to help

Sometimes the host of the party is running around throughout the event and barely has time to enjoy herself. By offering to help, whether it’s pouring drinks or disc jockeying some tunes, the host might actually be able to relax and join the party.

Send thanks

Before you leave, obviously thank your hosts for their hospitality. If you want to take it a step further, drop a note in the mail. Not that kind of person? I totally get it. How about texting or emailing — Emily Post cover your ears — a funny pic from the party the next day with a short message? It’s quick and easy, and I can guarantee any host will love it.

Here's to a happy and fun holiday season with friends, family and loved ones.

Feel the force of this footwear — for diehard Star Wars fans only (PHOTOS)


More: 20 Star Wars products every geeky home needs

The U.K. shoe brand — known for bring some of the wackiest shoes to the high street — joined forces with Disney to create an official range of footwear to mark the release of The Force Awakens, with every style based on a Star Wars character or standout scene from the film franchise.

If you're into collecting Star Wars memorabilia or insane-looking shoes, and have a couple of hundred pounds to spare this Christmas, take your pick…

Darth Vader, £110

Darth Vader shoes
Image: Irregular Choice

Skywalker, £210

Skywalker shoes
Image: Irregular Choice

The Death Star, £275

Then Death Star shoes
Image: Irregular Choice

More: Star Wars gift guide: 35 Gifts for your Star Wars-obsessed friends

Chewbacca, £165

Chewbacca Shoes
Image: Irregular Choice

Tatooine, £225

Tatooine shoes
Image: Irregular Choice

R2D2, £275

R2D2 shoes
Image: Irregular Choice

Droids, £125

Droids shoes
Image: Irregular Choice

C3PO, £110

C3PO shoes
Image: Irregular Choice

More: 25 Out-of-this-galaxy Star Wars gifts for kids

A total stranger gives one little girl a very unexpected Christmas gift


More: The simple rule I'm following to keep my kids' gifts under control

Last weekend in Belfast City Centre, after hearing a conversation between 2-year-old Alexis Corry and her mum Roisin, a gentleman handed the toddler £100, reported Belfast Live.

Roisin said the family, including dad Andrew and 4-month-old Joel, were outside a jewellers on Lombard Street. "Alexis was walking down and she's just a typical wee girl: She saw something interesting and it caught her attention," she said. "She saw that a lady was putting a tray into the window — and it was just about at her eye level. Alexis went over to the window and she was waving at the lady saying, 'Hiya' — she was just fascinated looking at it. I just laughed and said to her: 'One day you'll cost someone a lot of money!'"

What happened next took the family by surprise.

More: Elderly widower makes heartbreaking online plea for company at Christmas

A well-dressed man wearing glasses and appearing to be in his late 40s approached the family and said, "Alexis, you put out your hand."

"He took her hand, opened it and said: 'There's some money, that's a start for you,'" said Roisin. "We said 'Thank you so much' — and he said: 'You have a lovely Christmas Alexis.'"

Roisin explained that it wasn't until the man walked away that she realised just how much money he had given her young daughter. "I'm just so humbled that anybody would do that. I think it's just incredible," she said. "I work in retail and I can see sometimes how grumpy people can be around Christmas time and to do something like that for a 2-year-old, I think it just totally overwhelmed us."

She's keen to find out who the man is so that she can thank him personally. "It just makes you believe that there are good people out there," she said. "It is just incredible — and we're now able to get her a wee bike."

More: Facebook fight erupts over Christmas present spending

How to create festive napkin holders in under 15 minutes


You can only imagine how thrilled I was when Dot & Bo’s in-house craft expert, Josue Zavala, informed me of his super-easy and extremely affordable rustic napkin holder DIY. In no more than 15 minutes, you’ll have the holiday accent of your dreams.

Take a look:

Aren’t they lovely! Here’s how to make these festive rustic napkin holders.

Image: Dot&Bo


  • Hot glue gun
  • Paper towel roll
  • Scissors
  • 1.5-inch-wide holiday ribbon (choose any festive pattern you most enjoy)


1. Measure and mark a little less than half way down your paper towel roll.

Image: Dot&Bo

2. Cut at your mark. Place the cut piece against your tube to measure a second, identical tube.

Image: Dot&Bo

3. Take your ribbon and fold down the end to make a neat, straight edge.

Image: Dot&Bo

4. Place hot glue along the folded-down edge.

Image: Dot&Bo

 5. Press one of your rolls down on the hot glue.

Image: Dot&Bo

6. Wrap the ribbon around your tube and measure about a 1/2 inch from where the ribbon meets.

Image: Dot&Bo

7. Cut the ribbon.

Image: Dot&Bo

8. Unroll your ribbon and fold down the edge that is not attached to the tube to create another clean, straight line.

Image: Dot&Bo

9. Hot glue the second edge.

Image: Dot&Bo

10. Pull the ribbon taut around tube, and then press down on the tube.

Image: Dot&Bo

That's it — you're done! These holiday accents are so easy to make it’s almost unbelievable, and they add the perfect bit of flair to any table setting. Best of all, they are extremely affordable to make. We love how they look with Dot & Bo's rustic cutlery and dishware.

Image: Dot&Bo

How do you like this simple DIY? Let us know in the comments below.

Image: Dot&Bo

Why staying together 'for the kids' could cause more harm than good


More: 7 Divorce survival tips for the holiday season

The research was carried out by ComRes on behalf of family law organisation Resolution and comes ahead of a Parliamentary launch of new advice for parents going through divorce.

One of the young people had the following advice for divorcing parents: "Don't stay together for a child's sake, better to divorce than stay together for another few years and divorce on bad terms."

Another offered reassurance that while kids of divorcing parents are likely to be very upset at the time they will often realise later on that it was the best decision.

Another issue for the young people was the extent to which they were involved in the decision-making during the divorce process.

Of the 14-22-year-olds polled, 62 percent disagreed with the statement that their parents made sure they were part of the decision-making process and 50 percent of them said they did not have any say as to which parent they would live with or where they would live.

More: Getting divorced was the best thing to happen to my dad's parenting skills

An overwhelming majority of the young people (88 percent) stressed the importance of making sure children don't feel as if they have to choose between their parents.

"This new information shows that, despite the common myth that it's better to stay together 'for the sake of the kids', most children would sooner have their parents divorce rather than remain in an unhappy relationship," said Jo Edwards, chair of Resolution. "Being exposed to conflict and uncertainty about the future are what's most damaging for children, not the fact of divorce itself. This means it is essential that parents act responsibly, to shelter their children from adult disagreements and take appropriate action to communicate with their children throughout this process, and make them feel involved in key decisions, such as where they will live after the divorce."

"Parents can involve their children by providing age appropriate and relevant information about the divorce or separation and what it means for them," advised Relate counsellor Denise Knowles. "Trying to understand children's needs will make them feel secure and loved during this difficult time. Separating parents could also consider accessing support such as individual counselling, couples counselling, family counselling and mediation."

More: 9 Books to help kids through their parents' divorce

5 Common safety threats to your pets during the holidays


If decorating with your dog is part of your holiday routine (one bark for a little to the left, two barks for a little to the right) or you're hosting friends or family with dogs, keep in mind that some of your favorite holiday must-haves could be dog-unfriendly. So, in the middle of gearing up for the most wonderful time of the year, take a few extra steps to keep your sidekick — or your best friend's sidekick — safe. It's easier than you think.

Christmas trees

We're not going to tell you to skip the Christmas tree if you celebrate Christmas, but it's worth your time to take some extra security measures to keep it from tipping. You can anchor your tree to the wall (or even the ceiling) to keep it upright (here's how). Use a ScatMat to keep pets away or place an exercise pen around the tree to avoid the issue altogether. If you go with a natural tree, make sure to vacuum or sweep up needles regularly; if mistaken for a snack, tree needles can cause mouth and stomach irritation. An added bonus of tree cleanup: You get a nice waft of that fresh pine smell every time you clean.

Tree decorations

Tinsel, popcorn strings, tree lights and ornaments are lovely to look at, but if your dog chows 'em down, they can block your pet's intestines and even infect their belly. Some of the safety measures we recommended for your tree itself also apply to your tree decorations; keeping your pet away from the tree, period, is probably your best bet. Instead of putting their present under the tree (especially if it's something fragrant like treats or a bone), keep it in a separate room until it's time to dig in — and make sure to take a video of the ensuing cuteness.

Wires, batteries and candles

Gingerbread cookie. Holiday garland. Cranberry chutney. The scent selection is — wonderfully — endless. If your decorations include candles, make sure to put them higher than any wagging tail can reach, and use candle holders to be extra-safe. Put out any flames before you leave the room. If some of your decorations include batteries, make sure they're inaccessible to dogs, because punctured batteries can cause burns to the mouth and esophagus. We know a lot of this sounds like common sense, but it can be easy to forget basics like this in the middle of a cooking and baking blitz.


You probably already know that poinsettias are toxic for dogs, but did you know holly, mistletoe and other festive holiday plants can also cause gastrointestinal upset — and even heart arrhythmia? Keep these plants out of reach, ideally in an inaccessible room to your dog, or skip them altogether. Safe and beautiful substitutes include: roses, marigolds, orchids, daisies or silk or plastic flowers. Bonus: They're just as easy on the eyes.

Candy and candy wrappers

The holidays wouldn't be the holidays without treats, right? Here's the thing: Some of the most popular stocking stuffers are a no-no for two reasons — their ingredients and their packaging. You probably already know that chocolate is toxic for dogs, but it doesn't end there: Candy — including some peppermints — often contains xylitol, an artificial sweetener that causes hypoglycemia and even liver damage in dogs. As for the wrappers themselves? They can cause bowel obstruction, so make sure to immediately throw away wrappings from candy you've enjoyed. Just because your dog can't have a candy cane doesn't mean that they have to miss out on the fun. Check out these festive holiday recipes for dogs, and pick one (or two, or three...) your dog will love.

Weekly horoscopes: Dec. 21–27














More on horoscopes

Weekly love horoscopes: Dec. 21–27


ARIES (March 20-April 19)
Image: SheKnows

You appear hell-bent on locking horns with your boss, client or supervisor this week. It's clear that this person doesn't get where you are coming from and that he wants to stick with what's tried-and-true. You know that he's on the wrong side of history and that it's because you stand for real and substantial change that he's blocking your progress. Perhaps the best way to fight for what's right is to find something about this person's position that's in agreement with your own? This way you'll build a bridge to the future rather than burn one.

Next: Taurus horoscope

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TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
Image: SheKnows

Uranus comes out of retrograde on Dec. 25. Uranus is the planet of revolution and change, and the fact that it's currently passing through the most sensitive angle of your solar horoscope means that it will impact you dramatically. Uranus out of retrograde flips the energy so that instead of feeling like you're driving up a steep hill with the brakes on, you will feel like you're careening down the other side with the pedal to the metal. Expect life to get intense and crazy through Jan. 3, but rest assured that this portends a breakthrough and not a breakdown.

Next: Gemini horoscope

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GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
Image: SheKnows

You don't like it when people get pompous, which is why you'll bring them down a peg or two when you feel like they're getting too full of themselves. However, your good-natured ribbing could blow up in your face this week when a friend or coworker snaps back. Recent breakthroughs have made this person more confident and that has brought a shift in the balance of power. You're no longer the "smarter" one, which means that you have to treat this person like an equal. It's OK in theory, but you can't help wondering if success has created a monster.

Next: Cancer horoscope

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CANCER (June 21-July 21)
Image: SheKnows

Your ego takes a downward tumble this week when you learn your that ex is getting remarried or a rival's been promoted. It will seem like everyone is doing better than you nowadays but that's simply not true. Life typically slows down during this time of year. That's because you were born in the summer, which means that your energy tends to hibernate in the winter. It will take you twice the time to accomplish half of what you want to do. Treat this period like an uphill climb — challenging yet surmountable — and you'll be fine. Lasts through Feb. 17.

Next: Leo horoscope

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LEO (July 22-Aug. 22)
Image: SheKnows

The holiday season is a time of reunions and shared memories. It's a time when we warm ourselves by the fire of Christmases past and when we celebrate the things that draw us closer together as a family. It's also a time when we revisit past slights and unresolved family "issues." It seems inevitable that loved ones will be pushing your emotional buttons, which is why you'll need to be the designated adult when a sibling or in-law begins to act out over Christmas weekend. Give her some face time, let her vent, and she should calm down soon enough.

Next: Virgo horoscope

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VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Image: SheKnows

There's good news this week when you learn that you've been relieved of a financial burden. It looks like you'll finally sell off that piece of property that's been more trouble than it's worth, a penalty will be waived or a lien will be lifted. Take advantage of the Mercury/Jupiter energy coursing through your horoscope to sketch out long-term plans. Too much time and energy has been wasted on quick-fix solutions that never panned out. You need to focus on where you want to go, and you'll quickly discover the means by which to get there.

Next: Libra horoscope

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LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Image: SheKnows

Get ready for a weeklong version of Opposite Day. At first you'll think that you're the one who's being the contrarian, but a quick glance at incoming texts and emails will show that friends and acquaintances are flaking out on their commitments and promises. The best way to deal with this type of behavior is to use some reverse psychology. Float out the hint that you may need to cancel last minute, and people will suddenly become more serious and resolute about making plans. They may even bombard you with panicky follow-up calls to make sure that you show up.

Next: Scorpio horoscope

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SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Image: SheKnows

Your success and happiness depend on your ingenuity and innovation. This is not the time to play by the old rules or to recycle familiar formulas. This is the time to pursue what you want to pursue — even if you haven't the faintest idea about how to make that happen. Help will be there when you need it. It could manifest as a valuable introduction, a tidbit of information or a ringing endorsement. But this will only work if you aim high. In fact, the more far-fetched the dream, the more likely that it will materialize.

Next: Sagittarius horoscope

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SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 -Dec. 20)
Image: SheKnows

Uranus comes out of retrograde on Dec. 25. This planet's backward motion has been wreaking havoc with your timing since July, and now that it's back on track you will see things fall into place. Your phone calls will be returned, people will show up when they say they will and money will be available when it's supposed to be. You'll also experience a surge in creativity and inspiration, which will be bolstered by an exciting series of money-making enterprises and ventures. This paves the way for 2016 when you will boldly go where no Sagittarian has gone before!

Next: Capricorn horoscope

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CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
Image: SheKnows

Pessimism is your psychic defense mechanism. If you expect the worst and get the worst, then it's a zero-sum game. But if you expect the worst and things turn out for the better, then you feel free to celebrate your good fortune — at least until you find something new to worry about. Uranus out of retrograde on Dec. 25 asks the question: What's the harm in hoping for the best? Find the courage to be cautiously optimistic, and you will see an upturn in fortunes. This revolutionary development may even give you a new outlook on life.

Next: Aquarius horoscope

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AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 17)
Image: SheKnows

Your ruling planet, Uranus, coming out of retrograde signals that your time has come and that bosses and clients will be immediately receptive to your innovative ideas. Actually, they'll probably be super-excited because Uranus is an electrifying energy. Start polishing the fine points now because the next two weeks are perfect for making that pitch, launching that endeavor or asking for funding because you will surely get it. In fact, you may want to be proactive and raise your price and/or rates just a wee bit higher than what you feel comfortable asking for. You won't be disappointed.

Next: Pisces horoscope

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PISCES (Feb. 18-March 19)
Image: SheKnows

It hasn't been easy for you to get into the holiday spirit this year. Concerns weigh heavily, and you wonder if you're really on the right path or if you even have what it takes to realize the success that you crave. You do but you won't see that now that ruling planet Jupiter is preparing to turn retrograde (Jan. 7). The best way to combat this slowdown in energy is to say yes to all invites and maybe even consider doing volunteer work at your church or community center. You process things better emotionally when you're on the go.

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Vanderpump Rules' Lala Kent makes a troubling comment about James Kennedy


Vanderpump Rules has featured a lot of questionable behavior in its four seasons, but this may be the most worrisome of all.

More: Vanderpump Rules' Kristen Doute's new boyfriend could be marriage material

New girl Lala Kent has certainly had the attention of her male co-stars, especially James Kennedy. On the show, they talked about making music together and had a makeout session. James went off to have sex with another hostess, and Kent turned her attentions to bartender Jax Taylor.

Kent did an podcast interview with thedirty's Nik Richie on which she discussed her castmates and all the drama. She denied ever dating co-star Kennedy and said that she wasn't sexually attracted to him.

Many reality shows have storylines involving love stories between people who aren't actually dating. That's not so shocking. It's what she said next that's alarming.

More: Vanderpump Rules: 9 Times James lied in one episode

Kent confessed on the podcast that Kennedy told her they had sex one night. The reason that he had to tell her is because Kent was blackout drunk and doesn't remember any of it. Kent believed Kennedy because she saw the used condom the morning after.

During the podcast, the host expressed concern about whether the sex was consensual or not. Kent waved off any worries. She explained that she knows Kennedy wouldn't take advantage of her. The host brought up the word "rape" and they debated about whether Kent had the ability to consent.

If Kent was so drunk that she can't remember what happened, then Kennedy should have backed off no matter what she may have said. It's impossible to consent to anything if you're grossly intoxicated. Chances are that he was probably intoxicated too. But I think it's a guy's job to assess the situation. If a girl is too drunk, then he needs to back off.

More: Vanderpump Rules: 6 Reasons Lala needs to stay away from Jax

There will be those who defend Kennedy by blaming Kent for being too drunk. She put herself in a vulnerable situation, but she was with a coworker and someone she's spent time with. But at the end of the day, men take the lead in sex. They are the ones who are physically penetrating and ultimately need to make the call about the situation.

Date rape is a complicated issue. But I believe if a woman needs to have a guy explain to her what happened the night before, then she wasn't in a state to say, "Yes."

Why this photo is upsetting to makeup fans


That task is even more challenging for women of color, as the diverse undertones and skin shades aren't always represented in many popular makeup brands.

More: One woman's makeup mirror almost burned down her house

Case in point: When YouTube makeup vlogger Manny Gutierrez posted a photo of the Marc Jacobs Beauty foundation line Re(marc)able, many commenters noticed the lack of shades for darker skin.



"HUGE thank you to @themarcjacobs@marcbeauty for the amazing package! I literally use this foundation at every event/ meet n greet and I love it (great for oily skin and those who want full coverage) and now I’m about to mix some colors for my perfect shade," he captioned on the photo.

More: 6 Best false eyelash sets according to a pro makeup artist

Of the 22 shades, only three are made specifically for darker skin tones — an amount that is sadly overshadowed by the 19 other shades of color for white skin.

"It's ridiculously appalling that you can find any shade of 'white' but yet three seemingly out of place colors for those who actually have pigmentation in their skin. Congrats on your paleness...," one Instagram commenter wrote.

Gutierrez later said that the hues look whiter than they should because of the frosted glass on the bottle, but that doesn't explain much.

"The bottles are frosty, yes, but it’s very, very clear that there are only 3-4 shades for POC if I’m being generous," another wrote. "Finding foundation as a black woman (or man) is incredibly difficult because of companies like this. Our skin has many different undertones and throwing 3 generic shades of brown out there and hoping for the best is unacceptable. Clearly Marc Jacobs understands undertones; he has 90 different shades of white there, but he couldn’t be bothered to make more than 3 for his black clientele?"

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And while yes, brands like Make Up For Ever, MAC and IMAN Cosmetics make hues for people of color, it's still a challenge to find an accurate match.

"I completely understand everyone’s point but not only black people go through this… I’m brown, Indian from the Caribbean and I’ve never gotten a perfect foundation match besides Lancôme. I tried Chanel, Dior, Tarte, you name it and nothing matched me so go figure," another commenter posted.

Can it really be that difficult to be inclusive of all skin colors? The technology is definitely there.

Make your acne scars invisible using makeup in 3 easy steps


For the more severe acne scarring, unfortunately, makeup cannot erase or cover texture. While silicone-based primers like Smashbox’s Photo Finish Primer Pore Minimizing can help to very slightly "fill" the indentation, they will never fully smooth it over. Because pock marks are concave, you can bring the indentation forward a little by placing a concealer one shade lighter on it, however, this is time consuming and best left to the pros.

Make your acne scars invisible
Image: Ivy Boyd/SheKnows

Today I’m going to show you how to cover a dark acne scar. If you have very fair skin or a yellow or olive undertone, you may find that you are particularly susceptible to scarring and hyperpigmentation (aren’t we blessed?). If you wear foundation, I recommend applying that first and then proceeding with the following steps.

Step 1: Apply concealer in opposite color

Make your acne scars invisible: Step 1
Image: Ivy Boyd/SheKnows

The first step is to neutralize the dark pigmentation. We are going to do that with the opposite color. I am using yellow to neutralize the purple/red tone of my post-blemish mark. I am using NARS Concealer in Pear. Make sure to only place this directly on the dark spot. Use a brush for precision and then blend by lightly tapping with your finger.

More: Adult acne: What to do when your skin still thinks you're a teen

Step 2: Apply concealer in your skin tone

Make your acne scars invisible: Step 2
Image: Ivy Boyd/SheKnows

Next, use a concealer that matches your skin tone and dot a tiny amount directly onto the mark. If you choose a shade that is lighter, it will only highlight the spot, basically saying, “Hey! Look at this!” Use a brush or your finger to lightly blend out. One of my top favorite concealers that has unrivaled coverage is Urban Decay’s Naked Skin Weightless Complete Coverage Concealer.

Step 3: Apply translucent powder

Make your acne scars invisible: Step 3
Image: Ivy Boyd/SheKnows

Now that you’ve neutralized and concealed, we need to set. Using a small brush, lightly tap a translucent setting powder on top. I am using Tarte Smooth Operator, one of my favorites.

Make your acne scars invisible: Finished
Image: Ivy Boyd/SheKnows

Now, what scar, girl? No one has to know but you. Now let's try to keep our hands off our spots the next time one pops up.

Belfast house proves you can't judge a home by its cover (PHOTOS)


More: Man surprises wife with incredible laundry room renovation (PHOTOS)

However, when you look inside it’s a different story altogether. Hidden behind the nondescript red brick exterior lies an ultra-modern layout that wouldn’t look out of place in a New York loft apartment.

On the ground floor, all the internal walls have been removed to create a huge open-plan living space with exposed metal beams, reports Belfast Live.

Belfast house with amazing interior
Image: PropertyPal.com

The kitchen at the rear has been extended, complete with an attractive centre island, making it perfect for entertaining.

Belfast house with amazing interior
Image: PropertyPal.com

The interior is clean and minimalist — ready for the new owner to make it their own.

Belfast house with amazing interior
Image: PropertyPal.com

More: Couple turns bus into cozy, tiny home for two (PHOTOS)

Exposed brick walls add to the contemporary American warehouse style of the property.

Belfast house with amazing interior
Image: PropertyPal.com

The bathroom is so enormous the suite looks positively tiny.

Belfast house with amazing interior
Image: PropertyPal.com

The price tag on this three-bedroom house is around £249,950 — a fraction of what you’d pay for the real thing in NYC.

More: Woman turns her parents' home into a real-life gingerbread house (PHOTOS)

American Ninja Warrior teases extreme details about spinoff show (VIDEO)


More: Nastia Liukin to American Ninja Warrior’s Kacy Catanzaro: No, you're an inspiration to me!

In the video, executive producers Brian Richardson and Kent Weed showcase the new course and why it's like nothing we've ever seen before on television.

"The course is very unique because [it is] dual obstacles," Weed explained.

"We designed some of the obstacles so people are literally going to be shoulder-to-shoulder and elbow-to-elbow," Richardson adds in the clip. "This is nothing like people have ever seen before."

And there is no doubt that the obstacles are going to be intense.

More: Is Ninja Warrior UK the show Gladiators fans have been waiting for?

Much like its sister show American Ninja Warrior, competitors will be trying to complete the challenges in as little time as possible. The course will test speed, agility, skill and strategy.

In Season 7, Isaac Caldiero was named the first American Ninja Warrior, and the show has been renewed for Season 8, which is expected to premiere in summer 2016.

As for Team Ninja Warrior, the competitors, no doubt, will seem even more superhuman because they will be completing stunts alongside another player. They will be racing not only the clock but one another.

And the spinoff show is bringing back prior contestants, who will make up the 24 teams of three, according to Deadline.

More: 15 Secrets fitness coaches know about motivation and perseverance

Maybe Caldiero won't be so superhuman when he's stuck elbow-to-elbow with another contestant. Though we highly doubt it, it'll definitely be worth the watch to find out.

Check out the sneak peek video of the course below.

Team Ninja Warrior sneak peek

Team Ninja Warrior sneak peek

Season 1 of Team Ninja Warrior will be eight episodes and will premiere Jan. 19 on Esquire Network.

Will you watch American Ninja Warriors' new spinoff series?

21 Sex moves you don't have to be a contortionist to pull off


1. Get stoked

Sexy moments can strike when you least expect them. So seize the chance to spice up a night on the couch. "Have him use his fingertips to slowly, gently caress your skin," suggests sex therapist Gloria Brame, Ph.D. "The light, sensual touch creates a tingling sensation that will wake up your body while also relaxing you for sex."

2. Keep your panties on

Back in high school, you probably had rules for how far you'd go: under the shirt, over the pants, and so on. Well, the teenage you was on to something. "It can be pleasurable torture to play with each other over your underwear, teasing and stroking through the fabric," says sex coach Patti Britton, Ph.D. "You're building up the anticipation, so when you finally do have skin-on-skin contact, it'll be that much more explosive and exciting."

More: 10 positions for mind-blowing orgasms

3. Make circles

Let's be honest: Most guys are just grateful to be getting a blow job. But that's no excuse to rest on your laurels. Rather than simply moving up and down, use your tongue to slowly wind around his member. "Swirl up the shaft with the tip of your tongue. When you're at the top, slide your whole mouth down and then up, with a sucking motion," suggests sex therapist Carole Altman, Ph.D., author of Don't Have Sex Again Until You Read This Book

4. Give barely-there kisses

Rather than simply making a beeline for his below-the-belt region, create a slow burn with featherlight kisses. Start by kissing his eyelashes, then the corner of his mouth, his jaw, and his collarbone. Next, kiss his nipples, under his pecs, and down along his treasure trail and over to one hip bone, then the other. "You're building up anticipation as you make that slow, seductive crawl," says Altman. "And the randomness of your kisses keeps his nerves on high alert as his brain and body try to figure out where you're going next."

5. Bend it better

For greater stimulation in missionary position, try this: "Hook your knees over your guy's shoulders," suggests Britton. "The angle puts more pressure on the clitoris, giving you a better chance of achieving orgasm." Clench your butt and lift your pelvis to create more friction and make your climactic moment even more mind-blowing.

More: 6 Ways to use heat during sex that have nothing to do with candles

6. Get a little rough

Give a jolt during sex by gently nipping your partner's shoulders or earlobe. "When you're in the heat of passion, you may go more into your head than your body," explains Brame. "A little pain snaps you both back to the moment."

7. Sit up tall

You love you-on-top because you can control the speed, angle, and motion; he loves you-on-top because he can just lie back and watch. But what lazybones might not realize is that sitting up can enhance his pleasure even more. "Not only can you both do more with your arms and hands, but the sex is also more intimate with your torsos pressed together," says Britton.

More: The best time to have sex if you want a mind-blowing orgasm

8. Guess what's next

A little unpredictability during sex can make the experience even more intense for you. "While in missionary, have him tease you by mixing up his movements: slipping in just a little, going in halfway, and thrusting deeply, in random order," suggests Britton. It's his call what sequence he moves in: two short strokes followed by a long one, three deep ones in a row followed by two quick teases...you get the point.

9. Show off

Although your inner bad girl may get off on the idea of being caught in the act, the real you may not feel right about sneaking off to a bar bathroom. But you can feed any secret exhibitionist appetites by doing the deed in front of a window with the lights out. "Stand up against the window, facing out, and have him take you from behind," says Britton. You'll get a rush from just the possibility of being watched.

More: 27 Things every woman should know about sex

10. Blow hot air

No matter what position you're in, you can enhance the experience by gently exhaling on each other's skin. "You're already feeling pleasure in your genitals, but this move adds soft, steamy heat to other sensitive areas like your neck, your nipples, or the inside of your wrists, giving you tingles from head to toe," says Britton.

Next page: 11 more sexy moves for the bedroom >>


11. Find a new angle

"In order to orgasm from oral sex, you need him to use consistent, steady strokes," explains Britton. "The easiest way for him to do that is by licking up and down." But you're more likely to orgasm when his tongue is running across your clitoris. The solution: Have him situate himself perpendicular to you (in a "T" shape), lying on his side. He'll be able to work his tongue more easily, at an angle that's optimal for your pleasure.

12. Buzz away

Put a spin on oral sex by getting a third party in on the action - a sex toy. "While he's pleasuring you, have him lay a vibrating bullet against his cheek," suggests Olivia St. Claire, author of 302 Advanced Techniques for Driving a Man Wild in Bed. "It creates a hum that's not too intense, thanks to the buffering effect of his skin." Of course, this move also works equally well when you do it for him, so be generous and give back.

More: 8 Ways to orgasm without sex

13. Work your muscles

You can put an extra-special twist on intercourse just by clenching your pubococcygeus muscle (the same muscle you use to stop and start the flow when you're peeing). "As he enters you, squeeze the muscle tight around him and then let go as more of his length moves in," says St. Claire. "Squeeze again as he pulls almost out. Then repeat with each thrust." This creates a tight pressure around his penis, as though you're massaging it. The benefit for you: Your clenching motion creates pleasurable tension in your G spot and clitoris, making orgasm easier to achieve - and more explosive.

14. Don't take it all off

Who doesn't love getting naked? Still, there's something so primal about clothes-on sex. While wearing a skirt or dress, get on the edge of the bed on your hands and knees. He unzips his pants, lifts your skirt, and has his way with you. "It's a spontaneous, must-have-you-now move," says Britton.

15. Anchor him

Try this hands-on approach to increasing sensation for him during intercourse: Form a ring with two fingers and your thumb and gently hold down the skin at the base of his penis. "Pulling his loose skin taut brings the nerve endings closer to the surface, making him more sensitive," explains St. Claire.

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16. Squat instead of straddle

Here's another way to make you-on-top more interesting: Squat over your man rather than straddling him. "By supporting yourself on your feet, you get better ease of motion," explains St. Claire. "You can bounce higher and have more control of your movements, so your pleasure is intensified, and he can go in deeper, creating new sensations on the tip and around the base."

17. Tighten up (or loosen up)

There are a million ways to adjust to achieve the perfect, er, fit. "If you want more friction during missionary, slide your legs together so that they're between his," suggests Brame. "You'll have to start out with your legs flat on the bed, outside of his." For deeper penetration, spread your legs wider with your knees up.

18. Give a tug

When it comes to his below-the-belt area, you're probably more focused on the star than the supporting players. But you can make sex a heightened experience for him by stroking his testicles. "Softly massaging the area increases blood flow to his pelvic region, increasing his arousal and sensitivity," says Brame. "Then, as he's about to orgasm, gently tug on the loose skin around the 'boys' to amplify his big finish."

More: The pressure to act like a porn star in bed is ruining sex

19. Grab hold

Call him your prisoner of love and he'll laugh. But pin him to the bed and he'll know you mean business. "You can take a fun and playful approach to the whole domination thing by pinning his hands down while you're on top," says Brame. "It's a delicious tease because all he wants to do is touch you, and you're not allowing it." Of course, if you'd prefer that he take control, just ask!

20. Go neck and neck

You already know that your man's neck is a sensitive spot — his little shivers and moans when you nibble at his throat should clue you in. Still, there are a few nooks that will elicit even more of a "yowza!" reaction. "The line that runs from behind his ear down to the crook where his neck meets his shoulder is especially sensitive," says Britton. "You can lightly kiss other lesser-known hot spots as well, like along his jawbone and even the back of his neck."

21. Tickle him

He may think he's seen every trick in the book, but show him you're still full of surprises with this oral sex move: While down south, slip your finger into your mouth and stroke him. "The unexpected texture makes it a pleasurable treat for him," explains St. Claire. The creativity alone will give him a rush since it's something he's probably never experienced before.

Reprinted with Permission of Hearst Communications, Inc. Originally Published: 21 Little Sex Moves That Will Rock Your World (and His!)

Farrah Abraham causes backlash after branding her daughter 'selfish'


More: Farrah Abraham's retaliation to her co-stars' dis makes things much worse

The controversial Teen Mom OG star is taking a lot of hate on social media after the release of the latest promo for the show's upcoming season. In the video, Abraham can be seen struggling to control her daughter Sophia.

The promo shows clips of all the teen moms, but Sophia is front and center, filmed sticking her tongue out at people, hitting her mom and throwing trash around a room. Abraham's mom can be heard expressing her displeasure at Sophia's antics — "She's sticking her tongue out at me," she tells Abraham in a frustrated tone — but it's Abraham's own way of handling Sophia's misbehavior that's attracting flak.

"Sometimes you're immature, and you're selfish, and you don't think about other people but yourself," Abraham tells her daughter during the spot.

More: Farrah Abraham shares sickening details of alleged rape by James Deen

Those are pretty harsh words, and Twitter isn't going to let Abraham get away with talking to Sophia that way. Followers have been tweeting at Abraham since the promo went live, criticizing her parenting.

Twitter bashes Farrah Abraham's parenting 1

Twitter bashes Farrah Abraham's parenting 1

"terrible mother terrible person raising a terrible kid. It's gna [sic] bite her in the ass when Sophia is older," one follower wrote. Another added, "No-one more trashy and pathetic than you. @CatelynnLowell leaves you in the dust when it comes to parenting."

Twitter bashes Farrah Abraham's parenting 2

Twitter bashes Farrah Abraham's parenting 2

And of course, Abraham's sex tape came up in criticism of her parenting.

Twitter bashes Farrah Abraham's parenting 3

Twitter bashes Farrah Abraham's parenting 3

More: Farrah Abraham's career takes a huge, unexpected turn

Do you think Farrah Abraham deserves so much hate for what she said to Sophia? Head down to the comments and let us know where you stand.

Gavin Rossdale slyly tries to avoid questions about cheating scandal (PHOTO)


Rossdale tweeted like nothing ever happened — like he did not just get dumped by America's sweetheart Gwen Stefani in the most public of ways for cheating on her with their nanny, like Stefani has not been getting her revenge by carrying on a very public romance with her The Voice co-coach Blake Shelton, like nothing ever happened.

More: 6 Reasons why Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani make an adorable couple

Did he post a pic of him canoodling with said nanny, Mindy Mann? No. Of the moving van hauling his stuff away to a new bachelor pad? No. Of his tears dropping into a bowl of glycerin? Nope.

It was a football game.

More: Gwen Stefani calls Gavin Rossdale divorce a "horrible, crazy explosion"

Gavin Rossdale football tweet

Gavin Rossdale football tweet

More: Gavin Rossdale was reportedly a chick magnet at a recent event

Rossdale appeared to be at a Seattle Seahawks game with several friends, two men and one woman (who did not appear to be the scarlet nanny).

While most Twitter responses were supportive and happy to see him back, a few were, shall we say, a little less so.

More: Gwen Stefani performs an emotional ode to her ex in front of Blake Shelton (VIDEO)

Gavin Rossdale twitter responses

Gavin Rossdale twitter responses

More: Gwen Stefani and Black Shelton caught looking crazy in love (PHOTO)

Stefani and Rossdale announced their split last autumn. Rumors quickly surfaced that the marriage imploded after he was busted having an affair with the couple's nanny when another employee found explicit messages between the two on the family's iPad. The nanny was fired, but the damage was already done: the rock 'n' roll royal couple was dunzo.

More: Gwen Stefani's marriage to Gavin Rossdale was literally making her sick

Boozy doughnut hole tree is what grownups want on Christmas morning (VIDEO)


This brunch treat looks impressive, but it's ridiculously easy to make. All you do is whip up your filling, pipe it into the doughnut holes and attach to a Styrofoam tree with toothpicks.

If you're making this ahead of time, be sure to keep chilled until you're ready to serve. And if this recipe isn't boozy enough for you, by all means, bump that alcohol up to 2 tablespoons.

More: 21 Edible Christmas trees that make your appetizer spread way more impressive

Boozy doughnut hole Christmas tree recipe

Ingredients and supplies:

  • 80 powdered sugar doughnut holes
  • 1 cup whipped cream
  • 2 teaspoons bourbon
  • 1 teaspoon orange zest
  • 1/3 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Toothpicks
  • Styrofoam cone


  1. In a stand mixer, combine whipped cream, bourbon, orange zest, powdered sugar and vanilla until soft peaks are formed.
  2. With a small, long frosting tip and a piping bag, fill each doughnut hole with the boozy whipped cream.
  3. Place toothpick in Styrofoam cone and place doughnut hole on toothpick.

More: 12 Holiday cocktails that will make it the hap-happiest season of all

10 Reasons women's restrooms are the worst places on Earth (GIFs)


1. The lines

Image: Giphy

Why is there always a line for the bathroom? It cannot be possible that women have tiny teacup bladders so dainty and petite that there is constant demand. I know for a fact that in a pee camel contest with my husband, I can always hold it longer — so this can't be biological. Still, the lines grow and grow, and for some reason, all of the people queuing up seem to have a serious aversion to keeping the door open, so we're all forced to pack in like sardines between the useless tampon disposer thingy and the diaper changing station. Of course, someone's there for big potties, and they're discreetly relieving pressure, so that plus the body odor of 20-plus chihuahua-bladdered adult women is enough to cause someone to pass out.

2. Automatic toilets

Image: Giphy

Automatic toilets are wonderful creations and, unlike your average toddler or adorable elderly person, I'm familiar enough with them to not freak out when they go off. The only thing about them is this: People seem to have gotten into their minds that the sensors on these bad boys are infallible things, and they can therefore leave their emissions or whatever just chilling in the bowl like the world's most unspeakable party beverage because the magical toilet will take care of the rest. It will not. And if you are the type of person to not glance over your shoulder for just one blessed moment after you take a messy dump in the Wal-Mart loo, just to make sure the slate had been wiped clean, you are an awful person and probably not even your mom likes you.

3. That crap they spray on the doors

Image: Giphy

Nothing is worse than having to use the bathroom immediately, only to rush into the stall, slam the door shut, and have your fingers slide off of the latchy-claspy thing over and over again like some cosmic joke because the stall doors are made of stainless steel and apparently, only a mixture of emulsified whale blubber and lemon Pledge can keep it clean.

More: Little boys allegedly banned from women's restroom

4. Squatters

Image: Giphy

People don't like to sit on public toilets. Fine. Just do us a favor: If, in place of a normal human urethra you have an industrial sprinkler head down there, maybe grab a square or two of toilet paper and give the place you just peed all over the old once-over, hmm?

5. Multiple years of ingrained conditioning about what is and isn't ladylike

Image: Giphy

Ladies, in the bathroom, please take care of business. It's a bathroom, not a first date in a smart car with no A/C on a midsummer's day in Dallas. Let loose. We all know what you're there to do, so there's no need to wait for the entire place to clear out before you finally feel comfortable enough to poot or foofoo or whatever you're going to call it. We would see less of number one if everyone just stopped trying to pretend not to go to the bathroom in the bathroom.

6. Peepers

Image: Giphy

Hey. Sometimes, you gotta take your kid into the bathroom with you. Sometimes, they are little dude-children. Cool. Just, first, maybe go over a little bathroom etiquette so that there's no chance they will stick their entire faces up through the gap between stalls and attempt to begin a conversation about which Skylander is my favorite (Lava Barf Eruptor, no question) before attempting to wiggle their entire person over because they see an M&M near the base of the toilet.

More: Does the toilet seat hover actually protect us from bacteria?

7. The acoustics

Image: Giphy

I don't mind the regular bathroom noises. No, I'm not squeamish. What I do mind is the lady three stalls over having a phone conversation about Stacey from work and her god-awful kinetic unicorn statue at FIVE HUNDRED DECIBELS when all I'm trying to do is poo in relative peace.

8. Any and all things related to "feminine hygiene"

Image: Giphy

Again. Not squeamish. But could we maybe have tampons in the dispenser once in a while? And maybe when we put them in there we find ones that aren't apparently made of hand-hammered steel and carbon fiber? Or pads that are maybe a little bit smaller than extra long twin-sized mattresses? Especially if they're 50 f***ing cents, because who even has quarters on their person anymore? And maybe we could also empty those little trashcan doo-dads stuck to the cubicle wall before Jesus comes again?

More: #ItWasNeverADress bathroom sign is a girl power game changer

9. The sinks, reimagined as a personal f***ing vanity setup

Image: Giphy

Ladies. Why, oh why, do you want to balance your very expensive looking clutch on a soap-and-water-soaked sliver of porcelain while you undertake what appears to be your entire skin-and-beauty care regimen? Surely there are more comfortable places for you to floss/reapply lipstick/do cocaine. While we're at it, standing in front of the sink touching your hair very purposefully for 15 minutes is not the same thing as actually washing your hands.

10. That crap they spray in the air

Image: Giphy

Hey, you know what smells way better than the collective vapors of everyone's business? The collective vapors of everyone's business blanketed in the soft cloying odeur of lily-of-the-valley and strawberries. Just kidding. That smells awful.

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